Swiftpack.co - rkreutz/PasswordGeneratorKit as Swift Package

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rkreutz/PasswordGeneratorKit 4.2.0
A password generator for Swift
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🕓 47 weeks ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/rkreutz/PasswordGeneratorKit.git", from: "4.2.0")


Swift 5.2 Swift Package Manager License: MIT GitHub tag Run Tests

As the name implies, this is a Swift Package that generates passwords pseudo-randomically deriving from a master password and some other inputs.


To use a PasswordGenerator you must specify a MasterPasswordProvider, which will be responsible for providing the master password from which the final password will be generated from. String by default conforms to MasterPasswordProvider by returning itself as the master password. You may optionally provide some extra configuration related to the entropy generator: you may use a PBKDF2 based entropy generator, providing an optional amount of iterations; or you may use a Argon2 based entropy generator, providing optional iterations, memory cost and threads. Both entropy generators support also the amount of bytes that should be generated.

let passwordGenerator = PasswordGenerator(
    masterPasswordProvider: "masterPassword",
    entropyGenerator: .pbkdf2(iterations: 1_000),
    bytes: 24

// OR

let passwordGenerator = PasswordGenerator(
    masterPasswordProvider: "masterPassword",
    entropyGenerator: .argon2(iterations: 3, memory: 16_384, threads: 1),
    bytes: 24

With the created password generator you can generate passwords through the provided methods which expects some inputs that will be used as a salt on the underlying entropy generator.

// Generates a password using a salt based on an username (email, username, ...), domain (website domain) and seed (user defined number).
func generatePassword(username: String, domain: String, seed: Int, rules: Set<PasswordRule>) throws -> String

// Generates a password using a salt based on a service (Bank account, card pin, ...)
func generatePassword(service: String, rules: Set<PasswordRule>) throws -> String

// Generates a password using the provided salt
func generatePassword(salt: String, rules: Set<PasswordRule>) throws -> String

All the methods expect a Set of PasswordRules:

enum PasswordRule {

    // Specifies that the generated password must contain a minimum number of characters in the provided character set
    case mustContain(characterSet: String, atLeast: UInt)
    // The length of the generated password
    case length(UInt)

Have in mind that the Set<PasswordRule> must contain a .length case and at least one .mustContain case.

You may use PasswordRule.defaultRules which comprimises a union of PasswordRule.defaultCharacterSet (minimum of 1 special character, decimal character, uppercase character and lowercase character) and PasswordRule.defaultLength (length of 16 characters).

In the end you would have something like this:

let generator = PasswordGenerator(masterPasswordProvider: "masterPassword")

let generatedPassword = try generator.generatePassword(
    username: "rkreutz",
    domain: "github.com",
    seed: 1,
    rules: PasswordRule.defaultRules

print(generatedPassword) // L5bnoSNxy5OZ_6LE     -> Don't even bother this is not my password 😂


  • You can further tweak the entropy generators so they take less or more time to generate entropy. The longer it takes, the better it is on a security level perspective, but at the same time it degrades user experience.
  • The number of bytes will affect how many characters the password generator will be able to randomize before starting to repeat itself (entropy), so if you get to a point where the generated password has several trailing characters that are the same, most likely you need more bytes being generated by your entropy source. 24 should be enough for up to 32 characters long passwords.


There is a CLI for using the password generator, you can easily download it from the latest Release or compile it locally with:

swift build --configuration release


> password-generator --help (master) 
OVERVIEW: Deterministic password generator.

A password generator which will detereministically generate random passwords.
Will always generate the same passwords given the same input.

USAGE: password-generator <subcommand>

  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.


> password-generator salt-based --help
USAGE: password-generator salt-based <options>

  -s, --salt <salt>       The salt to be used 
  --entropy-source <entropy-source>
                          The entropy source to be used (default: pbkdf2)
  -i, --iterations <iterations>
                          The number of iterations to be used by the entropy source (default: 1000)
  -m, --memory <memory>   The memory cost in kilobytes to be used by Argon2 entropy source. Ignored if using PBKDF2 (default: 16384)
  -t, --threads <threads> The number of threads to be used by Argon2 entropy source. Ignored if using PBKDF2 (default: 1)
  --entropy <entropy>     The size in bytes of the generated entropy (default: 64)
  -p, --master-password <master-password>
                          The master password to be used 
  -l, --length <length>   The length in characters of the generated password (default: 16)
                          The charactes that must be used in the generated password, at least one must be specified. Any combinations of the flags may be specified and this
                          will be defined as having at least one character of that character set 
  -v, --verbose           Prints extra info in the terminal 
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.
 > password-generator domain-based --help
SAGE: password-generator domain-based <options>

  -u, --username <username>
                          The username to which this password generator is used for, e.g. an email 
  -d, --domain <domain>   The domain to which this password generator is used for, e.g. a website 
  -s, --seed <seed>       The seed to be used (default: 1)
  --entropy-source <entropy-source>
                          The entropy source to be used (default: pbkdf2)
  -i, --iterations <iterations>
                          The number of iterations to be used by the entropy source (default: 1000)
  -m, --memory <memory>   The memory cost in kilobytes to be used by Argon2 entropy source. Ignored if using PBKDF2 (default: 16384)
  -t, --threads <threads> The number of threads to be used by Argon2 entropy source. Ignored if using PBKDF2 (default: 1)
  --entropy <entropy>     The size in bytes of the generated entropy (default: 64)
  -p, --master-password <master-password>
                          The master password to be used 
  -l, --length <length>   The length in characters of the generated password (default: 16)
                          The charactes that must be used in the generated password, at least one must be specified. Any combinations of the flags may be specified and this
                          will be defined as having at least one character of that character set 
  -v, --verbose           Prints extra info in the terminal 
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.
 > password-generator service-based --help
USAGE: password-generator service-based <options>

  -s, --service <service> The service to which this password generator is used for, e.g. a bank account 
  --entropy-source <entropy-source>
                          The entropy source to be used (default: pbkdf2)
  -i, --iterations <iterations>
                          The number of iterations to be used by the entropy source (default: 1000)
  -m, --memory <memory>   The memory cost in kilobytes to be used by Argon2 entropy source. Ignored if using PBKDF2 (default: 16384)
  -t, --threads <threads> The number of threads to be used by Argon2 entropy source. Ignored if using PBKDF2 (default: 1)
  --entropy <entropy>     The size in bytes of the generated entropy (default: 64)
  -p, --master-password <master-password>
                          The master password to be used 
  -l, --length <length>   The length in characters of the generated password (default: 16)
                          The charactes that must be used in the generated password, at least one must be specified. Any combinations of the flags may be specified and this
                          will be defined as having at least one character of that character set 
  -v, --verbose           Prints extra info in the terminal 
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.


Using Swift Package Manager

Add PasswordGeneratorKit as a dependency to your Package.swift file. For more information, see the Swift Package Manager documentation.

.package(url: "https://github.com/rkreutz/PasswordGeneratorKit", from: "4.1.0")

Help & Feedback

  • Open an issue if you need help, if you found a bug, or if you want to discuss a feature request.
  • Open a PR if you want to make some change to PasswordGeneratorKit.


Stars: 0
Last commit: 47 weeks ago
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Release Notes

47 weeks ago

Adding a method to profile password generation with different parameters.

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