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reuschj/Percent 1.0.1
Holds a percentage as a value.
⭐️ 1
🕓 2 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/reuschj/Percent.git", from: "1.0.1")


The Percent type stores a value representing a percent (over 100). Normally, we would need to use decimals for calculations involving percents. However, decimals could be confused for absolute values. Let's look at this example:

let container: Double = 40
let widthScale: Double = 0.5
let width: Double = container * widthScale // 20

In the example above, we may not set an absolute value for something that should be a certain percent of some other value, so we could represent this with a decimal, but it's unclear if 0.5 means the absolute value is 0.5 or 50%.

Enter, Percent, which makes the intention more clear:

let container: Double = 40
let widthScale = Percent(50)
let width: Double = container * widthScale // 20

So, we can use it the same way, but now the intention is very clear.


Percent is initiated in any one of several different ways:

// By entering the percent (the number that gives you the decimal value when divided by 100)
let widthScale01 = Percent(50) // 50%

// By entering the decimal value
let widthScale02 = Percent(decimal: 0.5) // 50%

// By entering a string (Note that this produce an Optional, since you could enter an invalid value that will fail)
let widthScale03 = Percent("50%") // Optional(50%)
let widthScale04 = Percent("50") // Optional(50%) <-- This works too
let widthScale05 = Percent("fifty percent") // nil <-- Sorry, this doesn't work

// By entering a numerator and denominator
let widthScale06 = Percent(1, over: 2) // 50%

// By entering a one over denominator
let widthScale07 = Percent(oneOver: 2) // 50%

A Percent is CustomStringConvertible so will represent itself as a string in the form of "50%" or "25%".

You may notice the types PercentDouble and DecimalDouble. Both are just type aliases for Double and can be used interchangeably with Double. PercentDouble should indicate that the number should be a percent (over 100) and DecimalDouble should indicate that the number should be a decimal (over 1). For example, 50% is 50 as a PercentDouble, but 0.5 as a DecimalDouble.

Constraining to minimum and/or maximum

You can also set an optional minimum and/or maximum value to constrain to. These are purely optional, but may be useful if receiving the percent as input and want to set an allowable range. For example:

// Assume `input` is a `DecimalDouble` we are getting from input. It could be anything, and may be out of our acceptable bounds.

// Let's constrain the input to be within 0% to 100%... if under, it will snap to the minimum. If over, it will snap to the maximum.
let percent01 = Percent(decimal: input, minimum: 0, maximum: 100)

// In this case, we'll only set a minimum, but won't set any upper bounds.
let percent02 = Percent(decimal: input, minimum: 0)

// In this case, we'll only set a maximum, but won't set any lower bounds.
let percent03 = Percent(decimal: input, maximum: 100)

// Omitting both minimum and maximum will allow any value we get from input
let percent04 = Percent(decimal: input)

Percent comparison

A Percent is Equatable and Comparable and be compared with any other Percent.

let percent01 = Percent(50)
let percent02 = Percent(50)
let percent03 = Percent(25)

print(percent01 == percent02) // true
print(percent01 == percent03) // false
print(percent01 >= percent02) // true
print(percent01 > percent03) // true

A Percent can be compared to a DecimalDouble:

let percent01 = Percent(50)

print(percent01 >= 0.5) // true
print(percent01 > 0.3) // false
print(percent01 < 0.75) // true

Note that this will not work:

print(percent01 == 0.5) // false

This is because they effectively have the same value, but aren't the same type. So, this can't be checked with the == operator, since that would imply them to be the same value and the same type. Instead, if you need to verify that a Percent has the same value as a decimal, while not implying complete equality, you can use this method:

print(percent01.isEquivalentTo(decimal: 0.5)) // true

Percent arithmetic

A Percent can be combined with another Percent.

print(Percent(50) + Percent(5)) // 55%
print(Percent(50) - Percent(5)) // 45%
print(Percent(50) * Percent(50)) // 25%
print(Percent(50) / Percent(25)) // 2

A Percent can also be combined with a Double.

print(10 + Percent(50)) // 15 <-- 10 + (10 * 0.5)
print(10 - Percent(50)) // 5 <-- 10 - (10 * 0.5)
print(10 * Percent(50)) // 5 <-- 10 * 0.5
print(10 / Percent(50)) // 20 <-- 10 / 0.5
print(Percent(25) * 2) // 50%
print(Percent(50) / 2) // 25%


For use in UI, use a UIPercent. It works like a Percent, with a few extras for UI. Percent and UIPercent both implement the PercentProtocol protocol, so have many of the same capabilities. However, where Percent is based on the Double type and good for general arithmetic, UIPercent is based on CGFloat, so is better aligned to dealing with UI measurements.

Also, UIPercent adds in the ability to set a scaling container of type ScaleContainer. ScaleContainer is an enum specifying a container that the percent intends to scale to. For example:

GeometryReader { geometry in
    let width = UIPercent(25, of: .screen(.width))
    let height = UIPercent(50, of: .screen(.height))
    let screenSize: CGSize = geometry.size
    let resolvedWidth = width.resolve(within: screenSize)
    let resolvedHeight = height.resolve(within: screenSize)

The ScaleContainer enum has two cases, .screen and .container. .screen communicates that you are intending to scale to the full screen and .container communicates that you intend to scale to some other container within the UI. Either way, you must specify the dimension of this container to scale to. ScaleContainer.Dimension is an enum with cases .height, .width, .radius, .diameter and .other (anything not covered by the other cases).

If you scale to .container, you can also pass a string description. For example:

let handLength = UIPercent(90, of: .container(.radius, "clock"))

You can use the resolve(within: CGFloat, limitedTo: ClosedRange<CGFloat>?), resolve(within: CGSize, limitedTo: ClosedRange<CGFloat>?) or resolve(within: GeometryProxy, limitedTo: ClosedRange<CGFloat>?) method of UIPercent to get the fixed value within the specified container. The second parameter is optional if you want to constrain that resolved value to an allowable range.


Stars: 1
Last commit: 2 years ago
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Release Notes

WatchOS Support
2 years ago

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