Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by ra1028

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Packages published by ra1028

ra1028/DifferenceKit 1.3.0
💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
⭐️ 3,488
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Enable view-based NSTableViews to reload entire rows by @ibsh in https://github.com/ra1028/DifferenceKit/pull/138 * Fix batch moving of rows in NSTableView by @tobiasjordan in https://github.com/ra1028/DifferenceKit/pull/144 * chore: Version 1.3.0 by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/DifferenceKit/pull/146 ## New Contributors * @ibsh made their first contribution in https://github.com/ra1028/DifferenceKit/pull/138 * @tobiasjordan made their first contribution in https://github.com/ra1028/DifferenceKit/pull/144 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/DifferenceKit/compare/1.2.0...1.3.0
2 years ago
## Improvements - Add conditional ContentEquatable conformance to Array (#101 by @nkristek) - ARM64 architecture for Apple Silicon support (#124 by @Dahlgren)
4 years ago
This version DifferenceKit supports both Swift 4.2 and Swift 5+. ## FIX 1. Fix update bug in AppKit extension (by @ra1028 #91, reported by @martindufort #90)
4 years ago
This version DifferenceKit supports both Swift 4.2 and Swift 5+. ## Enhancement 1. Add ContentIdentifiable and use protocol composition. (by @Marcocanc #83) 1. Enabling library evolution mode by setting `BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION` to `YES`. (by @ra1028 #88)
4 years ago
This version DifferenceKit supports both Swift 4.2 and Swift 5. ## Enhancement 1. Add 'Extensions' directory for support Cocoa platforms in Package.swift. (by @hallee #73) 1. Add Package.swift for Swift 5. (by @ra1028 #75)
4 years ago
This version DifferenceKit supports both Swift 4.2 and Swift 5. ## Enhancement 1. Minor performance improvements and Internal refactoring (by @ra1028 #67) 1. Add Swift 5 to supported Swift versions in podspec (by @ra1028 #67)
5 years ago
This version DifferenceKit supports both Swift 4.2 and Swift 5. ## Fix 1. Fix lisence notation in PodSpec (by @halleygen #60)
5 years ago
This version DifferenceKit supports both Swift 4.2 and Swift 5. ## Xcode 10.2 Support 1. Swift 5.0 and Xcode 10.2 support (by @alanzeino #55, @Kaspik #55, @ra1028 #58) ## License 1. The kind of license is now changed to Apache 2.0 License from MIT License. (by @ra1028 #53)
5 years ago
# First major version 1.0.0 🎉 ## Enhancement - Add Swift Package Manager support (by @insidegui https://github.com/ra1028/DifferenceKit/pull/50) - Prevent to redundant wrapping with `AnyDifferentiable` (by @ra1028 https://github.com/ra1028/DifferenceKit/pull/52)
5 years ago
## Fix - Scrolling shutter since #40 (reported by @crsantos #41) - Fix animation glitchs by separates the element updates from deletions stage
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
ra1028/Carbon 1.0.0-rc.6
🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
⭐️ 1,306
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1.0.0 Release Candidate 6
4 years ago
## Fix - Failed to link SwiftUI when launching app for iOS12 or lower (#63) ## Breaking Chage - Drop support for Swift5.0 and Xcode10 (#63)
1.0.0 Release Candidate 5
4 years ago
## Enhancement - Add support for SwiftUI compatibility :tada: (#58) ```swift struct HelloMessage: Component, View { ... } struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { ScrollView { VStack { Text("GREET") .font(.title) .padding(.horizontal, 16) HelloMessage("World") .frame(height: 60) .background(Color.red) } } } } ``` - Add Group.init without elements (#50) ## Breaking Changes - Add `Component.intrinsicContentSize(for:)` to get intrinsic content size for content to infer size of the UIView in SwiftUI (#58)
1.0.0 Release Candidate 4
4 years ago
## Enhancement - Fix Package.swift (#49)
1.0.0 Release Candidate 3
4 years ago
This version Carbon supports both Swift 5.0 and Swift 5.1. ## Breaking Changes - Declarative syntax with function builder (#46) - Make `isAnimationEnabledWhileScrolling` set false by default (#47) - Make `keepsContentOffset` set true by default (#48)
1.0.0 Release Candidate 2
4 years ago
This version Carbon supports both Swift 5.0 and Swift 5.1. ## Breaking Changes - Make `Adapter.alwaysRenderVisibleComponents` true by default. (#37) - Make `Component.shouldContentUpdate` returns false by default. (#37) - Constraints of type parameters `Adapter` in `UITableViewUpdater` is now changed to `UITableViewAdapter`. (#37) ```diff - class CustomUpdater<A: Adapter & UITableViewDataSource & UITableViewDelegate>: UITableViewUpdater<A> {...} + class CustomUpdater<A: UITableViewAdapter>: UITableViewUpdater<A> {...} ``` - Constraints of type parameters `Adapter` in `UICollectionViewUpdater` is now changed to `UICollectionViewAdapter`. (#37) ```diff - class CustomUpdater<A: Adapter & UICollectionViewDataSource & UICollectionViewDelegate>: UICollectionViewUpdater<A> {...} + class CustomUpdater<A: UITableViewAdapter>: UITableViewUpdater<A> {...} ``` - `Adapter.skipReloadComponents` is now obsolete. (#37) - Make `referenceSize(in bounds:)` returns `nil` by default. (#38) - Refactor method signature and responsibility of the `UITableViewUpdater/UICollectionViewUpdater`. (#40) You can now intercepts arbitrary processes before or after updates, for example: ```diff - override func performDifferentialUpdates(target: UITableView, adapter: A, data: [Section], stagedChangeset: StagedDataChangeset, completion: (() -> Void)?) { } + super.performDifferentialUpdates(target: target, adapter: adapter, stagedChangeset: stagedDataChangeset) ``` ```swift open func performDifferentialUpdates(target: UITableView, adapter: Adapter, stagedChangeset: StagedDataChangeset) { super.performDifferentialUpdates(target: target, adapter: adapter, stagedChangeset: stagedDataChangeset) if stagedChangeset.allSatisfy({ $0.hasChanges }) { let y = target.contentSize.height - (target.bounds.height - target.adjustedContentInset.bottom) let contentOffset = CGPoint(x: target.contentOffset.x, y: y) setContentOffset(contentOffset, animated: true) } } ``` - Remove `completion` from `Renderer`. (#40) ```diff - renderer.completion { - // do something - } + renderer.updater.completion { + // do something + } ``` - Change constraints of type parameters Adapter of `UITableViewReloadDataUpdater/UICollectionReloadDataViewUpdater` to `UITableViewAdapter/UICollectionViewAdapter`. (#40) - Closure style render function and section initializer are now deprecated. (#42) ## Enhancement - Adds support for Swift Package Manager (by @robcas3 #25) - `UICollectionViewUpdater. renderVisibleComponents` supports custom supplementary elements. (#37) - Add `completion` to `UITableViewUpdater/UICollectionViewUpdater`. (#40)
1.0.0 Release Candidate 1
4 years ago
This version Carbon supports both Swift 5.0 and Swift 5.1. ## Features - Add support for use custom container cell/header/footer class (#21) - Add closure style initializer for `Section` (#28) - Add a render function with closure style builder (#28) - Add completion closure property to `Renderer` (#28) ## Breaking Changes - Remove `UITableViewCellContent`, `UITableViewHeaderFooterViewContent`, `UICollectionViewCellContent` and `UICollectionReusableViewContent` (#21) - Remove `UITableViewAdapter.Config` and `UICollectionViewAdapter.Config` (#21) - Remove the completion parameter from each render functions (#28)
4 years ago
This version Carbon supports both Swift 4.2 and Swift 5. ## Features 1. Add `isAnimationEnabledWhileScrolling ` option for disable animation while scrolling (#17) 1. Initializing `Renderer` without passing the target instance (#18) ```swift let renderer = Renderer( adapter: UITableViewAdapter(), updater: UITableViewUpdater() ) renderer.target = tableView ``` ## Deprecation 1. `Renderer.init(target:adapter:updater:)` is now deprecated. Use `Renderer.init(adapter:updater:)` instead (#18)
5 years ago
This version Carbon supports both Swift 4.2 and Swift 5. ## Xcode 10.2 Support 1. Swift 5.0 and Xcode 10.2 support (#8) ## Features 1. Add new updater's option to keeping content offset after diffing updates (#9)
0.1.0 - Initial public release
5 years ago
# Initial public release of Carbon 🚴
ra1028/Former 1.8.1
Former is a fully customizable Swift library for easy creating UITableView based form.
⭐️ 1,304
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Includes all updates up through June 2019
ra1028/DiffableDataSources 0.5.0
💾 A library for backporting UITableView/UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource.
⭐️ 843
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
## Improvements - Support for ARM64 Macs (#37 by @vincentisambart) - Add missing sectionIndexTitles method for tableviews (#29 by @jdanthinne) ## Fix - Fix compile error of sample mac application (#27 @sidepelican)
4 years ago
## Enhancement - Add default implementation for other UITableViewDelegate/UICollectionViewDelegate methods (by bobek-balinek, #22) ## Fix - Compiler Error Swift.Collection required (by @Bino90, #20)
4 years ago
## Enhancement - Add support for specifying section header and footer titles (by @simba909 #6) - Update Podspec sources to different platforms (by AYastrebov #7) - Updates git submodule (by @danmolina21 #11) - Add completion block (by @ra1028 #12)
4 years ago
## Breaking changes - Make `DiffableDataSourceSnapshot` struct (by @kishikawakatsumi #3)
0.1.0 - Initial public release
4 years ago
## Initial public release of DiffableDataSources 💾
iOS macOS tvOS
ra1028/swiftui-hooks 0.0.8
🪝 A SwiftUI implementation of React Hooks. Enhances reusability of stateful logic and gives state and lifecycle to function view.
⭐️ 489
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Enable animations in state hook by @josefdolezal in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/26 * Lazy initial state using closures in useState hook by @josefdolezal in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/28 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/compare/0.0.7...0.0.8
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Cleanup after an effect before executing a new one by @josefdolezal in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/25 ## New Contributors * @josefdolezal made their first contribution in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/25 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/compare/0.0.6...0.0.7
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Remove EXCLUDED_ARCHS settings from example project by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/22 * fix: Remove unsafe flags from the package definition by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/24 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/compare/0.0.5...0.0.6
Alpha Version: 0.0.5
2 years ago
## What's Changed * feat: Add useAsync and useAsyncPerform hooks using Concurrency by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/4 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/compare/0.0.4...0.0.5
Alpha Version: 0.0.4
2 years ago
## What's Changed * chore: Gardening by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/13 * Introduce HookUpdateStrategy instead of HookComputation by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/14 * chore: Fix lint warnings by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/15 * chore: Update CI config to run on macOS Big Sur by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/16 * feat: Add environment value that to disable assertions by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/17 * Support for Swift 5.6 and drop support for lower versions by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/19 * Add GitHub community files and Documentation by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/20 * chore: Replace all upper case repo/library names with lower case letter by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/pull/21 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-hooks/compare/0.0.3...0.0.4
Alpha Version: 0.0.3
2 years ago
- [Refactor use hook function](https://github.com/ra1028/SwiftUI-Hooks/pull/3) - [Drop support for CocoaPods and Carthage](https://github.com/ra1028/SwiftUI-Hooks/pull/7) - [Improve AsyncStatus](https://github.com/ra1028/SwiftUI-Hooks/pull/8) - [Rename AsyncStatus to AsyncPhase](https://github.com/ra1028/SwiftUI-Hooks/pull/9) - [Remove deprecated API](https://github.com/ra1028/SwiftUI-Hooks/pull/10) - [Testing support library](https://github.com/ra1028/SwiftUI-Hooks/pull/11) - [Improve example apps](https://github.com/ra1028/SwiftUI-Hooks/pull/12)
Alpha Version: 0.0.2
3 years ago
- [Improve AsyncStatus](https://github.com/ra1028/SwiftUI-Hooks/pull/2)
Initial Alpha Version: 0.0.1
3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties 0.5.0
⚛️ Atomic approach state management and dependency injection for SwiftUI
⭐️ 259
🕓 17 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
17 weeks ago
## New features - Modified atoms such as `TaskAtom`s modified with `.phase` modifier now supports to refresh. ```swift struct FetchMoviesTaskAtom: ThrowingTaskAtom, Hashable { func value(context: Context) async throws -> [Movies] { try await fetchMovies() } } sturct MoviesView: View { @ViewContext var context var body: some View { ... .refreshable { await context.refresh(FetchMoviesTaskAtom().phase) } } } ``` - Added `Refreshable` attribute that allows you to implement a custom refresh ability to an atom. ```swift struct RandomIntAtom: ValueAtom, Refreshable, Hashable { func value(context: Context) -> Int { 0 } func refresh(context: RefreshContext) async -> Int { try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 3 * 1_000_000_000) return .random(in: 0..<100) } } sturct RandomIntView: View { @ViewContext var context var body: some View { ... .refreshable { await context.refresh(RandomIntAtom()) } } } ``` ## What's Changed * Minor refactoring by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/88 * Add ability to refresh modified atoms by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/91 * Custom Refreshable Attribute by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/92 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/compare/0.4.2...0.5.0
29 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add lookup function to AtomTestContext by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/81 * Reduce testing duration on CI by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/82 * Maintenance for example apps by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/83 * Apply inlinable to all methods of AtomTestContext by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/84 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/compare/0.4.1...0.4.2
31 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add support for Xcode 14.3.1 and drop support for lower by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/79 * Add a new testing interface - wait(for:timeout:until) by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/80 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/compare/0.4.0...0.4.1
42 weeks ago
⚠️ This version contains quite a lot of breaking changes. Please check the following pull requests to see what's changed if you encounter compilation failures. ## What's Changed * Update development tools to be latest versions by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/39 * Drop support for Swift5.6 and corresponding Xcode version by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/40 * Cache spm binaries on CI by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/41 * Add asynchronous init in AsyncPhase by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/35 * Remove unnecessary @MainActor s by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/38 * Parallelize unit tests on CI by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/42 * Minor Refactoring by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/43 * Allow more interactions in updated side effect by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/44 * Rename AtomRelay to AtomScope by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/45 * Make store object public and support maintaining it manually by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/46 * Add API time leeway in example app by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/48 * Handle KeepAlive as a marker protocol by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/50 * Fix snapshots to be taken when the atom is marked as KeepAlive by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/49 * Fix bug that KeepAlive is not effective by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/51 * Minor improvements to the example app. by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/52 * Update docc by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/53 * Scoped override by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/47 * Add Override section to README by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/54 * Minor refactoring by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/55 * Refactor voice memo example by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/56 * Add better descriptions for AtomScope's observe and override methods by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/57 * Add coordinator instance to UpdatedContext by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/58 * Do not dig into parents in any case if atom is overridden by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/59 * Modify accessor by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/60 * Internal refactoring by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/61 * Add changes modifier by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/62 * Internal minor refactoring by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/63 * Rename AtomTextContext/waitUntilNextUpdate to waitForUpdate by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/64 * Flatten scoped stores by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/65 * Move restore function to ViewContext by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/66 * Internal refactoring by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/67 * Change default timeout interval of AtomTestContext/waitForUpdate by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/68 * Remove redundant lookupOverride from reset by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/69 * Use #fileID instead of #file by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/70 * Reduce process redundancy by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/71 * Make the default timeout interval nil by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/72 * Exclusively cancel refresh by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/73 * Update documentation by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/74 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/compare/0.3.0...0.4.0
1 year ago
## ⚠️ Breaking changes - `Atom.Context.addTermination(_:)` has been obsoleted. Use the new Coordinator API implemented in #24 instead. - `StateAtom`.willSet(newValue:oldValue:context:)` and `StateAtom.didSet(newValue:oldValue:context)` have been obsoleted. Use the new side-effects management API implemented in #25 instead. - `AtomObserver`, `AtomRoot.observe(_:)`, `AtomRelay.observe(_:)`, and `AtomRoot.observe(_:)` have been obsoleted. Use the new Observability API implemented in #27 instead. ## What's Changed * refactor: Atom modifier by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/11 * feat: Ensure that ObservableObjectAtom notifies updates after a new @Published value is set by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/10 * refactor: Use ObservableObject more in examples by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/12 * feat: Add a new testing interface `AtomContext/waitUntilNextUpdate(timeout:)` by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/13 * refactor: Map app example by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/14 * refactor: Internal system by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/15 * refactor: DAG algorithm based state management by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/16 * chore: Install development tools in the root Package.swift by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/21 * chore: Remove Package.resolved by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/22 * fix: Lifecycle and unsubscription problem by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/23 * feat: Atom Coordinator API by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/24 * feat: Add a new side-effects management API by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/25 * Enable store missing assertion only for default store context by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/26 * feat: New Observability API by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/27 * feat: Enable to get Snapshot through AtomViewContext by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/28 * refactor: Remove observe(_:) function from AtomTestContext by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/29 * Do not terminate current atom state when an old snapshot is restored by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/30 * Display dependency graph in DOT language by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/31 * Update README by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/32 * Move AtomReader to under Context directory by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/34 * Add support for Xcode 14 by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/33 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/compare/0.2.0...0.3.0
1 year ago
This version contains a breaking change regarding package/repository name. GitHub would automatically redirect you to the old repo name but please consider to update your Package.swift for the new name. ## What's Changed * chore: Prepare for renaming the repository name to be swiftui-atom-properties by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/pull/8 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atom-properties/compare/0.1.1...0.2.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * chore: Improve README documentation by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atomic-architecture/pull/1 * Fix typos in README by @jordanekay in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atomic-architecture/pull/2 * Remove all EXCLUDED_ARCHS configs to avoid an error by @yasuradodo in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atomic-architecture/pull/3 * fix: Remove unsafe flags from the package definition by @ra1028 in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atomic-architecture/pull/6 ## New Contributors * @ra1028 made their first contribution in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atomic-architecture/pull/1 * @jordanekay made their first contribution in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atomic-architecture/pull/2 * @yasuradodo made their first contribution in https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atomic-architecture/pull/3 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atomic-architecture/compare/0.1.0...0.1.1
2 years ago
### Initial Release **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ra1028/swiftui-atomic-architecture/commits/0.1.0
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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