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Packages published by pronebird

pronebird/UIScrollView-InfiniteScroll 1.3.0
UIScrollView ∞ scroll category
⭐️ 1,060
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
* Handle scrolling when voiceOver is running (@r-dent)
1 year ago
* Fix various scroll issues on iOS 11+ where `adjustedContentInset` was introduced. (@pronebird) * Add support for Swift PM. (@ksloginov)
6 years ago
Add support for horizontally scrolling views. (@Boerworz)
6 years ago
* Fixed documentation warnings (@musbaalbaki, @pronebird)
7 years ago
* Fixed bug when there was weird animation which shifts offset (@rr-dw) * Retain contentOffset.x in scroll to top – based on @rr-dw's fix (@pronebird)
7 years ago
- Added programmatic way of starting infinite scroll handler
7 years ago
- Fixed issue with activity indicator teleportation in table views - Fixed issue when bounce back animation wouldn't properly complete due to user interactions - Fixed nullability attribute for `-setShouldShowInfiniteScrollHandler:` - Added trigger offset, see `-infiniteScrollTriggerOffset` (@GorkaMM)
7 years ago
- Solved longstanding issue with dynamic updates in table views (@intrepidmatt)
7 years ago
- Added a handler to conditionally prevent the infinite scroll from showing (@RyanBertrand)
7 years ago
- Add carthage support (@takeshig) - Minor refactoring and demo app improvements (@pronebird)
iOS tvOS

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