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prebid/prebid-mobile-ios 2.2.0
Prebid Mobile SDK for iOS applications
⭐️ 46
🕓 13 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
13 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Support GMA SDK 10.14.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/945 * In-stream video examples migration by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/943 * Stop ViewabilityTimer when ViewForTracking has become nil by @jsligh in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/949 * Changes for 2.2.0 release by @jsligh in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/952 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/compare/2.1.6...2.2.0
27 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Bump Version to 2.1.5 by @jsligh in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/923 * Update README.md by @jsligh in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/924 * Support GMA SDK 10.12.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/930 * Support impression-level GPID parameter by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/928 * Surface Prebid events via SDK by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/931 * Removed PrebidMobile/Version from User Agent by @jsligh in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/933 * Fix CacheManager concurrency issue by @shinwan2 in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/934 * Bump to 2.1.6 by @jsligh in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/935 ## New Contributors * @shinwan2 made their first contribution in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/934 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/compare/2.1.5...2.1.6
Release 2.1.5
29 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Update README by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/907 * Support GMA SDK 10.10.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/916 * Support GMA SDK 10.11.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/919 * Implement multiformat ad unit for Original API by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/914 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/compare/2.1.3...2.1.5
Release 2.1.3
36 weeks ago
## Prebid SDK * Support GMA SDK 10.8.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/887 * Change default omidpv value to Prebid SDK version in rendering API by @jsligh in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/884 * Implement third-party tracker when clicked - Link.ClickTrackers by @jsligh in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/885 * Fix SKAdN sourceIdentifier availability check by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/890 * Fix `lastBidResponse` Objective-C interoperability by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/893 * Feature - includewinners and include bidder keys flag by @AbrahamArmasCordero in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/889 * Support GMA SDK 10.9.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/895 * add user id to bid request by @huanzhiNB in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/880 * Improve the cache and memory management for Native Ads by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/900 * Handle URL double encoding & replace bid price on Native Ad by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/902 * Introduce Server Side SDK configuration properties for Creative Factory Timeout by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/903 * Update creativeFactoryTimeoutPreRenderContent description by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/906 ## New Contributors * @jsligh made their first contribution in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/884 * @AbrahamArmasCordero made their first contribution in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/889 * @huanzhiNB made their first contribution in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/880 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/compare/2.1.2...2.1.3
Release 2.1.2
43 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Fix auto refresh in MediationBannerAdUnit by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/870 * Use native delegate to notify appLovin of early failures to load… by @kubamatula in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/873 ## New Contributors * @kubamatula made their first contribution in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/873 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/compare/2.1.1...2.1.2
Release 2.1.1
44 weeks ago
## Prebid SDK * Remove resource bundle by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/818 * Fix Dispatcher leak by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/849 * Fill CFBundleVersion value by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/865 * Fix warnings by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/846 * Fix MAX base adapter initialization by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/863 * Support GMA SDK 10.5.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/848 * Support GMA SDK 10.6.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/857 ## Cleanup Test Configs * Add test stored configs by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/851 * Add VAST files to repo by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/854 * Clean-up stored responses by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/855 * Move mraid.js and omsdk.js to root directory by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/843 ## Internal Test Application * Fix `InternalTestApp` build error on Xcode 14.3.1 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/860 * Change config ids for multiformat ads in InternalTestApp by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/861 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/compare/2.1.0...2.1.1
Release 2.1.0
1 year ago
## Prebid SDK * Support multiformat ad units by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/811 * Remove bitcode support from build script by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/816 * Add `PBM` prefixes to the `@objc` classes by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/823 * Fix VAST without end card closing issue by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/810 * Support GMA SDK 10.3.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/813 * Support GMA SDK 10.4.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/826 * Update minimum deployment version by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/829 ### Deprecations The following classes and methods have been deprecated in the scope of introducing multiformat ad units. They still work, but eventually, they will be removed from the SDK: - `VideoAdUnit` is deprecated, use`BannerAdUnit` with `video` ad format instead; using the `videoParameters` you can customize the bid request for video ads; - `VideoInterstitialAdUnit` is deprecated, use `InterstitialAdUnit` with `video` ad format instead; using the `videoParameters` you can customize the bid request for video ads; - for instream video ads use `InstreamVideoAdUnit`; - `parameters` properties in `BannerAdUnit` and `InterstitialAdUnit` are deprecated, use `bannerParameters` instead; - `parameters` property in `RewardedVideoAdUnit` is deprecated, use `videoParameters` instead; - `display` case of `AdFormat` enum is deprecated, use `banner` instead **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/compare/2.0.9...2.1.0
Release 2.0.9
1 year ago
## Prebid SDK * Support new versions of SKAdNetwork by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/769 * [Rendering API] Migrate from internal clickthrough browser to SFSafariViewController by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/796 * Update SDK reliance on PBS /status endpoint by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/787 * SDK first party data support by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/788 * Deprecate context methods by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/794 * Add `self` nullability check by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/803 * Support GMA SDK 10.1.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/798 * Support GMA SDK 10.2.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/800 ## Demo Application * Remove stored responses from Demo Apps by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/791 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/compare/2.0.8...2.0.9
Release 2.0.8
1 year ago
## What's Changed ### Prebid SDK * Remove skadn object from Original API bid request by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/765 * Fix incorrect setup for gppSid field by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/774 * Remove hb_size from winning bid markers by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/776 * Support GMA SDK 10.0.0 by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/779 ### Demo and Internal apps * Build InternalTestApp with multiple Info.plist by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/766 * Update cases for Native Styles integration by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/771 ## New Contributors * @dgirardi made their first contribution in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/777 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/compare/2.0.7...2.0.8
Release 2.0.7
1 year ago
## What's Changed ### Prebid SDK * Cleanup original bid requests by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/750 * Added support to be able to use the cocoapods dependency without having the use_framework flag by @jovencinho in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/685 * Fix targeting user keywords by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/754 ### Internal Test app * Internal Test App - do not use any custom configs for the cases for Original API by @OlenaPostindustria in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/751 ### Tests * Run smoke tests with prebid demo swift for PRs by @MaksPetrukhnoPI in https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/pull/738 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prebid/prebid-mobile-ios/compare/2.0.6...2.0.7

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