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Packages published by phunware

phunware/maas-location-ios-sdk v3.11.0
Phunware's Indoor Location Provider SDK
⭐️ 2
🕓 34 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
34 weeks ago
### Changed - Ignored inactive edges during the execution of the dead reckoning algorithm - Updated to PWCore 3.12.2
1 year ago
### Changed - Reduced location aquisition time for BLE location providers - Removed deprecated location provider API
1 year ago
## 3.12.0 (Monday, May 5, 2022) #### Bug Fixes/Performance Enhancements. * Removed deprecated signature key * Improved network loading time. * Prevent crash when POI name is empty.
2 years ago
## 3.11.0 (Wednesday, July 28, 2021) #### Features * Updated to PWCore 3.11.0. * iOS deployment target increased from 10.0 to 13.0 * [Mist location provider] Updated Mist SDK dependency to v1.5.280 for better accuracy
3 years ago
## 3.10.0 (Monday, March 15, 2021) #### Features * Added support for campus routing.
3 years ago
## 3.9.1 (Thursday, November 5th, 2020) #### Features * Built and archived SDK with Xcode 12.
3 years ago
## 3.9.0 (Thursday, September 3rd, 2020) #### Features * Migrated to use XCFrameworks
4 years ago
## 3.8.6 (Monday, March 16, 2020) #### Bug Fixes/Performance Enhancements * Update Mist location provider to support iOS 13+ * Fix an issue with identifying beacons that include a major/minor value of 0 * Fix an issue that could prevent location updates for some location providers
4 years ago
## 3.8.5 (Friday, February 28, 2020) #### Features * Add support for ranging with CenTrak beacons
4 years ago
## 3.8.4 (Wednesday, January 8, 2020) #### Bug Fixes/Performance Enhancements * Improve accuracy of the managed compass * Improve walking vs stationary detection * Improve blue dot accuracy when transitioning between indoor and outdoor navigation * Improve code stability and performance
phunware/maas-mapping-ios-sdk v3.13.0-beta-08
Phunware Mapping SDK for iOS
⭐️ 2
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 weeks ago
### Added - Added support for querying a Point of Interest for routability.
34 weeks ago
### Changed - Improved routing performance - Updated to PWCore 3.12.2
1 year ago
### Added - Added one-way portals support for escalators and stairs that only operate in one direction across floors.
1 year ago
### Added - Added method to obtain the distance from a start point to the current route's destination: `func getShortestDistanceToDestination(from startPoint:resultQueue:completion:)`. - Allow MaaS to override weighted distance associated with floor transitions. ### Fixed - Fixed missing routine line when creating a route from the current location. - Fixed blue dot not snapping to route after a floor changed.
1 year ago
#### Features * Updated Public API signatures with DispatchQueue parameters. * Added method to get distances from a starting location to all POIs. `PWRoute.getShortestDistancesToAllPOIs(from startPoint:options:resultQueue:completion:)` * Added default icon to display when a POI icon is not fetched yet. #### Bug fixes * Fixed associated landmark routing to work with multi-building campuses. * Fixed blue dot going behind POI icons.
1 year ago
## 3.13.0 (Monday, May 5, 2022) #### Features * Added capability to display connected buildings during campus routing. * Optimized initial launch time. #### Bug fixes * Prevent crash when user swipes turn by turn cards quickly and then backgrounds the app. * Allowed images for PWPointOfInterest objects to be provided by the application.
2 years ago
## 3.12.0 (Wednesday, July 28, 2021) #### Features * Updated to PWLocation 3.11.0 * iOS deployment target increased from 10.0 to 13.0 #### Bug fixes * Fixed bugs related to campus routing
3 years ago
## 3.11.0 (Monday, March 15, 2021) #### Features * Added support for campus routing.
3 years ago
3 years ago
## 3.10.1 (Thursday, November 5th, 2020) #### Features * Built and archived SDK with Xcode 12.

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