Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by peripheryapp

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Packages published by peripheryapp

peripheryapp/periphery 2.18.0
A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects.
⭐️ 4,827
🕓 12 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
12 weeks ago
##### Breaking - The command-line parsing strategy for options that were delimited by a pipe or comma has changed. These options are now parsed as a space delimited list, e.g `--option "arg1" "arg2"`. - The option `--external-encodable-protocols` is deprecated, use `--external-codable-protocols` instead. ##### Enhancements - Add experimental unused import analysis option `--enable-unused-import-analysis`. - Add experimental automatic code removal option `--auto-remove`. - Assign-only properties on structs with synthesized initializers are now detected. - Added the `--retain-codable-properties` option to retain all properties on Codable types. - Results for redundant protocol conformances will now list the inherited protocols that should replace the redundant conformance, if any. - Added the `--retain-files` option to retain all declarations within the given files. ##### Bug Fixes - Subscript functions required by `@dynamicMemberLookup` are now retained. - A newline is no longer printed before non-Xcode formatted results. - `--external-codable-protocols` now retains enums that conform to `CodingKey`. - Fix public accessibility false-positive for actors. - Fix public accessibility false-positive for property wrappers. - Fix public accessibility false-positive for declarations referenced from a public `@inlinable` function. - Fix public accessibility false-positive for function parameter default values. - Fix public accessibility false-positive for inherited and default associated types. - Fix public accessibility false-positive for generic types used in the generic argument clause of a return type. - Fix public accessibility false-positive for retained/ignored declarations. - Fix public accessibility false-positive for enum case parameter types. - Fix public accessibility false-positive for properties initialized with generic specialized types. - Types associated with assign-only properties are no longer identified as unused until the property is removed. - Classes referenced in Info.plist as `NSPrincipalClass` and `WKExtensionDelegateClassName` are now retained.
41 weeks ago
2.15.0 ##### Breaking - Swift 5.7 and macOS 12 are no longer supported. ##### Enhancements - Reduced indexing and analysis runtime by ~60%. ##### Bug Fixes - Fix indexing multi-platform projects such as those containing watchOS extensions. - Subclasses of CLKComplicationPrincipalClass referenced from an Info.plist are now retained.
48 weeks ago
##### Breaking - None. ##### Enhancements - Improve indexing performance when multiple index stores are provided. - Added `--external-test-case-classes` option to allow external types to be treated as XCTestCase subclasses. - Comment commands now support trailing comments, e.g `// periphery:ignore - explanation of why this is necessary` ##### Bug Fixes - Fix handling of relative paths in `--file-targets-path`. - Fix redundant public accessibility false positives when `--retain-objc-accessible` is enabled.
1 year ago
##### Breaking - None. ##### Enhancements - None. ##### Bug Fixes - Fix index/report exclude regression.

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