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paypal/paypalcheckout-ios 1.3.0
Need to add Native Checkout to your iOS Application? We can help!
⭐️ 68
🕓 3 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 days ago
This build includes privacy manifest file and code signatures.
23 weeks ago
This build enables the native flows for buyers in Australia. All other buyers, except those in US, Canada, EU, UK and Australia, will experience web fallbacks. Additional changes include minor UI fixes and internal improvements.
36 weeks ago
**This build enables the native flows for buyers in the US, Canada, EU, and UK. All other buyers will see web fallback experiences.** The following changes are included in this release: - Buy Now Pay Later entry points - Improved authentication flows in SCA regions - Minor UI fixes
42 weeks ago
**This build enables the native flows for buyers in the US and Canada. EU buyers will see a web fallback experience.** The following changes are included in this release: - Ensures return relevant billing information such as First Name, Last Name, and Email in the onApprove callback. - Removed extensions on Foundation types from our public interface. - Deprecated the following order actions: - Patch - Capture - Authorize - GetDetails - ExecuteBillingAgreement - onShippingChangeAction.Patch
45 weeks ago
New changes in this release: - Added discount information to cart details - Change url for policies in profile view - Web fallback for users with negative balance - Include google annotations when showing address suggestions - additional bug fixes and layout adjustments - Fixed a remembered login issue with the web login flow
1 year ago
## 0.112.1 (2023-04-21) - *Non-Breaking Changes* - When a user enters their email address in the native text field, it will now auto-populate if they are prompted for their password in a web flow - Removed the 'handling' line item in the amount totals view, as it is already accounted for in the 'Shipping and handling' line item
1 year ago
## 0.112.0 (2023-04-19) - *Breaking Changes* - Increased minimum supported iOS version to **13.0** - Increased minimum supported Xcode version to **14.1** - Increased Swift language version to **5.7.1** - Updated the definition of `ShippingChangeAddress` to align with the Android implementation, and to remove the `fullName` from the interface, as this is considered protected end user information - Removed `ShippingChangeAddress.fullName` - Removed `ShippingChangeAddress.adminArea3` - Removed `ShippingChangeAddress.adminArea4` - *Feature Updates* - Added the ability for users to add an initial payment method to their PayPal account - Updated the UI of the native add-card flow to include complete address input - *Non-Breaking Changes* - Removed the default exit survey, deprecating `Checkout.showsExitSurvey` - Fixed a broken web redirect for non-US locales - Resolved layout and display issues related to Billing Agreement flows - Added support for programmatic logout by calling `Checkout.logoutUser()` - UI updates to provide more accessible experience - Localization updates - Added the ability to force a web fallback - Can be seen via setting `yourCheckoutConfig.showWebCheckout = true` - Additional bugfixes and layout adjustments
1 year ago
Internal bug fixes and improvements
1 year ago
**Included in this release:** - Adding a new interface to get details about an order through `Approval.actions`. This interface only supports orders created with the `orders/v2` API, and integrating with this interface may look something like this: ```swift // Wherever you define the `onApprove` callback ... , onApprove: { approval in approval.actions.getOrderDetails { details, error in // record the details of your order here } }, ... ``` The `details` object will give you insight into the `Payer`, the array of `PurchaseUnits`, and a raw JSON that includes other fields that do not have types added yet. **Also included in this release:** - Accessibility improvements - Bug fixes
1 year ago
This release includes: - Bugfixes and performance improvements - Accessibility updates - Localization updates
paypal/paypal-ios 1.3.0
One merchant integration point for all of PayPal's services
⭐️ 51
🕓 5 hours ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
10 hours ago
* PayPalNativePayments * Bump `PayPalCheckout` to `1.3.0` with code signing & a privacy manifest file * PaymentButtons * Resolve assets not rendering when importing via CocoaPods (fixes #267)
4 weeks ago
* Bump to PPRiskMagnes v5.5.0 with code signing & a privacy manifest file * Require Xcode 15.0+ and Swift 5.9+ (per [App Store requirements](https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=khzvxn8a)) * [Meets Apple's new Privacy Update requirements](https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=3d8a9yyh) * PaymentButtons * Add `custom` case for `PaymentButtonEdges` * Support VoiceOver by adding button accessibility labels * Fixed frame alignment and width issue occuring in SwiftUI * Fixed button alignment and size bug in SwiftUI with `intrinsicContentSize` * The height cannot be set smaller than 38px or width shorter than 300px * Added analytics events * `payment-button:initialized` and `payment-button:tapped` * CardPayments * Add `status` property to `CardVaultResult` * Add `didAttemptThreeDSecureAuthentication` property to `CardVaultResult` * Add `status` property to `CardResult` * Add `didAttemptThreeDSecureAuthentication` property to `CardResult` * Add `cardThreeDSecureDidCancel()` to `CardVaultDelegate` * Add `cardThreeDSecureWillLaunch()` to `CardVaultDelegate` * Add `cardThreeDSecureDidFinish()` to `CardVaultDelegate` * PayPalWebPayments * Add `PayPalVaultRequest` type for interacting with `vault` method * Add `vault(_:)` method to `PayPalWebCheckoutClient` * Add `PayPalVaultResult` type to return vault result * Add `PayPalVaultDelegate` to handle results from vault flow * Add `PayPalWebCheckoutClientError.paypalVaultResponseError` for missing or invalid response from vaulting
23 weeks ago
* PayPalNativePayments * Bump `PayPalCheckout` to `1.2.0` * Update `PayPalNativeCheckoutRequest` initalizer to accept optional param `userAuthenticationEmail` * CorePayments * Analytics * Update `component` from `ppcpmobilesdk` to `ppcpclientsdk` * Send `correlation_id`, when possible, in PayPal Native Checkout analytic events
29 weeks ago
* Breaking Changes * Require Xcode 14.3+ and Swift 5.8+ * Update Package.swift to include `PayPalCheckout` via a binary target. This works around an SPM bug that included `PayPalCheckout` even for integrations that did not include the `PayPalNativePayments` module.
35 weeks ago
* PayPalNativePayments * Bump `PayPalCheckout` to `1.1.0` * CardPayments * Add `vault` method * Add `CardVaultRequest` and `CardVaultResult` types for interacting with `vault` method * Add `CardVaultDelegate` protocol to receive success and failure results * Add `CardVaultDelegate` property to `CardClient` * Breaking Changes * FraudProtection * Update `PayPalDataCollector` constructor to require a configuration instead of an environment * Remove `PayPalDataCollectorEnvironment` enum
36 weeks ago
* PayPalNativePayments * Bump `PayPalCheckout` to `1.0.0` * PaymentsCore * Allow `ASWebAuthenticationSession` used for PayPal Web & 3DS flows to share cookies with Safari (fixes #179)
43 weeks ago
* Breaking Changes * CardPayments * Remove `status` property from `CardResult` * Remove `paymentSource` property from `CardResult` * CorePayments * CoreConfig instances must now be instantiated using a `clientID` instead of an `accessToken`
50 weeks ago
* PayPalNativePayments * Add `PayPalNativePaysheetActions` to `PayPalNativeShippingDelegate.didShippingAddressChange()` and `PayPalNativeShippingDelegate.didShippingMethodChange()` * Card * Rename `Card.init()` parameter from `cardHolderName` to `cardholderName` * Remove unnecessary `Card.expiry` property * CorePayments * Send `orderID` instead of `sessionID` for analytics
1 year ago
* PayPalNativePayments * Update `PayPalNativeCheckoutDelegate.paypal(_:didFinishWithResult:)` to use `PayPalNativeCheckoutResult` instead of `PayPalCheckout.Approval` type. * Update `PayPalNativeCheckoutClient.start(presentingViewController:createOrder)` to `PayPalNativeCheckoutClient.start(request:presentingViewController:)` * Require `PayPalNativeCheckoutRequest` param instead of `PayPalCheckout.CheckoutConfig.CreateOrderCallback` * Add `PayPalNativeShippingDelegate` as optional delegate on `PayPalNativeCheckoutClient` * Add `PayPalNativeShippingDelegate.didShippingAddressChange()` * Add `PayPalNativeShippingDelegate.didShippingMethodChange()` * Remove `PayPalNativeCheckoutDelegate.paypalDidShippingAddressChange()` * Update `PayPalNativeCheckoutDelegate.paypal(_:didFinishWithResult:)` to use `PayPalNativeCheckoutResult` instead of `PayPalCheckout.Approval` type.
1 year ago
* Fix CocoaPods build error for Xcode 13

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