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Packages published by oscbyspro

oscbyspro/DiffableTextViews v5.0.0
As-you-type formatting in SwiftUI
⭐️ 52
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
## Description Reworked n’ improved. Such effort. Much wow. ## Notes (see [v5.0.0](https://github.com/oscbyspro/DiffableTextViews/milestone/11?closed=1)) #164 added `toolbarDoneButton(_:)` #162 the view now dismisses on cyclical updates #161 now supports reentrant updates #156 prevents crash for large integers inputs `(!)` #152 added `.normal` style #151 miscellaneous improvements #144 added `prefix(_;)` and `suffix(_:)` modifiers #138 added number total digits precision option #121 added `standalone()` modifier (niche) #108 reworked styles, added an `inout Cache` #106 changed standard font to plain `.body`
1 year ago
### Changes since v5.0.0-beta.3 #161, #151 fixed selection flash on `suggestion` + `autocorrection` + `reentrance`
1 year ago
### Changes since v5.0.0-beta.2 #164 Added a simple `diffableTextViews_toolbarDoneButton(_:)` modifier #162, #155 View now dismisses on cyclical updates (invalid values from outside the view) `(!)` #151 A couple of additional miscellaneous improvements
1 year ago
### Changes since v5.0.0-beta.1 #161 Now supports reentrant updates `(!)` #151 A couple of miscellaneous improvements
1 year ago
### Changes from v5.0.0-beta #154 Moved `Selection` from `Snapshot` to `Commit` #156 `(U)Int(8-64)` no longer crashes when typing text > max
1 year ago
It's better in every way, basically. Such effort. Much wow.
1 year ago
Just the latest and greatest before I look into dub dub beta software. - some performance improvements #105 Also, this is commit 1000 + 1337. It must be elite, the number says so.
1 year ago
- Lots of cleanup n’ dev stuff - NumberTextStyle goes brrr #103
1 year ago
- Cleanup, performance n’ stuff #101 - Renamed some dev only stuff #100 - Made NumberText[Bounds/Precision] public #98
1 year ago
- Fixed bugs in v4.0.0 #94 - Better DEBUG messages #95
iOS macOS tvOS macCatalyst
oscbyspro/AwesomeNumbersKit v4.0.2
Large number arithmetic in Swift
⭐️ 7
🕓 40 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
40 weeks ago
Some improvements ported from [Numberick](https://github.com/oscbyspro/Numberick). - #151 Improved `Int` strides - #150 `isPowerOf2` should not return `true` for signed `min` - #149 Single perfect radix encoding specialization
41 weeks ago
- #148 Fix masking shifts by negative multiples of non-power-of-two bit widths
42 weeks ago
More changes ported from my other project: [Numberick](https://github.com/oscbyspro/Numberick). - #147 Custom index methods - #146 Shift methods rework - #145 30% faster decoding - #144 Galaxy-brain radix exponentiation - #143 Back to front encoding is fastest - #142 Future-proof core integer `dividingFullWidthReportingOverflow(_:)` - #141 Use xctestplan(s) - #140 Improved string decoding - #139 Add `uninitialized(_:)`
44 weeks ago
Lots of improvements inspired by my other project: [Numberick](https://github.com/oscbyspro/Numberick). - #137 No `Self.DoubleWidth` and `Self.Plus1` aliases - #136 No `minLastIndex[...]` methods - #135 Req. generic masking shifts - #134 Bounds checked pointers - #132 Consistent division by zero semantics - #131 Expose unchecked shift methods - #130 Overload Swift's generic masking shifts - #129 Replace `ANKSign` and demote `ANKSigned` to ANKSignedKit - #128 Remove `ANKError` model - #127 Rework core protocols - #126 Remove redundant type aliases - #125 Rename ANKFoundation as ANKCoreKit - #124 Req. `dividingFullWidthReportingOverflow(_:)` - #123 No `matches(repeating:` and `isFull` - #122 Galaxy brain `multipliedReportingOverflow(by:)` - #121 Req. `twosCompelementSubsequence(_:)` - #120 `ascending` and `descending` tuple `get` and `set` - #119 `High` and `Low` init - #118 Sneaky signed ± anti-overflow - #117 Decoding strings without digits - #112 Move `init(x32:|x64:)` to test targets - #111 Add precondition messages
50 weeks ago
New and improved comparisons. A fix thereof. - #106 Fix `Signed`'s `<` operator - #105 Three-way, and faster, comparisons ### New ANKBinaryInteger comparisons ```swift func compared(to other: Self) -> Int // -1, 0, 1 ```
50 weeks ago
Faster multiplication. Better testing. A fix thereof. - #104 Fixed-width bitwise inverse of `isZero` - #103 Faster signed multiplication - #102 Low `Signed/multiplyFullWidth(by:)` sign - #101 Denormalized `Signed` tests - #99 Simultaneous non/mutating tests ### New `ANKFixedWidthInteger` getters ```swift var isFull: Bool { get } func matches(repeating bit: Bool) -> Bool ```
v2.0.0 - The Great Simplification™
51 weeks ago
Fewer protocols. Faster builds. What's not to like? ### GitHub - #98 Fix `mostSignificantBit` comment - #97 Req. integer text de/encoding - #96 No `Words` - #95 Merge `[...]Large[...]Integer` - #94 No `IntOrUInt` - #93 No `ContiguousBytes` - #92 One Shade of Un/signed™ - #91 Unsigned is Magnitude req. - #89 The Great Simplification™ ### Protocols 1. ANKBigEndianTextCodable 2. ANKBinaryInteger 3. ANKBitPatternConvertible 4. ❌ ANKContiguousBytes 5. ANKCoreInteger 6. ANKFixedWidthInteger 7. ❌ ANKIntOrUInt 8. ❌ ANKLargeBinaryInteger 9. ❌ ANKLargeFixedWidthInteger 10. ❌ ANKMutableContiguousBytes 11. ❌ ANKSignedFixedWidthInteger 12. ANKSignedInteger 13. ❌ ANKSignedLargeBinaryInteger 14. ❌ ANKSignedLargeFixedWidthInteger 15. ❌ ANKTrivialContiguousBytes 16. ❌ ANKUnsignedFixedWidthInteger 17. ANKUnsignedInteger 18. ❌ ANKUnsignedLargeBinaryInteger 19. ❌ ANKUnsignedLargeFixedWidthInteger 20. ❌ ANKWords
52 weeks ago
Some new methods. A precondition fix. Cleanup n' stuff. - #88 `quotientAndRemainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy:)` - #87 `Int256.min.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: -1)` should trap - #86 ANKFixedWidthInteger.BitPattern - #84 Lazy division overflow detection - #82 Arithmetic protocol extensions - #81 Truncating multiplication operators
1 year ago
Rock. Paper. `blackHole(_:)` - #80 Hide unsafe words base - #79 Keep "[hashtag] good form [trademark]" - #77 Remove error operations - #76 Better bitshifts - #75 Better digit arithmetic - #72 Better division - #69 Rock. Paper. `blackHole(_:)`
1 year ago
Larger literals. Sendable models. Swift(er) encoding. - #70 Sendable - #68 [Im]PerfectRadixUIntRoot - #67 Magic chunk count - #66 throwing `decodeBigEndianText(_:radix:)` - #65 Up to 4x faster encoding - #64 Remove: ExpressibleByStringLiteral - #20 StaticBigInt ### Requirements Language and platform requirements were updated to match StaticBigInt. | Package | Swift | iOS | iPadOS | Mac Catalyst | macOS | tvOS | watchOS | |:-------:|:-----:|:----:|:------:|:------------:|:-----:|:----:|:-------:| | 0.6.2 | 5.7 | 13.0 | 13.0 | 13.0 | 10.15 | 13.0 | 6.0 | | 1.0.0 | 5.8 | 16.4 | 16.4 | 16.4 | 13.3 | 16.4 | 9.4 |
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS macCatalyst

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