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Packages published by orchetect

orchetect/MIDIKit 0.9.5
🎹 Modern multi-platform Swift CoreMIDI wrapper with MIDI 2.0 support.
⭐️ 188
🕓 17 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
17 weeks ago
## New - `MIDIReceiverOptions`: Added `.bundleRPNAndNRPNDataEntryLSB` receiver option (#198) ## Changed - `MIDIReceiver`: `eventsWithMetadata` receiver has been renamed to `events` and inherits its `events, timeStamp, source` closure parameters - `MIDIReceiver`: `object(_:held:options:)` is now replaced by `strong(_:options:)` or `weak(_:options:)` and, as such, no longer carries a `held` property - Removed redundant `MIDIReceiveHandler` class - Renamed `MIDIReceiveHandlerProtocol` to `MIDIReceiverProtocol` and made it public ## Fixed - `MIDIEvent.pressure`: Debug description now includes both MIDI 1.0 & MIDI 2.0 value representation, consistent with other event descriptions ## Maintenance - Internal refactors to reduce `MIDIReceiver` boilerplate - Updated docs - Minor example project updates
23 weeks ago
## New - Added new `ObservableMIDIManager` subclass of `MIDIManager` that provides two new `@Published` properties: `observableDevices` and `observableEndpoints` - `MIDIKitUI` SwiftUI components are now fully functional (see the `MIDIKitUI` example project) - Significant updates to the `EndpointPickers` example project to use endpoint display name as a fallback endpoint identity ## Improvements - Refactored `MIDIEndpointFilter` Collection methods and resolved ambiguities ## Fixed - Fixed potential crash in rare cases when Core MIDI property getter produces an error ## Maintenance - All example projects have been further cleaned up and various issues resolved - Unit tests updated - Docs updated
25 weeks ago
- Added `Sendable` conformance to most concrete types - Refactored `Error` types to be `LocalizedError`, added missing description strings - Refactored MIDIReceiver to use new `MIDIReceiverOptions` option set
25 weeks ago
- Maintenance update to clean up Example projects
29 weeks ago
- `MIDIEvent`: Fixed description string formatting for `noteOn`, `noteOff`, `noteCC`, `notePitchBend` and `notePressure` events - Resolved an issue that could prevent app archival
29 weeks ago
## Improvements - `MIDIManager`: Streamlined `addInputConnection`/`addOutputConnection` API - Fixed proactive Swift 6 warning about shadowed associated type - Updated to TimecodeKit 2.0.1 - Updated docs ## API Changes - `MIDIProtocolVersion`: Renamed cases, removing underscore prefix - `MIDIFile.FrameRate`: Renamed cases, removing underscore prefix - `MIDIFile.SMPTEOffsetFrameRate`: Renamed cases, removing underscore prefix - `MIDIFileEvent.DeltaTime`: Renamed cases, removing underscore prefix
44 weeks ago
- `MIDIFile` `Track`: Added `eventsAtBeatPositions()` method
44 weeks ago
## New - `MIDIEvent`: Added `midi1RawStatusByte()` method - `MIDIEvent`: Added `midi1RawDataBytes()` method ## Improvements - `MIDIFile`: Improved memory usage and load times when loading very large MIDI files ## Docs - Added iOS background send/receive guide (#187) - Minor updates
50 weeks ago
## Changes - Bumped to Swift 5.7 minimum requirement - `MIDIEvent.NoteCC.PerNoteController`: Added `registered(UInt8)` static method ## Docs - Cleaned up example projects - Added [documentation for `MIDIEvent`](https://orchetect.github.io/MIDIKit/documentation/midikit/midievent)
1 year ago
- `MIDIFile`: gained Hashable conformance (#174) - Updated `PassiveDataReader` to fix a potential crash when parsing `MIDIFile` (#175)
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
orchetect/MenuBarExtraAccess 1.0.5
Show/hide SwiftUI MenuBarExtra menu using Bindings
⭐️ 94
🕓 36 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
36 weeks ago
- Package now builds on iOS, tvOS, watchOS and visionOS to support multiplatform projects
50 weeks ago
- Added `NSStatusItem` access in `menuBarExtraAccess()`
1 year ago
- Window-based menu extra status items now remain highlighted while the window is open
1 year ago
- Added more resiliency for window-based menu extras
1 year ago
Minor documentation updates and ergonomics improvements.
1 year ago
Initial release.
orchetect/OSCKit 0.5.0
Open Sound Control (OSC) library written in Swift.
⭐️ 83
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
## New - Added new `OSCSocket` class that combines server and client using a single local UDP port - Added `OSCKitSocketExample` project to demonstrate `OSCSocket` - `OSCClient` - Added ability to specify local port with `init(localPort:)` - Added `isPortReuseEnabled` property - Added `isIPv4BroadcastEnabled` property - `OSCServer` - Added `isPortReuseEnabled` property - Added `isIPv4BroadcastEnabled` property - Now defaults to main queue using default QoS if not specified - Added native support for `CGFloat` as an OSC message value type ## Improvements - Full DocC documentation [available online](https://orchetect.github.io/OSCKit), and buildable within Xcode - Thinned external dependencies from 4 to 2 - Minor cleanup, unit test updates, and API clarification
1 year ago
- `OSCAddressSpace`: Refactored address registration and matching logic - `OSCAddressSpace`: `methods(matching:)` now returns only method IDs and not container IDs - Removed inlining - Inline documentation updated
1 year ago
## Hotfix Patch - Fixes builds on Xcode 14 RC 1 and Xcode 14.0 due to macOS SDK removal > **Note**: > > This release is identical to [0.4.1](https://github.com/orchetect/OSCKit/releases/tag/0.4.1) but resolves a temporary issue where OSCKit fails to build in Xcode 14.0 public release.
1 year ago
- Added ability to optionally store a closure for each OSC method that is registered with `OSCAddressSpace`. Invoking `dispatch(_: OSCMessage)` will execute the closure (on current queue or on a specified queue) for each method that matches the OSC message address pattern. - Added an example project demonstrating the use of OSC method closures
1 year ago
## Welcome to OSCKit 0.4.0! 0.4.0 is a complete refactor and overhaul from the ground up. - OSC address pattern matching and dispatch - Convenient OSC message value type masking, validation and strong-typing - Modular: use the provided UDP network layer by default, or use your own - Support for custom OSC types by way of protocol adoption - Thread-safe - Fully unit tested Check out the [example projects](https://github.com/orchetect/OSCKit/tree/main/Examples) to see it in action, and browse the [README](https://github.com/orchetect/OSCKit) for an overview of functionality. > **Note**: Swift 5.7+ and Xcode 14+ are minimum requirements. OSCKit [0.3.1](https://github.com/orchetect/OSCKit/releases/tag/0.3.1) can be used with Xcode 13.
1 year ago
- Added full OSC time tag support with NTP era rollover - `OSCServer` now has `timeTagMode` parameter to set scheduling behavior - `OSCServer` receive `handler` closure now forwards time tag information - Updated example project - Updated documentation > **Note**: This will be the last release before a major refactor in release 0.4.0 to improve how OSC values are handled. > **Note**: 0.4.0 will require Xcode 14+ and Swift 5.7+
1 year ago
## New Release: OSCKit 0.3.0 > **Note**: This release has numerous API changes. ### Networking Now Included OSCKit by default now contains a built-in networking layer. - New `OSCClient` and `OSCServer` classes using CocoaAsyncSocket under the hood. (See [OSCKitExample](https://github.com/orchetect/OSCKit/tree/main/Examples/OSCKitExample) project for a demonstration.) - Or use `import OSCKitCore` if you plan on implementing your own UDP sockets. ### OSC Address - New `OSCAddress` struct: adds useful methods partaining to an OSC address. - Added full OSC address pattern matching support. - New `OSCDispatcher` class: automates address pattern matching and dispatches received OSC messages. - `[OSCMessage.Value]` now has a `masked()` category method to mask an array of OSC values and cast to concrete types. ### Misc - Added `Codable` conformance to `OSCBundle`, `OSCMessage` and `OSCAddress`. - Refreshed example projects. - Various improvements and fixes. - Improved inline docs and formatting.
2 years ago
- Fixed example project so it works on localhost as expected
2 years ago
- Added Example project using Apple's Network.framework - Set up GitHub CI for build testing and unit testing
3 years ago
Major code overhaul and modernization: - `OSCMessage` and `OSCBundle` are now immutable value types - `OSCMessage` and `OSCBundle` - `rawBytes` `init`s now `throw`, and produce strongly typed and detailed error messages - OSC value types of `.string(String)` and `.stringAlt(String)` have been replaced with `.string(ASCIIString)` and `.stringAlt(ASCIIString)` - OSC value type `.character(Character)` has been replaced with `.character(ASCIICharacter)` - New `Data.parseOSC()` method returns `Optional(OSCBundlePayload)` and throws on parse errors - `appearsToBeOSC` method now returns a strongly typed `OSCObjectType` enum with `.bundle` and `.message` cases - `OSCMessage` and `OSCBundle` now conform to `Equatable` and `Hashable` - Performance improvements - Removed all internal console log messages - README updated with Getting Started section with sample code
iOS macOS tvOS
orchetect/TimecodeKit 2.0.10
The definitive SMPTE timecode library for Swift.
⭐️ 80
🕓 8 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
8 weeks ago
## Added - `Fraction`: Added `*` and `/` math operators between two instances (#71)
15 weeks ago
## Added - `Timecode`: Added `base` parameter to `converted(to:)` instance method (to convert to a new sub-frames base if needed)
18 weeks ago
## Added - `TimecodeInterval`: Added `init(realTime: TimeInterval)` - `Fraction`: Added `Sendable` conformance - `Timecode.Properties`: Added `Sendable` conformance - `Timecode.UpperLimit`: Added `Sendable` conformance ## Improvements - `Fraction`: Changed `Equatable` behavior to compare reduced values and not literal values - `Fraction`: `init(fcpxmlString:)` no longer reduces fraction implicitly - `Fraction`: `fcpxmlStringValue` property no longer reduces fraction implicitly
20 weeks ago
- `Fraction`: Added `zero` static constructor - `Fraction`: Added `Comparable` conformance - `Fraction`: Added `+` and `-` math operators between instances
22 weeks ago
- `Fraction`: Fixed bug where fraction might not normalize - `Fraction`: Improved conversion from `Double` - `Fraction`: Added `init?(double:decimalPrecision:)` - `Fraction`: Added `decimalValue` property - `Fraction`: Added `isWholeInteger` property - `Fraction`: Added `init?(fcpxmlString:)` and `fcpxmlStringValue` property This can init from and produce strings formatted like "60s" or "1125/500s" - Updated unit tests
22 weeks ago
- Fixed bug where performing math between two `Timecode` instances with different frame rates would produce incorrect results - `Timecode` description now includes subframes for better debugging
25 weeks ago
- Added `Sendable` conformance to all concrete types
28 weeks ago
## Fixes - `Timecode`: Fixed potential overflow/underflow crash when raw component value(s) were very large
29 weeks ago
- Resolved an issue that could prevent app archival
29 weeks ago
- Hotfix release for regressions.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
orchetect/MacControlCenterUI 2.0.7
SwiftUI menu builder DSL & controls that mimic macOS Control Center.
⭐️ 77
🕓 26 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
26 weeks ago
- Added index safeguard while generating menu content - View inits that take both `LocalizedStringKey` and `String` now favor the localized key for string literals
29 weeks ago
- Updated Demo project with better compatibility for opening the SwiftUI Settings Scene on macOS 14
29 weeks ago
- Updated Demo project with better compatibility for opening the SwiftUI Settings Scene on macOS 14
31 weeks ago
- Updated Demo project with compatibility for opening the SwiftUI Settings Scene on macOS 14
36 weeks ago
- Package now builds on iOS, tvOS, watchOS and visionOS to support multiplatform projects
36 weeks ago
- `MenuBody` is now public - `MenuCircleButtonSize` properties are now public
1 year ago
- `HighlightingMenuStateItem`: Added init for `isHighlighted` binding - `MenuDisclosureGroup`: Added `toggleVisibility` parameter - `MenuDisclosureGroup` is now more performant - General cleanup
1 year ago
Major update with new controls, new capabilities and a more streamlined DSL. See the Demo project for more info.
1 year ago
## Incremental Improvements - Added `MenuHeader`, `MenuSection`, `DisclosureMenuSection`, `MenuRadioGroup` - More accurate appearance - Updated demo project
1 year ago
Many improvements and new features - and more to come in forthcoming 1.x.x releases. - A new menu builder DSL - Improvements in visual style to closer match Control Center menu appearance and behavior - Full control over MenuBarExtra with popup presentation binding See the Latest Platform Demo project for more info.
orchetect/SwiftRadix 1.3.1
Easily convert integers to binary/hex/octal strings and back again with clean functional syntax.
⭐️ 48
🕓 26 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


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26 weeks ago
- Internal changes to satisfy upcoming Swift 6 requirements
1 year ago
## String Value Getters are Now More Flexible - Added defaulted `separator: String = " "` parameter to Collection `stringValue()` methods (#15) - Added defaulted `uppercase: Bool = true` property to `Radix` and Collection `stringValue()`/`stringValues()` methods ## Misc - `CustomStringConvertible` now returns radix string value with prefix - Minor documentation updates
1 year ago
## New Improvements - All initializers and extensions previously using `String` now allow any `StringProtocol` for greater flexibility. - Added Xcode 11.3 / Swift 5.1 backward-compatibility to allow compiling on macOS Mojave. (Once compiled, macOS 10.10+ is still supported.) - Fun new package logo and banner in README :)
2 years ago
## API Changes - `Radix(T, base:)` init is now a failable `init?` instead of defaulting to base 10 - Removed `<<<<` and `>>>>` nibble shift operators (redundant and reduces potential for global operator collision) ## Misc - Improved resiliency to potential category method namespace collisions - Various internal improvements - README updated
2 years ago
- Added GitHub CI - Bumped minimum iOS version to 9.0
2 years ago
- Formatting and cleanup
3 years ago
- Performance improvements - Added `(padTo:)` and `(padToEvery:)` overloads to `.stringValueArrayLiteral` - Added prefix-only `.stringValue` / `.stringValues` overloads - Inline documentation clarification
3 years ago
- Library renamed to SwiftRadix - Redesigned to also include all the same functionality for binary, octal, and radix(base:), in addition to hex - Various improvements and additional features - Complete unit tests have been added - Swift Package Manager (SPM) support - CocoaPods support Please review the README.md to see syntax changes from SwiftHex.
Original SwiftHex Library
3 years ago
Original library before SwiftRadix redesign. It is recommended to update to the new SwiftRadix 1.0.0 release which brings new features.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
orchetect/PListKit 2.0.2
Swift library for easily reading/writing plist (Property List) files.
⭐️ 29
🕓 23 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
23 weeks ago
- Fixed bug when setting an array nested within a dictionary (#9) - Updated unit tests
1 year ago
- Fixed: `DictionaryPList` setting a dictionary as a value to a root key failed (#8)
1 year ago
# PListKit 2.0.0 - `PList` class can now have any plist value type as its root element, not just dictionary - Full documentation: [browse online](https://orchetect.github.io/PListKit/) or view them directly in Xcode by selecting **Product → Build Documentation** - Various improvements ## Migration from 1.2.0 - The old `PList` class is now `DictionaryPList` (typealias for `PList<PListDictionary>`) - In order to read a plist file that is not known ahead of time to have a dictionary root, you can load it into `AnyPList` and unwrap it
1 year ago
- Adds support for Swift 5.7 by conditionally using `any PListValue` - Added `PList.root` `any(key:)` getter and setter along side existing typed accessors - `PListArray` and `PListDictionary` are now top-level types - Formatted codebase with SwiftFormat - Unit tests improved
2 years ago
Many improvements across the library. **Note that there are API-breaking changes, but they are minimal. In all cases, API simply changed or was improved.** - Inits are now throwing inits instead of failable Optionals - `.load(...)` methods are now inits instead - Added `(string:)` and `(dictionary: RawDictionary)` inits - Safe, conditionally-typed index subscripts are now available on PListArray (see README for details) - Mutable subscripts now yield for direct mutation - `ConvertToPListArray` is now `RawArray` category method `convertedToPListArray()` - `ConvertToPListDictionary` is now `RawDictionary` category method `convertedToPListDictionary()` - Inline help updated - Unit tests updated - README updated
2 years ago
- Removed unnecessary external dependency. The library is now self-contained.
3 years ago
Bumped dependency version for performance improvements
3 years ago
- Library renamed to PListKit (previously OTPList) - New functional path traversal through the .root property - Swift Package Manager (SPM) support added - Multiplatform support for macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS - Complete unit tests added - README and inline documentation updated
0.1.0 - Original OTPList playground
3 years ago
Repo contents before renaming repo from OTPList to PListKit.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
orchetect/DAWFileKit 0.4.6
A Swift library for reading and writing common import/export file formats between popular DAW applications.
⭐️ 21
🕓 1 hour ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
9 hours ago
- FCPXML: Fixed erroneous Video role in roles extraction
## New - FCPXML: Added `includeDisabled` property to `ExtractionScope` ## Fixed - FCPXML: Fixed bug where `Title` model object was accessing the incorrect role attribute - FCPXML: Resolved compiler ambiguity in `AnyRole` sequence `contains` category methods - FCPXML: Extracted `title` elements now never return audio roles ## Maintenance - Added unit tests
10 weeks ago
## New - FCPXML: Added rate scaling support for 24fps timelines containing 25fps media ## Maintenance - Added unit test
12 weeks ago
## New - `ProTools.SessionInfo`: Added support for parsing new `Track Name` and `Track Type` fields in `Markers Listing` which were added in Pro Tools 2023.12 - `ProTools.SessionInfo.Marker`: Added `trackName` and `trackType` properties ## Maintenance - Added unit test
15 weeks ago
## Improved - FCPXML: Improved `conform-rate` frame rate scaling - FCPXML: Added `thenByName` parameter to `sortedByAbsoluteStartTimecode()` Sequence method ## Maintenance - FCPXML: Added frame rate scaling unit tests
15 weeks ago
## New - FCPXML: Added `ConformRate` - FCPXML: Added `FrameSampling` - FCPXML: Added `contents` property to `Spine` - FCPXML: Added `TimeMap` and `TimePoint` - FCPXML: Added `FCPXMLElementTimingParams` protocol, conformed appropriate clip model types - FCPXML: Added `FCPXMLElementFrameSampling` protocol ## Improved - FCPXML: Now accounts for frame rate scaling when returning time values as timecode and calculating absolute start timecode for elements ## Maintenance - FCPXML: Updated unit tests
18 weeks ago
## FCPXML Rewrite New in 0.4.0 is: - a complete rewrite of FCPXML parsing, data extraction, and authoring from the ground up - dramatic performance improvements for data extraction A solid core set of features are implemented and unit tested. The structure is extensible and more features can be added incrementally over time. No formal documentation or demo code is available yet. Questions and comments are welcome in the [Discussions](https://github.com/orchetect/DAWFileKit/discussions) forum.
20 weeks ago
## Added - FCPXML: Added `isMainRoleBuiltIn` property to roles - FCPXML: Added `lowercased` and `titleCased` methods to roles ## Improved - FCPXML: Improved `mc-clip` parsing - FCPXML: Improved `mc-clip` roles parsing - FCPXML: Improved `mc-clip` element extraction
21 weeks ago
## Added - FCPXML: Added audio channel source parsing to `AssetClip` - FCPXML: Added active property to `AudioRoleSource` - FCPXML: Expanded category methods for roles - FCPXML: Added `absoluteEnd` to element context - FCPXML: Added `parentAbsoluteEnd` to element context - FCPXML: Added `occlusion` to element context - FCPXML: Added `effectiveOcclusion` to element context - FCPXML: Added `occlusions` to element extraction ## Improved - FCPXML: Refactored and improved asset clip role parsing
21 weeks ago
## Added - FCPXML: Added stronger typing and more properties - FCPXML: Added sub-role collapsing - FCPXML: Refactored roles parsing, added types - FCPXML: Added more context to inherited roles ## Fixed - FCPXML: Fixed absolute start time calculation for captions ## Maintenance - File organization and updated unit tests
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
orchetect/OTCore 1.5.2
Useful extensions on Swift standard library types.
⭐️ 6
🕓 1 hour ago
🔖 Release Notes


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11 hours ago
- Added new `Time` abstraction for formatting time strings - `NSImage`: Added `write(to:options:type:jpegCompressionFactor:)` method
18 weeks ago
## XML - `XMLElement`: Added `addChildren<S: Sequence<XMLNode>>(_:)` method - `XMLElement`: Added `removeAllChildren()` method - `XMLElement`: Added `removeChildren(where:)` method
18 weeks ago
## XML - Refactors and API changes for `XMLNode` extensions - `XMLNode`: Added `parentElement` property - `XMLNode`: Added `childElements` property - `XMLNode`: Added `firstChildElement(named:)` method - `XMLNode` Sequence: Added `first(whereNodeNamed:)` method - `XMLNode` Sequence: Added `first(whereElementNamed:)` method - `XMLElement` Sequence: Added `first(withAttribute:)` method - `XMLElement` Sequence: Added `first(whereAnyAttribute:)` method - `XMLElement` Sequence: Added `first(whereAttribute:hasValue:)` method - `XMLElement` Sequence: Added `filter(withAttribute:)` method - `XMLElement`: Added `firstChildElement(withAttribute:)` method - `XMLElement`: Added get/set attribute methods for `Bool`, `Int` and `URL` ## Swift Collections - Added `ZeroIndexedCollection` with `zeroIndexed` property on `Sequence` - Added `ZeroIndexedMutableCollection` with `zeroIndexed` property on `Sequence` - Added `ZeroIndexedRangeReplaceableCollection` with `zeroIndexed` property on `Sequence` - Added `LazyFilteredCompactMapSequence` typealias - `ClosedRange` `contains(Range)`: Relaxed associated requirements - Added `Set` operators `+` and `+=` - `Sequence`: Added `mapDictionary(_:)` method - `Sequence`: Added `compactMapDictionary(_:)` method ## Swift Concurrency - Added `withOrderedTaskGroup(sequence:priority:) { element in }` global method
21 weeks ago
- `String` RegEx methods: Fixed bug where matches and capture groups were sometimes incorrect lengths if the source string contained UTF16 composed characters
22 weeks ago
- Fixed potential category method collision
22 weeks ago
- `CGFloat`: Added `integralDigitPlaces` and `fractionDigitPlaces` properties - `Decimal`: Added `integralDigitPlaces` and `fractionDigitPlaces` properties - `Double`: Added `integralDigitPlaces` and `fractionDigitPlaces` properties
29 weeks ago
- `@UserDefaultsStorage`: Added ability to use any `Codable` type
39 weeks ago
- `URL`: Added `appendingToLastPathComponentBeforeExtension(_:)`
43 weeks ago
- `CGRect`: Added `scale(factor:)` method - `UserDefaultsStorage`: Fixed issue where custom `URL` get/set closures would not work correctly - OTCore is visionOS 1.0 compatible
1 year ago
- `PassiveDataReader`: Fixed potential overflow crash
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
orchetect/OTAtomics 1.0.1
Multi-platform Swift thread-safe atomics library
⭐️ 5
🕓 25 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


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25 weeks ago
- Added `Sendable` conformance
2 years ago
- Initial release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
orchetect/SwiftASCII 1.1.3
Type-safe ASCIIString and ASCIICharacter types for Swift. (ASCII string, character)
⭐️ 3
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- All initializers and extensions previously using `String` now allow any `StringProtocol` for greater flexibility.
1 year ago
- Added `Codable` conformance to `ASCIIString` and `ASCIICharacter`
1 year ago
## New - `ASCIIString`: Added init for `ASCIICharacter` - `ASCIIString`: Added init for `ASCIICharacter` sequence - `ASCIIString`: Added init for `ASCIIString` sequence - `ASCIIString` and `ASCIICharacter`: Added `joined()` - `ASCIIString` and `ASCIICharacter`: Added `+` concatenation operator between mixed instances - `String`: added `init(_ asciiString:)` initializer ## Improvements - Better multi-platform resilience for unit tests - Inline docs updated
1 year ago
Re-released as version [1.1.1](https://github.com/orchetect/SwiftASCII/releases/1.1.1). See that release for details.
2 years ago
- Added tvOS and watchOS platforms to Package.swift - Initial GitHub CI commit
3 years ago
Improved inits and added static inits
3 years ago
Initial release.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
orchetect/TextFileKit 0.1.6
Read & write delimited text file formats (incl. CSV and TSV).
⭐️ 2
🕓 16 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


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16 weeks ago
- Resolved CSV decoding bug where a mix of internal commas and double-quotes could decode incorrectly - Updated unit tests
2 years ago
- Removed external Package dependencies
2 years ago
- Initial GitHub CI commit - README update
3 years ago
- Added `.rowCount` and `columnCount` properties to `StringTable` - Added `[row, column]` and `[safe: row, column]` subscripts to `StringTable` - Renamed `.rawData` to `.rawText` - Updated unit tests
3 years ago
- Bumped dependency version - Cleaned up imports, minor formatting cleanup - Added watchOS build exclusion for unit tests
3 years ago
Internalized dependency namespace
3 years ago
Initial Release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
orchetect/OTOperations 1.0.9
Useful Swift NSOperation and NSOperationQueue subclasses
⭐️ 2
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- Added `OperationQueueAccess` enum and matching `OperationQueue.wait(for:)` method
1 year ago
- Renamed `mutate { }` to `withValue { }` that rethrows and can return a value
1 year ago
- `waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished(timeout:)` now takes Optional timeout parameter - Misc. formatting and improvements
2 years ago
- Fixed a retain cycle
2 years ago
- `LabelProgress`: Refactored to no longer depend on `userInfo` dictionary - `LabelProgress`: Improved thread safety
2 years ago
- `LabelProgress` handles `userInfo` access more explicitly now - Removed `LabelProgress` deinit block as a safeguard
2 years ago
- Improved progress label updating frequency - Improved memory management - Prevents potential orphan `Progress` objects
2 years ago
- Resolved issue with non-releasing child progress objects - `LabelProgress` deinit now triggers parent progress to update itself - Updated inline docs
2 years ago
- Added `LabelProgress` subclass of `Progress` - recursively aggregates text labels for operations - Updated operation inits to include progress `label` and `weight` parameters - Improved stability overall - Updated unit tests - Cleanup
2 years ago
- Initial commit
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
orchetect/XCTestUtils 1.0.3
Useful XCTest extensions for Swift
⭐️ 1
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- Added `SegmentedProgress` - Minor improvements and cleanup
1 year ago
- `wait(for:)` methods: Added support for closures as expressions - Updated README with basic usage examples
2 years ago
- Added `wait(for: seconds)` method - Switched waiters to be non-blocking instead of sleeping
2 years ago
- Initial release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

Swiftpack is being maintained by Petr Pavlik | @ptrpavlik | @swiftpackco | API | Analytics