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Packages published by onekiloparsec

onekiloparsec/KPCTabsControl 4.0.2
A macOS control for tabs with enhanced capabilities, and styles: Safari, Chrome and custom ones.
⭐️ 170
🕓 15 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Swift 4 + 2 important fixes
6 years ago
The lib version matches that of the Swift langage. Hence the move from 3 to 4, despite having only small changes. But #33 is fixed, and you can now add tabs on the flyw without problems. And more importantly, they appear correctly, since another bug hidden by that first one, is also fixed.
KPCTabsControl takes the Swift3 train!
7 years ago
KPCTabsControl has been migrated to Swift3. No changes of APIs compared to the 2.0 release, written with Swift 2.2. Possible future of Swift2 releases will be placed on the new `swift-2.2` branch.
Various bugfixes
7 years ago
- Introduction of a dedicated control cell to fix a problem when clicking outside the last button - Changed hard-coded Helvetica fonts to system ones - Fixed a method typo (1.6.2) - Fixed an issue with autolayout (1.6.1)
Fixed Editing
7 years ago
Editing of tab titles wasn't working, and the demo didn't allow to play with it. This is now fixed, and some other details have been improved as well.
onekiloparsec/SwiftAA 2.4.0
The most comprehensive collection of accurate astronomical algorithms in (C++, Objective-C and) Swift.
⭐️ 164
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Silencing warnings for Xcode 13.1+
2 years ago
Just a quick release with only small change in the Swift Package Manager definition file.
Swift5, Xcode11 and AA+ v2.0+
4 years ago
Update of SwiftAA for Swift5, Xcode11 and AA+ v2.0+.
Moon Phase bugfix !
5 years ago
Thanks to a dedicated user, a fix on the Moon phases has been applied to SwiftAA code. See the closed issue #81 for details. The release also contains some annoyance fixes for Xcode 10.2.
AA+ version update
5 years ago
AA+ from P.J. Naughter has seen various fixes and improvements since the last time we included the AA+ sources (v1.91). It was time to update to the latest version: v1.99.
6 years ago
After months of hard work and a last-push-to-the-summit the last week for bringing unit tests coverage above 90%, I am pleased to announce SwiftAA reaches the 2.0 milestone.
Putting the Moon high in the sky
6 years ago
Well, the Moon class deserved some better doc and some additional APIs. Here there are, with various improvements and tests in different places. As we continue to cover the Moon with Unit Tests, we are approaching 2.0 release.
Important fix on Rise Transit & Set times.
6 years ago
The problem was a confusion between two types of ecliptic coordinates (one geocentric, one heliocentric). And the equatorial coordinates needed for the computation of rise transit set times were based on the wrong ones (heliocentric). All tests pass. But for some of them, the accuracy isn't satisfactory (> a few minutes, up to some hours). With the large spread of sources on the Internet, often providing little clue on how things are computed, make it very hard here to have a consistent set of tests which are accurate compared to all these sources at the same time. Nevertheless, we keep thriving! For the archive, let state that the sources of data for tests are: The AA book (by Jean Meeus), AA+ own C++ tests, USNO, Sky Safari, Xephem.
First draft release of SwiftAA 2! (alpha-0)
7 years ago
A whole world of modern expressive Swift code base giving access to most of the Astronomical Algorithms. Lots to be perfected, but that's time for a release, since most of the (Obj-)C++ code is now covered, and more importantly, elevated to a more expressive formulation. A draft of a Swift Playground is also provided for those who wants to play with SwiftAA, to study solar system dynamics, and properties for instance.
Hello Universe...
8 years ago
This is the first release of SwiftAA. It contains all the Objective-C wrappers as well as the Swift headers and files for you to access all the Astronomical Algorithms implementation of AA+ in Swift. It is for iOS8+ as well as OSX Yosemite+ There is a very basic Swift Playground included. It will be developed in the coming months to exemplify the use of the AA.
iOS macOS

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