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Packages published by nvzqz

nvzqz/RandomKit v5.2.3
Random data generation in Swift
⭐️ 1,471
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
6 years ago
# Fixes - Fixed compilation errors for Xcode 9 Beta 5
6 years ago
# Fixes - Reimplement `String.UTF16Index` conformances to `RandomInRange` and `RandomInClosedRange`
6 years ago
# Fixes - Removed `String.UTF16Index` conformances to `RandomInRange` and `RandomInClosedRange` for Swift 3.2 and after - This was enabled by an implementation based on `Strideable`, which the type no longer conforms to as of Swift 3.2
6 years ago
# New Features - Made `Trivial` protocol public, allowing for library users to enable related optimizations for their own types - Added `jump(count:)` variant of `jump()` to `Xoroshiro` and `XorshiftStar` # Improvements - Made `jump()` for `XorshiftStar` 20%+ faster - Made `reseed(with:)` for `ChaCha` 550%+ faster - `init(seed:)` is also faster due to reliance on `reseed(with:)`
6 years ago
# Improvements - Initial Swift 4 compatibility :tada: - Improved time to access a thread-local generator by ~22% - Adds [Threadly](https://github.com/nvzqz/Threadly) dependency # Changes - The ShiftOperations package is not required for Swift 3.2 and above
6 years ago
# New Features - Added `RandomRetrievable` and `RandomRetrievableInRange` protocols (see 793e473e4a7d21a6777f131c5bf47fc6f0907f73) - Added `SeedableFromSequence` protocol (see 71094375cee72f99a6cadd1f1195c5dba6369da1) # Changes - Removed `random(using:)` method that applied to all `Sequence` types - Removed `Double` `random(within:using:)` for `TimeInterval` ranges - Renamed `RandomWithinRange` and `RandomWithinClosedRange` to `RandomInRange` and `RandomInClosedRange` respectively - Functions that had a `within:` argument now use `in:` - `SeedableFromRandomGenerator` no longer requires `Seedable` - Changed `ChaCha.Seed` to `[UInt32]`
7 years ago
# Fixes - Fixed `Xoroshiro` jump method
7 years ago
# Fixes - `ChaCha` `reseed(with:)` did not generate the same values for the same seed it was instantiated with
7 years ago
# New Features - ChaCha random number generator (see: 9ca66ec72ce1d36e788e61d6793b149346bc9167) - Added `reseed()` method to `SeedableFromOtherRandomGenerator` # Improvements - Make random `Array` initializers 5-10% faster
7 years ago
# Fixes - Safely accesses internal global thread-local-storage type keys dictionary with a readers-write lock
nvzqz/Sage v2.5.2
A cross-platform chess library for Swift
⭐️ 374
🕓 5 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
7 years ago
# Release Notes ## Fixes - Fixes issue regarding legal move generation for king in check due to error in moves available for the attacking piece
7 years ago
# Release Notes ## Fixes - Swift 3 preview 6 and Xcode 8 beta 6 compatibility
7 years ago
# Release Notes ## New Features - Added pinned(for:) method to Board - Added `between(_:)`, `isBetween(start:end:)` and `line(with:)` methods to Square - Added `hasMoreThanOne` to Bitboard ## Enhancements - Made legal move generation/checking faster for king pieces ## Fixes - Fixed conditions for castling so that a king cannot castle in check and it can't castle through squares that are being attacked
7 years ago
# Release Notes ## Fixes - Swift 3 preview 4 and Xcode 8 beta 4 compatibility
7 years ago
# Release Notes ## New Features - Added `init(position:whitePlayer:blackPlayer:variant:)` to `Game` #7 ## Enhancements - Greatly improved performance of `attackers(to:color:)` method for `Board` - Improved performance for `pieceCount(for:)` for `Board` - Improved performance for `contains(_:)` for `Bitboard`
7 years ago
# Release Notes ## New Features - Added `captureForLastMove` to Game #6
7 years ago
# Release Notes ## New Features - Added `execute(uncheckedMove:)` family of methods to `Game` - Added initializer with moves array to Game ## Enhancements - Improved performance for `bitboard(for color: Color)` method for `Board`
7 years ago
# Release Notes ## New Features - Added static `white`, `black`, `kingside`, and `queenside` constants to `CastlingRights` and `CastlingRights.Right` - Added `canCastle(for:)` methods to `CastlingRights` that take a `Color` or `Board.Side` - Added `init(color:)` and `init(side:)` to `CastlingRights`
7 years ago
# Release Notes ## Fixes - Fixed Xcode 8 beta 3 warnings for guard statements
7 years ago
# Release Notes ## Enhancements - Performance greatly improved when performing operations with `Board` ## New Features - Most significant bit operations to `Bitboard`: - Properties: `msb`, `msbIndex`, `msbSquare` - Methods: `popMSB()`, `popMSBIndex()`, `popMSBSquare()` - `Board` initializer from arrays of piece characters ``` swift Board(pieces: [["r", "n", "b", "q", "k", "b", "n", "r"], ["p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p"], [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], ["P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "P", "P"], ["R", "N", "B", "Q", "K", "B", "N", "R"]]) ``` - Parsing PGN string data with `PGN(parse:)` - Exporting PGN string data with `exported()` - New `Player` struct ## Breaking Changes - `Piece` has been changed to a struct type with nested a `Kind` type - Values such as `isKing` and `relativeValue` now belong to `Kind` - The argument-less `bitboard()` method for `Board` has been changed to `occupiedSpaces` - Replaced `Game.Mode` with two `Player` instances for a game ## Fixes - Calling `redoMove()` would sometimes cause a crash if the `Game` instance had no available moves (e.g. was over). - The `Board` playground view for iOS and tvOS was flipped vertically - `canPromote(_:)` for `Piece` didn't take king into account - Castling rights weren't restored in `undoMove()` - `execute(move:)` didn't check the promotion piece's kind

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