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Packages published by nugu-developers

nugu-developers/nugu-ios 1.10.1-rc4
⭐️ 21
🕓 Yesterday
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Add `TabExtension` to `DisplayAgent` (upgrade to v1.8) by @jin-marino in https://github.com/nugu-developers/nugu-ios/pull/880 * Add `ignoreSendingResumeEvent` variable by @jin-marino in https://github.com/nugu-developers/nugu-ios/pull/882 * Send `dialog_request_id` when loading `DisplayWebView` by @jin-marino in https://github.com/nugu-developers/nugu-ios/pull/883 * Apply `RxSwift` version 6 by @childc in https://github.com/nugu-developers/nugu-ios/pull/881 * Send stop / start event instead of resume event by @jin-marino in https://github.com/nugu-developers/nugu-ios/pull/884 * Supports `Swift package manager` by @childc in https://github.com/nugu-developers/nugu-ios/pull/886 * Refactor `NuguClientKit` and `MainViewController` by @jin-marino in https://github.com/nugu-developers/nugu-ios/pull/888 * Fix podspec issue by @jin-marino in https://github.com/nugu-developers/nugu-ios/pull/891 * Remove useless `preserved_path` statement by @childc in https://github.com/nugu-developers/nugu-ios/pull/892 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/nugu-developers/nugu-ios/compare/1.3.2...1.4.0
[hotfix] 0.30.3
3 years ago
Released on 2021-04-13 ### SDK #### Fixed - Add top margin to display web view presenter (#814)
[hotfix] 0.30.2
3 years ago
Released on 2021-04-08 ### SDK #### Fixed - Restore AVPlayerItem observer (#806)
3 years ago
Released on 2021-03-25 ### Sample Application #### Fixed - Close voice chrome when any object (including button or web page) has been touched (#800) ### SDK #### Fixed - Close voice chrome when any object (including button or web page) has been touched (#800) - Remove guideTextLabel's text during session has been activated (#798)
3 years ago
Released on 2021-03-23 ### Sample Application #### Update - Implement `PermissionAgent`. (#790) > Not essential changes to reflect. > Use `PermissionAgent` to request permissions exactly when `NUGU Play` needs it. ### SDK #### Added - Implement `PermissionAgent`. (#790) #### Fixed - Check `InteractionControl` when handling `PhoneCall.SendCandidates` directive. (#795)
3 years ago
Released on 2021-03-19 ### SDK #### Update - Save the offset of the `MediaPlayer` only if it is not nil. (#777)
3 years ago
Released on 2021-03-10 ### Sample Application #### Update - `ASRAgent` 1.5 (upgrade capability-agent) (#767) ### SDK #### Update - `ASRAgent` 1.5 (upgrade capability-agent) (#767) - Upgrade `AudioPlayerAgent` to 1.6 #774
iOS watchOS
nugu-developers/natty-log-ios 1.2.3
Log Framework for Apple platforms (iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS)
⭐️ 3
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
4 years ago
Fix memory leak issue
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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