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Packages published by nathantannar4

nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView 6.3.0
A simple and easily customizable InputAccessoryView for making powerful input bars with autocomplete and attachments
⭐️ 1,097
🕓 35 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
35 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Fix layout issues on iPad pagesheets by @Janneman84 in https://github.com/nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView/pull/244 * Fix crash after adding image attachment #237 by @sgraesser in https://github.com/nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView/pull/250 ## New Contributors * @Janneman84 made their first contribution in https://github.com/nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView/pull/244 * @sgraesser made their first contribution in https://github.com/nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView/pull/250 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView/compare/6.2.0...6.3.0
1 year ago
- Remove `canBecomeFirstResponder` on `InputTextView` to fix `UITextViewDelegate` methods not being called
6.1.1 - Xcode 14 fixes
1 year ago
- fixed warning for Xcode 14
1 year ago
- https://github.com/nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView/pull/230: Added additionalInputViewBottomConstraintConstant to KeyboardManager as a way for providing additional bottom constraint constant offset for inputAccessoryView. Example implementation can be found in AdditionalBottomSpaceExampleViewController
6.0.0 - The King is dead, long live the King
1 year ago
iOS 12 has been around for a while, but with upcoming WWDC, we are ready to let this version go and rest in peace forever. The same could be said about CocoaPods - what used to be the major and most important thing on iOS for developing apps with 3rd party libraries - has been replaced by natively supported way called Swift Package Manager. **_Sit tibi terra levis._** ### Changelog: - **Breaking change**: Drop iOS 12 support - **Breaking change**: Drop CocoaPods support & RxSwift extension (it was available only via CocoaPods) - KeyboardManager will not update position of inputAccessoryView from interactive dismiss panGesture when the keyboard is floating - Update docs
1 year ago
- Update SPM tools to Swift 5.5 - Added new optional delegate method for custom attachments size - Added new animations for left/right stack view constraints
2 years ago
- Make sure framework is ready for XCode 13 - Fix availability in AppExtensions - Fix Package.swift to support iOS 12+ only - Reset cachedNotification when keyboard is programmatically dismissed
3 years ago
- Applied additionalBottomSpace to interactive dismissal
3 years ago
- Allow setting `canBecomeFirstResponder` - Fix interactive keyboard dismissal lag - Add example implemntation of `sendButton` animation
3 years ago
- Fixed appendSpaceOnCompletion inserting space at wrong location
nathantannar4/Transmission 1.1.5
Bridges UIKit presentation APIs to a SwiftUI API so you can use presentation controllers, interactive transitions and more.
⭐️ 242
🕓 3 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 weeks ago
- Fixed #38
7 weeks ago
- Fixes #34
15 weeks ago
- Fixes regressions from #24 fix
15 weeks ago
- Fixes #27 and #29
16 weeks ago
- Fixes #24 and #25
16 weeks ago
- Moves `HostingView` and `HostingController` to [Engine](https://github.com/nathantannar4/Engine) - Fixes #22 and #23
18 weeks ago
- Fix `DestinationLink` `.default` transition to fallback to the original `UINavigationControllerDelegate`
20 weeks ago
- Fixes #19
21 weeks ago
- Fixes #18
21 weeks ago
- Bug fixes and API improvements
iOS macCatalyst
nathantannar4/Engine 1.6.0
Engine makes it easier to create idiomatic APIs and Views that feel natural in SwiftUI without sacrificing performance
⭐️ 113
🕓 3 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 weeks ago
- Adds `StyleContext` [APIs](https://github.com/nathantannar4/Engine/blob/main/Sources/Engine/Sources/StyleContext.swift) for adding conditional modifiers based on the current context [Open Examples](https://github.com/nathantannar4/Engine/blob/main/Sources/Engine/Example/Example/StyleContextExamples.swift) - Adds `ViewInputsVisitor` to iterate over `_ViewInputs`
8 weeks ago
- Fix Xcode 15.3 build issue (Swift compiler issue)
13 weeks ago
- Adds `EnvironmentKeyVisitor` and convenience methods to read a value from `EnvironmentValues` via a string key
14 weeks ago
- Adds `AnyShape`, `ShapeBuilder` and `AnyAnimatableData`
15 weeks ago
- Separates `@ViewStyle` macro into its own target, `EngineMacros` so not to effect build time of those not using it
16 weeks ago
- Adds `HostingView` and `HostingController` from [Transmission](https://github.com/nathantannar4/Transmission)
21 weeks ago
- Remove `EngineCore.xcframework` binary dependency in favour of `EngineCore`/`EngineCoreC` targets - `visionOS` Support
23 weeks ago
- `MultiViewVisitor` rewrite to be recursive on any `View`
25 weeks ago
- Open sources `EngineCore` - Adds `@StyledView` macro for easier `ViewStyle` adoptions
26 weeks ago
- Adds a set of view output APIs, including `ViewOutputKey` and `ViewOutputAlias` - Adds support to `VersionedView`/`VersionedViewModifier` to override the version used for local development - Improved `MultiViewAdapter` usability
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS macCatalyst
nathantannar4/Turbocharger 1.2.0
Turbocharger aims accelerate SwiftUI development by providing commonly desired views and view modifiers
⭐️ 53
🕓 1 week ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 week ago
- Added resolution of `Text`/`Image`/`Font`/`AnyShapeStyle` + more nice to haves to making bridging to platform views easier - Added convenience accessors to hidden environment variables, like `labelsHidden` and `foregroundStyle` - Added `CollectionView` and `CollectionViewRepresentable`
8 weeks ago
- Fix build
8 weeks ago
- Fix Xcode 15.3 build issue (Swift compiler issue)
8 weeks ago
- `ForEach` convenience initializers for enumerated data
9 weeks ago
- `FlowLayout` bug fixes
14 weeks ago
- Adds `PlatformViewRepresentable` - Adds `visionOS` support
22 weeks ago
- Fix tvOS and watchOS build
25 weeks ago
- Align version with `Engine`
27 weeks ago
- Improved `MarqueeHStack`/`BadgeModifier`/`HiddenModifier`
43 weeks ago
- Bug fixes and improvements - Adds `MarqueeHStack`
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS macCatalyst

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