Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by namolnad

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Packages published by namolnad

namolnad/Finch 0.3.0
A configurable command line tool to easily create and format version changelogs
⭐️ 191
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
# 0.3.0 (240) ### Bug Fixes - Empty branch merge in change-log - [PR #121](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/121)
4 years ago
# 0.2.0 (229) ### Features - Use swift CLI instead of Commandant - [PR #117](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/117)
4 years ago
# 0.1.0 (227) Note: This is a breaking change for the `help` and `version` commands. These are now accessed without the leading dashes `--`. Similarly, command-specific help is now accessed via `finch help [command]` - Support Swift 5 - No longer statically link swift std-lib - Move to use Commandant and several other micro-libs vs depending on SPM - #114
5 years ago
# 0.0.22 (224) - Separates test / tooling packages out into separate `Package.swift` files to package only needed dependencies - #112 ### Features - Add --config option - [PR #105](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/105) ### Bug Fixes - Fix default sectionInfos overriding child config - [PR #109](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/109)
5 years ago
# 0.0.21 (216) ## Platform improvements - Statically link swift stdlib
5 years ago
# 0.0.20 (214) ### Features - Remove --to-pasteboard option
5 years ago
# 0.0.19 (211) ### Features - Add support for config.private.yml - [PR #83](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/83) - Add --required-tags option - [PR #90](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/90) ### Bug Fixes - Fix capitalization behavior and toPasteboard comment - [PR #91](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/91)
5 years ago
# 0.0.18 (202) ### Features - Config --Show-Example - [PR #60](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/60) - Version Auto Resolution - [PR #43](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/43) - Normalize Tags & Improve Config - [PR #56](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/56) - Support Multiple Emails - [PR #61](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/61) ### Bug Fixes - Fix Tag Ci Recognition Issue - [PR #41](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/41) - Fix Tests - [PR #63](https://github.com/namolnad/finch/pull/63)
5 years ago
5 years ago
- Change to use SPM as the main build/installation tool - Add configurable default line format - Pass `PROJECT_DIR` to build number command - Fix cherry-picking dedupe'ing - Filter out empty sections
namolnad/ahoy-ios 0.3.0
Analytics and attribution library for Apple platforms built on top of Ahoy for Ruby on Rails.
⭐️ 28
🕓 8 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
## Additions - Added a fire-and-forget convenience method for tracking ## Changes - Altered error enum to use consistent language "visit" language vs "session"
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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