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Packages published by nalexn

nalexn/ViewInspector 0.9.10
Runtime introspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views
⭐️ 2,034
🕓 12 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
12 weeks ago
Released on 2024-01-21. What's new: * Added support for visionOS (#260) * Added `CustomInspectable` protocol for [ease of inspection](https://github.com/nalexn/ViewInspector/blob/0.9.11/guide.md#inspecting-a-mix-of-uikit-and-swiftui) (PR #288) * Added support for `value` inspection on `NavigationLink` (PR #286) Fixes and improvements: * Fixed `tint()` inspection on iOS 16 (#287) * Fixed a bug in `find` for views with recursive type reference (#285) * Improved `find` performance (PR #284)
19 weeks ago
Released on 2023-12-03. What's new: * Adds support for `foregroundStyle()` (PR #264) * Adds support for `ignoresSafeArea()` (PR #267) * Adds support for `navigationDestination(isPresented:destination:)` (PR #270) * Adds support for `SpatialTapGesture` (PR #279) * Adds support for `help()` (PR #281, issue #280) * Adds support for `prompt` inspection on a `TextField` (issue #259) Fixes and improvements: * Greatly improved `find` performance on large view hierarchies (PR #263 and #273) * Fixed a bug when `CustomButtonStyle` had a custom `style` property (PR #278, issue #277)
32 weeks ago
Released on 2023-09-02. What's new: * Added inspection support for `ShareLink`, `MultiDatePicker`, `LabeledContent`, `ViewThatFits` (PR #255), `Grid`, `GridRow` (issue #253) * Refreshed guide and sample WatchKit app (PR #251, issue #198) * Compatibility with Xcode 15.0 Beta 8 Fixes and PRs: * Fix Objective-C class EnviromentObject injection (PR #250) * `.accessibilityLabel` can not be accessed within iOS 17 (attributeNotFound) (issue #254) * Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0) (issue #243)
43 weeks ago
Released on 2023-06-17. What's new: * Support for Xcode 15.0 Beta and iOS 17 (issues #246, #249) Fixes and PRs: * Fix inspecting when there is a closure environment value (PR #248)
50 weeks ago
Released on 2023-05-03. What's new: * Added support for `alignment` inspection on `ZStack` (#234) * Added an optional `delay` parameter for the `inspect(onReceive publisher:)` call (PR #236) * Added support for strings interpolation using `FormatStyle` (PR #238) * Added support for `selectedValue` inspection on the `Picker` view (PR #242) Fixes and PRs: * Inspection issues with the views containing accessibility modifiers when running tests in Xcode 14.3 (PR #237, issue #235) * Issues inspecting `contextMenu(menuItems:)` (PR #228, issue #229)
1 year ago
Released on 2023-01-15. A hotfix for v0.9.4, where `find` was failing to correctly traverse certain view hierarchies
1 year ago
Released on 2023-01-14. What's new: * Added support for `NavigationStack` and `NavigationSplitView` (#207) * Fixes and PRs: * Crash when unwrapping `EnvironmentalModifier` * Crash in `TimelineView` (#217) * `TabView` with explicit `Binding` parameter is correctly hiding inactive tab views from inspection (#164) * `NavigationLinks` with explicit `Binding` parameter is correctly hiding destination view from inspection for an inactive link (#165) * `find` working incorrectly for views defined in the context of a test function and `Optional` views (#219) * `find` now detects recursion in the view hierarchy and prevents an infinite traverse (#165)
1 year ago
Released on 2022-12-25. What's new: * Conformance to `Inspectable` protocol is no longer a requirement when inspecting custom views and modifiers. Kudos to @bachand for R&D of this feature (#216) * Fixes and PRs: * Added AttributedString support for Text (#202) * Fixed "cannot find type 'ToolbarPlacement' in scope" (#199, #206)
1 year ago
Released on 2022-09-17. **Requires Xcode 14.0** What's new: * Adds support for SwiftUI 4.0 * New APIs: * `find(viewWithAccessibilityLabel: )` and `find(viewWithAccessibilityIdentifier: )` (PR #168) * `axes: Axis.Set` and `showsIndicators: Bool` inspectable attributes on `ScrollView` * `callOnSubmit` inspection of the `onSubmit` modifier (PR #184) * `primaryAction` inspection support on `Menu` (#183) * Inspectable attributes on `Rotation3D` (PR #191) * `Label(_:systemImage:)` inspection (#176) * Fixes and PRs: * 'callOnChange' not recognizing Optional parameters (#163) * Error when accessing the `keyboardType` in `TextField` (#171) * Failure to find `.background()` when `BackgroundView` contains `Color` (#169) * Error 'Cannot find 'XCTFail' in scope' when integrating with CocoaPods (#145)
2 years ago
Released on 2021-12-30. **Requires Xcode 13.2** What's new: * Added inspection support for: * `AsyncImage` * `Canvas` * `ControlGroup` * `LocationButton` * `SignInWithAppleButton` * `TimelineView` * `VideoPlayer` * `EllipticalGradient` (PR #135) * `ContainerRelativeShape` * `tint()` (PR #139) * `listItemTint()` (PR #137) * `overlayPreferenceValue()` (#144) * `backgroundPreferenceValue()` * `statusBarHidden()` * New APIs: * `isAbsent: Bool` for checking if optional view is present. Requested in #129 and #136 * `classified()` for erasing the type of the view to `ViewType.ClassifiedView` Fixes and PRs: * Fixed 'Cannot find 'XCTFail' in scope' when integrating with CocoaPods (#145) * Fixed `actualView()` not injecting EnvironmentObjects (issue #149, PR #150) * Fixed `find().actualView()` gets type mismatch error on a nested view type within a custom generic container (#138) Happy coming New Year!
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
nalexn/EnvironmentOverrides 0.0.4
QA assistant for a SwiftUI app: change the color scheme, accessibility settings, and localization on the fly!
⭐️ 306
🕓 2 years ago
iOS macOS
nalexn/minimalist 1.0.1
Observable Property and Signal for building data-driven UI without Rx
⭐️ 92
🕓 1 year ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS linux macOS iOS

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