Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by mindbody

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Packages published by mindbody

mindbody/Conduit 1.4.1
Robust Swift networking for web APIs
⭐️ 52
🕓 10 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Release 1.4.1
10 weeks ago
## Breaking - None ## Enhancements - #168 (Task AB#1268089) | Defer token store unlock until token refresh response action occurs ## Bug Fixes - None ## Other - None
Release 1.4.0
1 year ago
## Breaking - None ## Enhancements - None ## Bug Fixes - Add check for nil request URL #166 ## Other - None
Release 1.3.0
2 years ago
## Breaking - None ## Enhancements - None ## Bug Fixes - Update multipart form request serializer #165 ## Other - None
Release 1.2.0
2 years ago
## Breaking - None ## Enhancements - Create URLDataCache and DataDownloader #164 ## Bug Fixes - None ## Other - None
Release 1.1.1
2 years ago
## Breaking - None ## Enhancements - None ## Bug Fixes - Fix completion queue bug in ImageDownloader #163 ## Other - None
Release 1.1.0
2 years ago
## Breaking - None ## Enhancements - #162 Allow passing a custom operation queue to `ImageDownloader` to be used when calling the completion callback. - #161 Make `ImageDownloader` conform to `ImageDownloaderType` to allow for mocking. ## Bug Fixes - None ## Other - None
Release 1.0.0
2 years ago
### Breaking - Remove Xcode project and worskpaces, dropping support for Carthage ### Other - Celebrating Conduit's maturity with our 1.0.0 release 🎉
Release 0.22.0
3 years ago
#### Breaking - Remove deprecated types: `BearerOAuth2Token`, `OAuth2TokenAES256CBCCipher`, and `OAuth2TokenDiskStore` #### Enhancements - None #### Bug Fixes - None #### Other - None
Release 0.21.0
4 years ago
#### Breaking - `ResponsePipelineMiddleware` protocol has been updated. #### Enhancements - Surface request metrics to response middleware - `SessionDelegate` has been updated to capture request metrics in `TaskResponse`. - `URLSessionClient` has been updated to pass `TaskResponse` to any response middleware. - `ResponsePipelineMiddleware` has been refactored to pass a `TaskResponse` structure. #### Bug Fixes - None #### Other - None
Release 0.20.0
4 years ago
#### Breaking - None #### Enhancements - Add `TokenMigrator` to perform migrations between token stores and client configurations. - Add `ConduitDynamic` dynamic library to Package description. #### Bug Fixes - None #### Other - None
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
mindbody/Relay 0.3.2
Swift Dynamic Dependency Injection for modern testing
⭐️ 6
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Release 0.3.2
4 years ago
#### Enhancements - Add `@Injectable` property wrapper #### Bug Fixes - None #### Other - None
Release 0.3.1
4 years ago
#### Enhancements - None #### Bug Fixes - Add thread-safety to `DependencyContainer.resolve<T>(_:)` #### Other - None
Release 0.3.0
4 years ago
**Enhancements** - Upgrade to Swift 5 **Bug Fixes** None **Other** None
Release 0.2.1
5 years ago
#### Enhancements - None #### Bug Fixes - Flatten Optional type-mapping #### Other - None
Release 0.2.0
5 years ago
- Add support for transient dependencies
Release 0.1.0
5 years ago
- Initial launch
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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