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Packages published by mimus-swift

mimus-swift/Mimus 2.1.0
Swift Mocking Library
⭐️ 109
🕓 38 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
The Great Rename
3 years ago
- **BREAKING** `MockEquatable` has been renamed to `Matcher` to more closely express functionality provided (there is a typealias for backwards compatibility _but_ it might still be breaking in some cases) - **BREAKING** `Mock.storage` type has been changed from `[RecordedCall]` to `Storage` to better support future features (like e.g. the recording of return values) - **BREAKING** Calling verify will now reset previously recorded values - Added option to record values that should be returned for specific invocations - Added option to provide a custom failure message for a matcher
Swift Package Manager Support
4 years ago
* Adds support for Swift Package Manager
4 years ago
- Mismatched arguments are now included in failure message (thanks @Eluss) - Added shorthand for `AnyMatcher()`
4 years ago
This is a minor feature release containing following changes: - Added '.atMost' VerificationMode (thanks @kamwysoc) - Make failure messages more detailed (thanks @kamwysoc) - Allow passing of nil values to Equal and Identical matchers
1.1.2 - Maintenance Release
5 years ago
This is a minor maintenance release containing two small changes: - Added out of the box comparison support for `UInt` - Fixed issues with comparing dictionary or array with a different yielded an incorrect message
5 years ago
- Added out of the box system classes that support `MockEquatable` (thanks @karolus) - Allow specifying none or any arguments when verifying calls (see [here for details](https://github.com/AirHelp/Mimus/blob/master/Documentation/Basics.md#argument-modes)) - Added additional `ClosureMatcher` and `NotMatcher` (see [here for details](https://github.com/AirHelp/Mimus/blob/master/Documentation/Additional%20Matchers.md#not))
1.1.0 - Mimus becomes much easier to use!
6 years ago
The motivation behind this release is to simplify the usage of Mimus by limiting the amount of chrome you need to add to your application. Specifically recording values no longer requires them to implement `MockEquatable`. Furthermore you can use `IdenticalTo` and `EqualTo` matchers to compare `AnyObject`s and `Equatable` types without the need to implement `MockEquatable` by them. In general this has significantly decreased the amount of additional code we had to write for our objects to make them compatible with Mimus. - *BREAKING* Changed `MockEquatable` equation function to `equalTo(other: Any)`. This allows to record any type of value, not just types that conform to `MockEquatable`, greatly increasing how versatile this framework is - Added `InstanceOf<T>` matcher - Added `EqualTo` and `IdenticalTo` matchers - Fixed issue where matching dictionaries with subset of equal keys could be successful, even if they contained different amount of entires (Thanks @karolus for spotting this!)
Minor improvements and bug fixes
6 years ago
* Added convenience compare function for comparing equatable objects in `MockEquatable`: `return compare(other: other as? User)` * Fixed a bug where using nil in expected arguments as last value overrode previous comparison results
Minor improvements and missing types
6 years ago
This is a minor release that adds support for: * `Float` type comparison * `NSURL` and `URL` type comparison * Better Carthage support
7 years ago
Initial Mimus release

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