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mediamonks/MMMTackKit 0.9.0
Type-safe replacement for Auto Layout Visual Formatting Language
⭐️ 2
🕓 1 year ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/mediamonks/MMMTackKit.git", from: "0.9.0")


Build Test

Type-safe replacement for Auto Layout Visual Formatting Language.

(This is a part of MMMTemple suite of iOS libraries we use at MediaMonks.)



pod 'MMMTackKit'

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pod 'MMMTackKit'


.package(url: "https://github.com/mediamonks/MMMTackKit", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.8.1"))


One of the major downsides of Visual Formatting Language (VFL) is that everything is coded inside string constants, there is no type-safety and expressions get evaluated at run-time instead of compile-time. A typo will only be noticed when you run the app.

Tack solves this with by harnessing the power of custom operators in Swift. The syntax is very similar to VFL to minimise the learning curve.

A side effect of this is performance, on average Tack is about 2x faster than VFL.


Let's look at some pretty standard VFL code from Apple's documentation.

	withVisualFormat: "H:|-50-[purpleBox]-50-|",
	options: [], metrics: [:], views: ["purpleBox": purpleBox]

This is really easy to convert into type-safe Tack code:


// We prefer to keep the paddings in parentheses to give a bit more visual clarity
// and separation from the views. Especially if your paddings come from a stylesheet.
let p = Stylesheet.shared.paddings


A more extensive example

let views = ["purpleBox": purpleBox, "yellowBox": yellowBox, "pinkBox": pinkBox]

	withVisualFormat: "H:|-(>=50,50@249)-[purpleBox]-(8)-[yellowBox]-(>=20)-|",
	options: [], metrics: [:], views: views

	withVisualFormat: "V:|-(20)-[purpleBox]-(>=20)-|",
	options: [], metrics: [:], views: views

	withVisualFormat: "V:|-(8)-[yellowBox]-(8)-[pinkBox]-(>=8,8@749)-|",
	options: [.alignAllCenterX], metrics: [:], views: views

The Tack equivalent of this is a lot more concise:

  // The >== operator is a shorthand for '>=50,50@249', what we call a 'double pin',
  // this implies a pin of 249 priority, but the priority of the second pin can
  // be specified.
  // We can use the alignAll attribute, this is the equivalent of
  // NSLayoutConstraint.FormatOptions `alignAll` options.
  .V(|-(8)-yellowBox-(8)-pinkBox-(>==8^749)-|, alignAll: .centerX)

There are a couple of reserved operators, what used to be the priority operator in VFL @ is now ^ in Tack, so instead of writing |-(20@249)-[purpleBox] we write |-(20^249)-purpleBox instead.

The same goes for the brackets around views, in VFL you can specify a views height / width, this is something that is (not yet) supported in Tack. Luckily this is pretty concise using widthAnchor / heightAnchor.

Aside from directly activating constraints, we can also grab an array of constrains. Instead of Tack.activate(), use Tack.constraints(), this will return all the generated constraints.

The activate / constraints method can also take a @resultBuilder, this allows you to write conditional constraints, so you can keep all your constraints in a single block:

Tack.activate {

  if keepInBounds {

  switch alignment {
  case .leading:
  case .trailing:

Lastly there is built-in support for aligning to the safe-area, instead of manually having to grab the safeArea guide we can use the |>- and -<| operators:

// This will keep the view 20pts below the top safeArea, and at least in bounds
// on the bottom safeArea.

Simple alignment

Sometimes you just want to quickly align a view to it's parent, or to another view. In this case you can use the Tack.align() and Tack.constraints(aligning:..) methods, the first will activate the constraints right away, the latter will return an array of constraints.

// Simple example, just fill the view horizontally:
  view: view,
  to: parent,
  horizontally: .fill

// More advanced example:
  // The view to align.
  view: view,

  // Where to align the view to, e.g. parent or some other view.
  to: parent,

  // We pin view.leading to parent.leading, and view.trailing to parent.trailing.
  horizontally: .fill,

  // We pin view.centerY to parent.centerY, but keep the view in bounds by
  // view.top >= parent.top and view.bottom <= parent.bottom.
  vertically: .center,

  // Additional insets, so the view will be inset by 10pts on each edge.
  insets: UIEdgeInsets(
    top: 10,
    left: 10,
    bottom: 10, // Since top and bottom are equal, and we're aligning on center,
                // the view will be perfectly center; however, if bottom would
                // be 0, the view will be 10px offset from center.
    right: 10


Simplifies management of permanent vs dynamic constraints in updateContraints().

This is another take on the Box concept following the older updateContraints() pattern we used. (We are evaluating both of them here as one or another might feel more natural depending on the use case.)


  • Add a variable into your view:
private let tackBox = Tack.Box()
  • In your updateConstraints() get access to the box first ("open" it). This ensures that previous dynamic constraints are deactivated (something that's often forgotten) and prepares the box to track the new ones:
func updateConstraints() {
    let box = tackBox.open()
    // ...
  • Start adding permanent constraints, i.e. the ones that don't depend on the dynamic state/style of your view and thus can be created and activated just once.

Note that you can have multiple calls of activateOnce(), they will have effect only the first time each of them is called. (Every call is identified by the code line number, i.e. no 2 calls per line nor 2 files sharing the same box, please.)

Also note that due to the use of auto-closures this is almost as efficient as if you were using ifs with custom flags.

  • Add dynamic constraints that might change every time updateConstraints() is called:
if !shouldDisplayViewB {
} else {

Note that the calls to activateOnce() and activate() can be freely intermixed, including the case that was not supported prior to version 0.7 of this library (where it was implicitly required that all activateOnce() calls were made when the box was opened for the first time):

let box = tackBox.open()
if !label.isHidden {


The Conductor can be used to orchestrate a set of constraints, e.g. between state changes. The main goal is to avoid unnecessary, and complex / error prone, if/else chains in UIView.updateConstraints().

You should supply a Hashable as generic constraint, this usually ends up being an enum State {}, but could be identifiers or something similar.

Start by adding constraints for a certain state, after that you can safely set .activeState to update the active state. Make sure to call setNeedsUpdateConstraints() after you set a new state.

Finally you should override your updateConstraints() method, and call conductor.updateConstraints() to actually activate/de-active the constraints.

Simple example

// Store this as a property on your view.
let conductor = Tack.Conductor(activeState: MyState.initialState)

// In your init() call, add the constraints to the conductor.
// On `initialState` viewA is pinned to top with viewB below it.
conductor[.initialState] = Tack.constraints(

// On `secondState` viewB is pinned to bottom with viewA above it.
conductor[.secondState] = Tack.constraints(

// Make sure to override updateConstraints()
override func updateConstraints() {

// Somewhere where you update the viewState:
func updateUI() {

    if someCondition {
        conductor.activeState = .secondState
    } else {
        conductor.activeState = .initialState


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Last commit: 33 weeks ago
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