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mediamonks/MMMParallaxViews 0.8.3
Sticky headers/cells/footers with UITableView or UIScrollView
⭐️ 4
🕓 2 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/mediamonks/MMMParallaxViews.git", from: "0.8.3")



The idea of ParallaxViews is to bind to a UIScrollView or UITableView, and track a certain position or cell. The views will resize according to the scroll position, you're able to give a minimum and maximum height for your views, as well as a stick position.

A picture says more than a thousand words;

ParallaxViews - not working until merge; checkout the .gif?raw=true in the repo


There is an example application showing the use of tracking a UITableView, UIScrollView and with the (helper) wrapper view.

The Coordinator

The main class is the MMMParallaxViewCoordinator, this holds a reference to your UIScrollView or UITableView, your container view (UIView that hosts your MMMParallaxViews, usually the parent of your UIScrollView) and an array of MMMParallaxView's.

MMMParallaxView protocol

You should supply the coordinator with MMMParallaxView instances, these are regular views that conform to the MMMParallaxView protocol. Each MMMParallaxView has it's own set of options. Checkout Sources/ParallaxViews/View/MMMParallaxView.swift and Sources/ParallaxViews/View/MMMParallaxViewOptions.swift for more info.

Simple code example

class Header: UIView, MMMParallaxView {
    var options = MMMParallaxViewOptions(
        height: .init(min: 44, max: 220),
        type: .tableView(indexPath: IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0))

class Footer: UIView, MMMParallaxView {
    var options = MMMParallaxViewOptions(
        height: .init(min: 44, max: 120),
        type: .tableView(indexPath: IndexPath(row: 0, section: 2))

let coordinator = MMMParallaxViewCoordinator()

func viewDidLoad() {
    // do your regular stuff

    coordinator.scrollView = myTableView
    coordinator.containerView = self.view
    coordinator.parallaxViews = [header, footer]

// IMPORTANT! Make sure to call didFinishLayout when your views are properly calculated.
// for more info check the documentation on `didFinishLayout`.
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {


func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    // Supply your cells as you normally would, we assume here that section 0 and 2
    // are template cells for the ParallaxViews. Because the ParallaxView's are overlaying
    // the scrollView, you need a dummy cell for this.
    guard indexPath.section == 1 else {
        // might want to dequeue this
        return UITableViewCell()

    // your cell code
    return cell

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
    // Helper method to set the height for the cells that the coordinator is tracking,
    // because you need dummy cells to avoid overlapping.
    return coordinator.heightForRowAt(indexPath: indexPath)

Need more?

Checkout the Example directory and/or app, or go straight to the Sources directory, everything is pretty well documented.


Either install via CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager, like you usually would.

Known issues

If you aren't using the MMMParallaxViewWrapper and you want to use the forwardsTouches option, you should override the hitTest in your containerView; Have a look at the example for an implementation of this.

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Stars: 4
Last commit: 1 year ago
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Release Notes

2 years ago


  • e4a8513: Update README.md (Erik Terwan)
  • 762163e: Add GH actions (Erik Terwan)

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