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Packages published by mczachurski

mczachurski/wallpapper 1.7.4
:computer: Console application for creating dynamic wallpapers for macOS Mojave and newer
⭐️ 3,274
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Minutes are taking into account in time wallpapers.
1 year ago
Output plist file during extract metadata
1 year ago
Fix compile issue in Xcode 13
2 years ago
Improve error messages
3 years ago
Add `wallpaper-exif` application
3 years ago
New console application can be used to generate `JSON` file with Sun location based on `EXIF` metadata from photos. For example: ```bash $ wallpaper-exif 1.jpeg 2.jpeg 3.jpeg 4.jpeg ```
New mechanism to extract metadata from HEIC file
3 years ago
Improved appearance information
3 years ago
When in JSON file there is no information about static light/dark pictures, then information about static appearance is not added to output file. Thus JSON like that can be used: ```json [ { "fileName": "1.png", "isPrimary": true, "altitude": 27.95, "azimuth": 279.66 }, { "fileName": "2.png", "altitude": -31.05, "azimuth": 4.16 }, { "fileName": "3.png", "altitude": -26.10, "azimuth": 27.03 }, { "fileName": "4.png", "altitude": -15.23, "azimuth": 45.83 }, { "fileName": "5.png", "altitude": 0.05, "azimuth": 60.58 }, { "fileName": "6.png", "altitude": 16.31, "azimuth": 72.80 }, { "fileName": "7.png", "altitude": 34.16, "azimuth": 84.31 }, { "fileName": "8.png", "altitude": 52.38, "azimuth": 97.87 }, { "fileName": "9.png", "altitude": 69.59, "azimuth": 122.59 }, { "fileName": "10.png", "altitude": 77.09, "azimuth": 196.03 }, { "fileName": "10.png", "altitude": 64.00, "azimuth": 248.53 }, { "fileName": "10.png", "altitude": 46.15, "azimuth": 267.27 }, { "fileName": "10.png", "altitude": 10.41, "azimuth": 291.18 }, { "fileName": "14.png", "altitude": -5.95, "azimuth": 304.07 }, { "fileName": "15.png", "altitude": -19.51, "azimuth": 320.06 }, { "fileName": "16.png", "altitude": -28.63, "azimuth": 340.41 } ] ```
Support of single file in few nodes
3 years ago
Now single file can be added to multiple nodes (it's encoded only once in HEIC file).
4 years ago
Fix issue with value of index for time wallpapers.
4 years ago
Fix version number
mczachurski/Swiftgger 2.0.0-rc2
OpenAPI support for server side Swift projects.
⭐️ 109
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Support for dictionaries in response/request body
2 years ago
Now we can use dictionaries in request/response body. For example: ```swift let openAPIBuilder = OpenAPIBuilder( title: "Swiftgger OpenAPI document", version: "1.0.0", description: "OpenAPI documentation for test structure purposes", authorizations: [ .basic(description: "Basic authorization"), .apiKey(description: "Api key authorization"), .jwt(description: "JWT authorization"), .oauth2(description: "OAuth authorization", flows: [ .implicit(APIAuthorizationFlow(authorizationUrl: "https://oauth2.com", tokenUrl: "https://oauth2.com/token", scopes: [:])) ]), .openId(description: "OpenIdConnect authorization", openIdConnectUrl: "https//opeind.com") ] ) .add([ APIObject(object: Fuel(level: 90, type: "GAS", productionDate: Date(), parameters: ["power", "speed"])), ]) .add(APIController(name: "VehiclesController", description: "Contoller for vehicles", actions: [ APIAction(method: .get, route: "/vehicles/tags", summary: "Get vehicle associated tags", description: "GET action for downloading vehicle associated tags.", responses: [ APIResponse(code: "200", description: "Vehicle tags", type: .dictionary(String.self)), APIResponse(code: "401", description: "Unauthorized") ] ), APIAction(method: .get, route: "/vehicles/fuels", summary: "Get vehicle associated fuels", description: "GET action for downloading vehicle associated fuels.", responses: [ APIResponse(code: "200", description: "Vehicle fuels", type: .dictionary(Fuel.self)), APIResponse(code: "401", description: "Unauthorized") ] ) ])) let openAPIDocument = openAPIBuilder.built() ``` Above code will produce response which in Swagger is displayed like on below image. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6191974/123506961-3db24180-d667-11eb-89e0-455a72a499d0.png)
Support for key encoding strategy
2 years ago
In the release we have mainly to changes: - [Support of simple value types in request/response body](https://github.com/mczachurski/Swiftgger/pull/26) - [Support for coding keys support and key encoding strategy](https://github.com/mczachurski/Swiftgger/pull/29) Both changes introduces breaking changes.
Fixes in OpenAPI data structures and UUID support
2 years ago
Version contains fixes in OpenAPI data structures and UUID support. Also first implementation of `Swift` file generator has been added. Now we can basically generate `Swift` files with model classes.
Suport for Property Wrappers
3 years ago
Support of custom API Key name and location
3 years ago
Nested objects and examples improvements
3 years ago
Support for custom object names
5 years ago
New version add posibilities to rename object names. We can hide internal class names and show more user friendly names: ```swift APIObject(object: SpaceshipDTO(name: "Star Trek", speed: 923211), customName: "Spaceship") ```
Support for OpenAPI DataTypes
5 years ago

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