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Packages published by mac-can

mac-can/KvaserCAN-Library v0.3.3
macOS® Driver and SDK for USB CAN Interfaces from Kvaser
⭐️ 13
🕓 23 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Service release of November 11, 2023
23 weeks ago
Major changes: - Updated MacCAN-Core sources to rev. 1816 - Updated CAN API V3 sources to rev. 1212 - Updated CAN API V3 testing sources to rev. 1219 - Updated GoogleTest to version 1.14.0 - Updated the trial program - Updated the Python wrapper - Updated Doxygen configuration - Updated deployment rules - Replaced deprecated `gettimeofday` and `usleep` - Added linker option `-rpath /usr/local/lib` (Xcode 15)
Service release of September 10, 2023
32 weeks ago
Major changes: - Updated MacCAN Core sources to rev. 1757 (core 0.4) - Updated CAN API V3 sources to rev. 1187 and applied the changes - Added old error code -40 as *queue overrun* error and renumbered error *error frame received* from -40 to -19 - Removed unused error code `CANERR_ERR_FRAME` (note: the error code -19 is marked as reserved) - Removed flag `fdoe` and `brse` from `struct can_speed_t` (note: the flags are marked as reserved) - Integrated reworked module `can_btr`: - `btr_check_bitrate`: if FDOE w/o BRSE then check data phase field acc. `OPTION_CANBTR_DATA_FIELDS` - `btr_bitrate2speed`: no range checks anymore, calculation is done completely in float - `btr_bitrate2index`: returns the index if an index is given - `btr_bitrate2string`: no range checks anymore - `btr_sja10002bitrate`: set data phase field acc. `OPTION_CANBTR_DATA_FIELDS` - `btr_compare_bitrates`: comparision on basis of transmission rates (new function) - Removed flag `fdoe` and `brse` from `struct btr_speed_t` (standalone variant) - Documented all interface functions by Doxygen comments - Added header file `CANBTR_Defaults.h` - Reworked the bit-rate string scanner (`btr_string2bitrate`): - Return a flag if any data phase key is found - Return a flag if no. samp. key is found - Return `BTRERR_ILLPARA` on error - Removed the range checks - Set miminum frequency to 1 - Checked for duplicated keys - Accept only case sensitive keys - Reworked the bit-rate string printer (`btr_bitrate2string`): - Added a parameter to output data phase keys - Added a parameter to output no. samp. key - Added a parameter for maximum buffer size - Fixed a bug with `strtol` if a correct value is outside the range of representable values (note: long is 32 bit wide for MS compilers and 64 bit for gcc based compilers!) - Added property values for transmit queue properties (note: values for filtering have been shifted by 8) - Fixed a bug with saturation of CAN FD DLC conversion - Updated description of compiler switches - Reworked formatting of message flags - Added CAN API V3 Tests with GoogleTest (rev. 1194) - Added Kvaser-specific bit-rate defaults - Added bit-rate settings for 5kbps - Fixed a bug with bus error state flags - Fixed a bug with capability flag `ERR` - Fixed a bug with mode flag `ERR` - Fixed a bug with message flag `ESI` - Fixed a bug with message flag `RTR` - Made the utilities more generic - Updated Swift wrapper and package - Updated the trial program - Updated the examples
Service release of August 4, 2022
1 year ago
Major changes: - Realized new property `GET_CAN_CLOCK` - Applied changes from module `can_btr` - Updated CAN API V3 Testing sources to rev. 1084 - Fixed a bug with CAN bus load resolution - Fixed a possible bug with USB device name length - Updated the scanner for test case annotations - Updated the trial program
Release of July 8, 2022
1 year ago
**Major changes**: - Refactoring of the device driver layer: - one module `KvaserUSB_LeafDevice` to access **all** devices from _Kvaser CAN Leaf_ device family (i.e. Leaf Light v2) - one module `KvaserUSB_MhydraDevice` to access **all** devices from _Kvaser CAN Mhydra_ device family (i.e. U100P) - new module `KvaserCAN_Devices` with USB `ProductId` and other properties for **all** devices from both device families - implemented error event handling for Mhydra compatible devices - Updated MacCAN-Core sources to rev. 1200 - Updated CAN API sources to rev. 1053 - Updated CAN API Testing sources to rev. 1062 - Adapted bit-rate settings according to Kvaser´s Linux driver - Added test suites for function `SetBusParams` and `SetBusParamsFd` - Fixed a bug with outdated clocks array - Fixed a bug with CAN clock from software options - Fixed a bug with `READ_CLOCK_NOW` for Leaf compatible devices - Fixed a bug with time-stamp conversion (24MHz issue #10) - Fixed a bug with `DRIVERMODE_OFF` for Leaf compatible devices - Fixed a bug with operation mode `NISO` in the driver layer - Fixed a bug with getting capabilities from device - Fixed a bug with HE addresses in the Mhydra driver - Fixed a bug with setting CAN bus parameters - Fixed a bug with setting CAN FD bus parameters - Fixed a bug with data phase settings w/o flag `BRSE` (U100P issue) - Fixed a bug with converting Kvaser bus params to CAN API bit-rate settings - Fixed a bug with error handling of device info commands - Fixed a bug with incorrectly mapped firmware error code - Fixed a bug with tx message flags in the Swift wrapper (SwiftCAN issue #12) - Fixed a bug with `mask` & `value` in the response `CMD_GET_CAPABILITIES_RESP` - Fixed a bug with unsupported command `CMD_GET_INTERFACE_INFO_REQ` - Fixed some findings from static code analysis (`cppcheck`) - Added `@rpath` to linker option `--install_name` - Added a scanner for test case annotations to generate the test specs
Service release of June 1, 2022
1 year ago
Changes: - Fixed bit-rate issue for devices not running at 80 MHz (issue #10) - Added methods to query channel information to the Swift wrapper - Added a `cppcheck` configuration to the project
Release of February 11, 2022
2 years ago
Major changes: - Implemented **CAN FD operation mode** for Leaf Pro devices - Implemented properties `NUM_CHANNELS`, `CAN_CHANNEL`, `QUEUE_OVFL`, `QUEUE_SIZE` and `QUEUE_HIGH` MacCAN-Core changes: - Updated MacCAN-Core sources to rev. 1090 - Removed class `CMacCAN` from project - Replaced CAN API error codes by MacCAN error codes - Fixed a bug with forgotten NULL pointer check in `CANUSB_ReadPipe` - Fixed a bug with calculation of queue high counter CAN API V3 changes: - Updated CAN API sources to rev. 1036 and applied latest changes - Fixed a bug with probing a device when it is used by another process - Fixed a bug with CAN FD operation dependent mode flags - Fixed some omissions with handling of device properties - Fixed a bug with property `GET_DEVICE_TYPE` - Fixed a bug with Swift property `deviceInfo` - Fixed a bug with device vendor instead of library vendor - Added operations to class `CCanApi` to query channel information - Updated the utilities to get the list of channels from library - Updated the Swift wrapper and examples Testing changes: - Updated CAN API Testing sources to rev. 1086 - Changed template concept for CAN API Testing - Moved CAN API Testing sources to `$(PROJROOT)/Tests/UnitTests` - Replaced test suite for `can_software` by `can_firmware` - Reworked test suite for function `can_property` - Implemented a test case to measure time-stamp accuracy - Add a workaround to TC11.10 for Kvaser bus parameters Miscellaneous: - Set deployment target to macOS 11.0 - Updated the Travis CI configuration (`osx_image: xcode12.5`) - Updated the `Makefile`s to build the artifacts as *Universal macOS Binary* - Updated `README.md` (**"Running CAN and CAN FD on Mac"**)
Service release of July 10, 2021
2 years ago
# Major changes: - Added a CAN API V3 compatible Swift wrapper and two Swift examples - Added Swift Package Manager (SPM) configuration and test template - Moved CAN API wrapper code from C++ class to C interface (`can_api.c`) - Added abstract class `CCanApi` (as replacement for class `CMacCAN`) - Fixed a bug with checking for valid handle in function `can_init` - Fixed a bug with uncleared receive queue after re-start - Fixed a bug when teardown all channels (`CANEXIT_ALL`) - Fixed a bug with reading device independent properties - Fixed some bugs with getting properties from device and from library: - accept NULL pointer for SET_FIRST_CHANNEL and SET_NEXT_CHANNEL - getting device properties requires a valid handle - string values must be at least one byte in size - Temporary fix for investigation of issue #5
Release of June 3, 2021
2 years ago
# Features - CAN 2.0: - 11-bit and 29-bit identifier - bit-rates up to 1'000 kbps - Bit-rate settings: - via register values (clock, prescaler, time segment TSeg1 and TSeg2, SJW, SAM) - as pre-defined bit-timing index (according to CiA CANopen specification) - Operation modes: - Monitor mode enable/disable (default=disabled) - Error frames enable/disable (default=disabled) - Extended frames disable/enable (default=enabled) - Remote frames disable/enable (default=enabled) - Message reception: - Message queue (FIFO) for 64K CAN message - Read queue via polling, blocking read, or with time-out up to 65 seconds - Message transmission: - with or without acknowledge (with time-out up to 65 seconds) - Application Programming Interface: - CAN API V3 by UV Software (C and C++ API) - CAN API V3 Python Wrapper (Python 2.7 and 3.8) - Supported Kvaser CAN Leaf devices: - Kvaser Leaf Light v2 (EAN: 73-30130-00685-0) - Kvaser Leaf Pro HS v2 (EAN: 73-30130-00843-4) - Limitations (selected): - _**Leaf Pro HS v2** devices can currently only be operated in **CAN 2.0 mode**!_ - _**Monitor mode** (listen-only) is not supported by the **Leaf Light v2** hardware._
mac-can/RusokuCAN.dylib v0.3
macOS® Driver and SDK for TouCAN USB Interfaces from Rusoku
⭐️ 5
🕓 Yesterday
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Release of April 25, 2024
2 days ago
Major changes: - Removed all **CANAL** references from the project - Created a **new** TouCAN USB command interface - Added common `Version.h` to the project - Updated CAN API V3 sources to rev. 1270 - Updated CAN API V3 testing sources to rev. 1273 - Removed unused attributes from class `CTouCAN` - Changed the resolution of `CTimer` to 64 bit - Implemented identifier acceptance filtering - Added test suites for acceptance filtering - Added filtering option to utility `can_moni` - Added option `--list-bitrates` to the utilities - Fixed a bug with macro `DLC2LEN()` - Updated `Makefile`s and `build_no.sh` - Improved compiler and linker flags - Updated the Python wrapper and examples - Updated the Swift wrapper and examples - Updated the deployment rules
Service release of November 12, 2023
23 weeks ago
Major changes: - Updated MacCAN-Core sources to rev. 1816 - Updated CAN API V3 sources to rev. 1212 - Updated CAN API V3 testing sources to rev. 1219 - Updated GoogleTest to version 1.14.0 - Updated deployment rules - Added linker flag `-rpath /usr/local/lib` (C++ examples)
Service release of September 24, 2023
30 weeks ago
Major changes: - Updated MacCAN Core sources to rev. 1757 (core 0.4) - Updated CAN API V3 sources to rev. 1187 and applied the changes - Added old error code -40 as *queue overrun* error and renumbered error *error frame received* from -40 to -19 - Removed unused error code `CANERR_ERR_FRAME` (note: the error code -19 is marked as reserved) - Removed flag `fdoe` and `brse` from `struct can_speed_t` (note: the flags are marked as reserved) - Integrated reworked module `can_btr`: - `btr_check_bitrate`: if FDOE w/o BRSE then check data phase field acc. `OPTION_CANBTR_DATA_FIELDS` - `btr_bitrate2speed`: no range checks anymore, calculation is done completely in float - `btr_bitrate2index`: returns the index if an index is given - `btr_bitrate2string`: no range checks anymore - `btr_sja10002bitrate`: set data phase field acc. `OPTION_CANBTR_DATA_FIELDS` - `btr_compare_bitrates`: comparision on basis of transmission rates (new function) - Removed flag `fdoe` and `brse` from `struct btr_speed_t` (standalone variant) - Documented all interface functions by Doxygen comments - Added header file `CANBTR_Defaults.h` - Reworked the bit-rate string scanner (`btr_string2bitrate`): - Return a flag if any data phase key is found - Return a flag if no. samp. key is found - Return `BTRERR_ILLPARA` on error - Removed the range checks - Set miminum frequency to 1 - Checked for duplicated keys - Accept only case sensitive keys - Reworked the bit-rate string printer (`btr_bitrate2string`): - Added a parameter to output data phase keys - Added a parameter to output no. samp. key - Added a parameter for maximum buffer size - Fixed a bug with `strtol` if a correct value is outside the range of representable values (note: long is 32 bit wide for MS compilers and 64 bit for gcc based compilers!) - Added property values for transmit queue properties (note: values for filtering have been shifted by 8) - Fixed a bug with saturation of CAN FD DLC conversion - Updated description of compiler switches - Reworked formatting of message flags - Activated suppression of extended frames and remote frames - Activated time-out handling for reading asynchronous pipes - Fixed a bug with terminating the worker thread - Reworked handling of status frames - Added CAN API V3 Tests with GoogleTest (rev. 1205) - Added Rusoku-specific bit-rate defaults - Made the utilities more generic - Updated the Python wrapper - Updated the Swift wrapper - Updated the trial program - Updated the examples
Service release of August 5, 2022
1 year ago
Major changes: - Updated CAN API V3 sources to rev. 1082 - Realized new property `GET_CAN_CLOCK` - Applied changes from module `can_btr` - Updated CAN API V3 Testing sources to rev. 1084 - Fixed a possible bug with USB device name length - Fixed a bug with missing check of the CAN clock frequency (50MHz) - Fixed a bug with tx message flags in the Swift wrapper (SwiftCAN issue #23) - Fixed some findings from static code analysis - Added a scanner for test case annotations - Added `@rpath` to the library Makefiles
Service release of February 25, 2022
2 years ago
Major changes: - Updated MacCAN-Core sources to rev. 1090 - Removed class `CMacCAN` from project (R.I.P.) - Updated CAN API sources to rev. 1036 and applied the changes - Fixed a bug with probing a device when it is used by another process - Fixed a bug with string length of device vendor - Added operations to class `CTouCAN` to query channel information - Updated the utilities to get the list of channels from library - Moved unit test suites into `$(PROJROOT)/Tests/UnitTests` - Added `cppcheck` target to `Makefile` of the Trial program - Updated the Swift and Python examples
Service release of December 27, 2021
2 years ago
Major Changes: - Reworked the driver layer (to solve the copy constructor issue #16): - rename sub-folders in `$(PROJROOT)/Sources` - switch CAN API V3 wrapper from **C++** to **C** - create a lot of new driver layer modules - prepare the driver to support further devices - no obvious functional changes - Added a Swift wrapper including SPM configuration - Added two simple Swift examples for sending and receiving CAN frames - Added an Xctest target for CAN API V3 **C** interface to the trial program - take over all test suites and test cases from [MacCAN-KvaserCAN](https://github.com/mac-can/KvaserCAN-Library/tree/main/Tests/UnitTests) - test execution: 131 tests, 6 failed - but false positives - Fixed a testing issue with unsupported acknowledge of transmit messages - Fixed a testing issue with unsupported bit-timing index 1 (800kbps) - Fixed a bug with unchecked device handle - Fixed a bug with missing header file in class `CTouCAN` - Fixed an omission with forgotten TouCAN specific properties - Fixed a bug with non-boolean return value in a boolean function - Fixed an issue with deprecated function `IOMasterPort` (first deprecated in macOS 12.0) - Set all Xcode deployment targets to macOS **11.0** (`Makefile`s still work on OS X 10.13) - Updated the `Makefile`s to build the artifacts as **Universal macOS Binary** - Updated my beloved utilities - Updated the C++ examples
Service release of June 5, 2021
2 years ago
Major changes: - Fixed the hibernation issue (issue #11) - Fixed a bug when trying to send a status message - Fixed a bug when the channel number is invalid - Fixed a bug when requested operation mode is not supported - Fixed an out-of-bound violation in companion module `can_btr` - Fixed some issues from code analysis
Release of February 28, 2021
3 years ago
Major change(s): - Worked in the latest changes from MacCAN-Core (SVN rev. 986) - Added a CAN API V3 compatible Phython wrapper and two Python examples - Added two simple C++ examples for sending and receiving CAN frames - Weakened the sizeof check while reading numerical properties - Fixed a bug with a locked mutex when device is not present - Fixed a bug with signalling a wait condition - Updated the trial program and the utilities
Service release no. 1 of the MacCAN-TouCAN driver
3 years ago
Major change(s): - Fixed a bug with looping over the list of registered devices - Fixed a bug with non-dereferenceable void* array - Fixed a bug with SIGNAL_WAIT_CONDITION - Plastic surgery
First release of the MacCAN-TouCAN driver
3 years ago
First release of the MacCAN-TouCAN driver as of April 19, 2020

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