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Packages published by lukeredpath

lukeredpath/swift-responsive-textfield 0.8.1
A SwiftUI wrapper around UITextField with binding-based state and responder control
⭐️ 76
🕓 32 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
32 weeks ago
2 years ago
Removed hardcoded dependency on RunLoop.main, instead making use of the Combine scheduler abstraction. This changes means that you can remove the async behaviour by overriding the default scheduler in the environment (`RunLoop.main`) with another scheduler, e.g. an `.immediate` scheduler.
2 years ago
* Ensure text field responder state changes always happen on the next runloop tick to avoid attribute graph cycles in Xcode 13. * Added improvements to support dynamic type.
3 years ago
## Fixed * Ensure responder demand is reset on the next runloop tick to avoid a runtime error due to a nested state update. * Workaround for what seems to be a compiler or xccov bug that causes coverage data to become malformed when passing a reference to a super implementation in a point-free manner.
3 years ago
## Fixed * Bug where `shouldUpdateViews` was not getting reset correctly when first responder demand was fulfilled. * `FirstResponderStateChangeHandler.receive(on:)` operator was not passing it's `options` to the scheduler. * Fixed a bug in standard edit action handling where the original implementation would not get called if a standard edit action handling value was given but no override for the specific edit action existed. * README and documentation fixes.
3 years ago
### Changed * Added `FirstResponderStateChangeHandler.receive(on:)` to allow change handlers to be called on a specfic scheduler to avoid nested view updates. * Added an `animation:` parameter to the `FirstResponderStateChangeHandler.animation()` modifier so you can provide a custom animation, or disable animations explicitly.
3 years ago
### Fixed * Text field text would not update to reflect external state changes.
3 years ago
### Changed * Replaced `FirstResponderStateChangeHandler` typealias with a real type that wraps a change handler closure. * Replaced `FirstResponderState` with a single boolean value to represent the first responder state. ### Added * The ability to easily update external state when the first responder state changes using `FirstResponderStateChangeHandler.updates($someBinding)`. * Easily animate first responder state changes using the `.animation()` modifier on `FirstResponderStateChangeHandler` * `FirstResponderStateChangeHandler` can also be given closures for custom control over whether or not the text field should become or resign first responder, hooking into the `shouldBeginEditing` and `shouldEndEditing` delegate methods.
3 years ago
### Added * Supported standard edit actions can be customised using the `supportedStandardEditActions` parameter when initialising. * Added the ability to override and customise how standard edit actions are handled by providing a `StandardEditActionHandling` value using the `standardEditActionHandler` parameter when initialising. ### Changed * Remove RunLoop tick when updating first responder state. * Replaced `isEditing` binding with a `firstResponderDemand` binding and an `onFirstResponderStateChanged:` callback function.
3 years ago
* Added delete key handling callback * Added callback for preventing text changes * Documentation improvements

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