Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by linhay

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Packages published by linhay

linhay/EmptyPage 4.1.0
An empty state control to give visually appealing context when building iOS applications.
⭐️ 89
🕓 18 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
18 weeks ago
EmptyPageView 支持点击事件透传
2 years ago
fix: #12: UIScrollView设置contentInset后,空位位置偏移不居中
2 years ago
无更新内容, 与 [4.0.8](https://github.com/linhay/EmptyPage/releases/tag/4.0.8) 相同.
2 years ago
chore: 上下区域高度占比约束添加偏移量设置 ```swift case topAndBottomSpacerRatio(_ multiplier: CGFloat, _ constant: CGFloat = 0) ```
2 years ago
- fix: TableView & CollectionView, header & footer 是否存在加入到判空逻辑中. > 存在 header & footer 则不会显示空页面 - feat: 新增空白页显示隐藏事件监听`displayEvent: EmptyPageDelegate<Bool, Void>`
3 years ago
fix: - 调整 text / title 视图的约束级别 (priority ) - text / title 默认 height, 修改为 greaterThanOrEqual, 约束级别调整为 defaultHigh(750) - EmptyPageForText / text / title, 水平/垂直 - 抗压缩/抗拉伸 约束级别调整为 defaultHigh(749)
3 years ago
fix: #10 约束设置错误
3 years ago
- fix: 处理多线程刷新引起的视图无法滚动的问题
3 years ago
3 years ago
- [x] 提供默认管理器来支持 UICollectionView & UITableView. - [x] 可以自定义管理器来支持任何视图. - [x] 空白页可以是任何形式的视图 - [x] 可以设置自定义的管理器来替代默认管理器 - [x] 可以设置自定义的管理器来全局替代默认管理器 - [x] 我们预置了几套模板来便捷的构建空页面. - [x] 我们预置了一套带状态的管理器来应对无网络或更多情况
linhay/SectionKit 2.0.68
⭐️ 6
🕓 3 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
26 weeks ago
43 weeks ago
### 1. SKCWrapperCell & SKCWrapperReusableView 可以使用下列函数注册复用 ```swift func dequeue<V: SKConfigurableView & SKLoadViewProtocol>(at row: Int, for type: V.Type) -> SKCWrapperCell<V> func dequeue<V: SKConfigurableView & SKLoadViewProtocol>(kind: SKSupplementaryKind, for type: V.Type) -> SKCWrapperReusableView<V> func register<V: SKConfigurableView & SKLoadViewProtocol>(_ cell: V.Type) func register<V: SKConfigurableView & SKLoadViewProtocol>(_ view: V.Type, for kind: SKSupplementaryKind) ``` 示例: ```swift register(SectionDividerView.self) register(SectionDividerView.self, for: .header) let cell = dequeue(at: row, for: SectionDividerView.self) let view = dequeue(kind: .header, for: SectionDividerView.self) ``` ### 2. `SKCManager` 中新增 `publishers` #### 2.1. `sectionsPublisher`监听 `sections` 变更 ```swift manager.publishers.sectionsPublisher .map(\.isEmpty) .sink(on: self) { (self, isEmpty) in if isEmpty { } else { } }.store(in: &cancellables) ``` ### 3. `SKCManager`中新增配置项 ```swift public struct Configuration { /// 将 reloadSections 操作替换为 reloadData 操作 public var replaceReloadWithReloadData = true /// 将 insertSections 操作替换为 reloadData 操作 public var replaceInsertWithReloadData = true /// 将 deleteSections 操作替换为 reloadData 操作 public var replaceDeleteWithReloadData = true } ``` 示例: ```swift SKCManager.configuration.replaceInsertWithReloadData = false SKCManager().configuration.replaceInsertWithReloadData = false ```
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
iOS macOS
linhay/Stem 1.5.2
这是一个app开发的加速库。This is an accelerated library for app development
⭐️ 1
🕓 19 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
Only SPM
1 year ago
Only SPM
1 year ago
Only SPM
1 year ago
- changed: FilePath 拆离 Stem 主项目, 移动至 StemFilePath target 上 - changed: StemColor 拆离 Stem 主项目, 移动至 StemColor target 上 - changed: StemColor 添加 MMCQ 实现. - add: FIlePath 添加部分实现 - add: Image 组件支持 NSImage - add: StemSVG 支持 CoreSVG - add: 调整 Bundle 拓展 - add: NSItemProvider 拓展 - add: StemShell 实现
Only SPM
1 year ago
- Data MimeType 重构. - Data MimeType 添加相关测试用例
Only SPM
2 years ago
add: 文件遍历函数 add: 字符串分词函数
Only SPM
2 years ago
chore: section 相关内容移动至 SectionKit 独立维护
Only SPM
2 years ago
Only SPM
2 years ago
Only SPM
2 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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