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Packages published by layoutBox

layoutBox/PinLayout 1.10.5
Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. [iOS/macOS/tvOS/CALayer]
⭐️ 2,289
🕓 24 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Replace UIScreen.main to get display scale on iOS 13.0 and later
24 weeks ago
`UIScree.main` will be deprecated in a future version of iOS. Added by [Hyungyu Kim](https://github.com/hyun99999) in Pull Request [#275](https://github.com/layoutBox/PinLayout/pull/275)
Changed the mininum deployment target to iOS 12 & update dependencies
1 year ago
Fix Xcode Live Preview
1 year ago
Fix an error while using Xcode live preview with PinLayout. An internal class has been renamed. Added by [Luc Dion](https://github.com/lucdion) in Pull Request [#251](https://github.com/layoutBox/PinLayout/pull/251)
Renamed property `pin.keyboardMargins` -> `pin.keyboardArea`
2 years ago
Renamed property `pin.keyboardMargins` -> `pin.keyboardArea`. This new name better represent what `UIKit`'s `UIView.keyboardLayoutGuide` is Added by [Luc Dion](https://github.com/lucdion) in Pull Request [#243](https://github.com/layoutBox/PinLayout/pull/243)
New property `pin.keyboardMargins`
2 years ago
New property `pin.keyboardMargins` * `UIView.pin.keyboardMargins`: property expose directly the value of UIKit [`UIView.keyboardLayoutGuide`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/keyboards_and_input/adjusting_your_layout_with_keyboard_layout_guide). This is really useful when layout adjustment due to the keyboard is required. iOS 15+ Added by [baegteun](https://github.com/baekteun) in Pull Request [#238](https://github.com/layoutBox/PinLayout/pull/238)
New Objective-C interface
2 years ago
#### New Objective-C interface Instead of using verbose Objective-C with all brackets (`[ ]`): ``` [[[[[[logo.pinObjc top] left] width:100] aspectRatio] marginWithTop:topLayoutGuide + 10 horizontal:10 bottom:10] layout]; ``` It now use function chaining: ``` logo.pinObjc.topInsets(safeArea).leftInsets(safeArea).width(100).aspectRatio().margin(margin).layout(); ``` Added by [protosse](https://github.com/protosse) in Pull Request [#229](https://github.com/layoutBox/PinLayout/pull/229)
Update to Xcode 12.5
2 years ago
* Update to Xcode 12.5 * Added by [Luc Dion](https://github.com/lucdion) in Pull Request [#223](https://github.com/layoutBox/PinLayout/pull/223)
Fix an issue with Automatic Sizing
3 years ago
#### Fix an issue with Automatic Sizing * Fix autoSizeThatFits wrong calculations. There was a problem with size calculations of inner views while using `autoSizeThatFits`. * Added by [Igor Bulyga](https://github.com/IgorBulyga) in Pull Request [#221](https://github.com/layoutBox/PinLayout/pull/221)
Automatic Sizing
3 years ago
## Add Automatic Sizing feature By calling `autoSizeThatFits` with the given available size and a layout closure, any layouting performed by PinLayout in that closure will be computed without affecting any subview's `frame` in the view hierarchy. On the other hand, any non PinLayout related code will also be executed. For that reason, it is really important to separate your layout code in it's own function to avoid any side effect during sizing, like setting the scroll view's content size in the above exemple or perhaps assigning `itemSize` in a collection view layout. That kind of code that depends on the layout should only be executed when `layoutSubviews()` is called as part of a normal layout pass. The resulting size also takes into account the margins applied on subviews, even on the bottom and trailing sides. Automatic sizing makes it really easy to write your layout logic once and add proper sizing behavior with virtually no additional effort. See https://github.com/layoutBox/PinLayout#automatic_sizing for more documentation. * Added by [Antoine Lamy](https://github.com/antoinelamy) in Pull Request [#216](https://github.com/layoutBox/PinLayout/pull/216)
Update Cocoa podspec to support Swift 5.1.1
4 years ago
* Removed swift_version from the podspec. PinLayout supports all recent Swift versions, don't need to specify them individually.
layoutBox/FlexLayout 2.0.07
FlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax.
⭐️ 1,914
🕓 9 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Remove FlexLayoutYoga duplicate dependency in Swift Package
9 weeks ago
Added by [OhKanghoon](https://github.com/OhKanghoon) in Pull Request [#245](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/245)
Fix error that occur when creating XCFramework
10 weeks ago
Background - Public header issue occurs when using Objective-C package in [Tuist](https://github.com/tuist/tuist)'s Dependency. To resolve this issue, I want to provide xcframework. - Resolve the issue that occurs when creating xcframework due to duplicate 'postfix operator %'. Contents - remove unnecessary files and headers - Modified to manage yoga directly in FlexLayout. Buck dependency is now unnecessary. - remove duplicated postfix operator - update Podfile.lock - remove Info.plist - move `FlexLayout.h` to public header directory Added by [OhKanghoon](https://github.com/OhKanghoon) in Pull Request [#244](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/244)
Add `Gap` support + Fix "Child already has a owner" Assert
15 weeks ago
#### 1) Add `Gap` support Add `Gap` methods: - `columnGap(_ value: CGFloat) -> Flex` - `rowGap(_ value: CGFloat) -> Flex` - `gap(_ value: CGFloat) -> Flex` ##### background After [Yoga layout updated to 2.0.0](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/230) the gap func added. and as needed by [this issue](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/issues/235) and my company's product, me and my partner @TaekH made feature to use. 🙇‍♂️ Added by [Buseong Kim](https://github.com/Skyline-23) in Pull Request [#241](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/241) #### 2) Fix "Child already has a owner" Assert Upgrading to the latest version of Yoga introduced an assert in YGNodeInsertChild() that was previously removed accidentally (see relevant commit). This assert will throw an error if the node we are trying to add already has an owner. Unfortunately, we can fall into this case quite easily if we move a view between different superviews (as demonstrated in the following contrived example). Restoring the changes from this old commit [c303faa](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/commit/c303faae7b7b441872f8d49dbd1424db6ec7953f) should ensure that any lingering parent references are cleaned up before we call YGNodeInsertChild() Added by [kennethpu](https://github.com/kennethpu) in Pull Request [#242](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/242)
Enhance Swift Package experience + Examples update
15 weeks ago
#### Enhance Swift Package experience - Change the Swift Package Manager to be available without `FLEXLAYOUT_SWIFT_PACKAGE` flag - add public header path - remove `FLEXLAYOUT_SWIFT_PACKAGE` - remove library for internal (FlexLayoutYoga, FlexLayoutYogaKit) - move the unit test to the swift package with XCTest Added by [OhKanghoon](https://github.com/OhKanghoon) in Pull Request [#232](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/232) #### Split the Example project in 2 projects (Cocoapods & SPM) Split the Example project in 2 projects: * `FlexLayoutSample`: Use cocoapods dependency manager * `FlexLayoutSample-SPM`: Use SPM (Swift Packager Manager) dependency manager Added by [Luc Dion](https://github.com/lucdion) in Pull Request [#240](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/240)
Fix the crash that occurs when the node's topLeft position is nan
27 weeks ago
Added by [OhKanghoon](https://github.com/OhKanghoon) in Pull Request [#230](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/234)
Update Yoga core to 2.0
29 weeks ago
FlexLayout version has been increased to reflect the new Yoga core version. Added by [OhKanghoon](https://github.com/OhKanghoon) in Pull Request [#230](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/230)
Resolve lldb debug issue when using CocoaPods
43 weeks ago
## Background - Since #219 was merged, LLDB problems have occurred in environments where CocoaPods and SPM are used together. - This reverts commit f36c766865df29ac70f31b604dde54c5a975819c. (#219) ## Changes - Revert f36c766865df29ac70f31b604dde54c5a975819c commit to resolve - The existing problem is solved by writing each package.swift like the code below ```swift // in Package.swift .target( name: "SomeTarget", dependencies: [ "FlexLayout", ], cSettings: [ .define("FLEXLAYOUT_SWIFT_PACKAGE"), ], cxxSettings: [ .define("FLEXLAYOUT_SWIFT_PACKAGE"), ], swiftSettings: [ .define("FLEXLAYOUT_SWIFT_PACKAGE"), ] ) ``` Added by [OhKanghoon](https://github.com/OhKanghoon) in Pull Request [#226](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/226)
Fixes an issue where YGApplyLayoutToViewHierarchy assigns a value to frame.size that does not rounded to the pixel grid
50 weeks ago
Added by [Dongkyu Kim](https://github.com/stleamist) in Pull Request [#225](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/225)
Fix for Swift 5.8
1 year ago
Added by [Rachik Abidi](https://github.com/RachikAbidi) in Pull Request [#223](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/223)
Fixes issue while including FlexLayout as a dependency of another Swift Package
1 year ago
Fixes issue [#219](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/issues/219) where including FlexLayout as a dependency of another swift package would fail to build - because it isn't possible to set the preprocessor definition `FLEXLAYOUT_SWIFT_PACKAGE` without an Xcode project. Added by [Luke Wakeford](https://github.com/lukewakeford) in Pull Request [#221](https://github.com/layoutBox/FlexLayout/pull/221)

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