Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by kylef

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Packages published by kylef

kylef/Commander 0.9.2
Compose beautiful command line interfaces in Swift
⭐️ 1,527
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
### Enhancements - Usage/help output for commands which contain flags will now contain the short flag, for example, `-v, --verbose`. [#71](https://github.com/kylef/Commander/issues/71) ### Bug Fixes - Fixed ordering of flags in the "Unknown Arguments" help output of a command. Flags have previously been stored in an un orderered set and thus upon printing them back out their order was not persisted and a flag part such as `-user` can be printed as `-usre`. [#78](https://github.com/kylef/Commander/issues/78)
4 years ago
### Breaking - Support for Swift < 4.2 has been removed. ### Enhancements - Added syntax for using array as a type with `Argument` instead of using `VariadicArgument`: ```swift command(Argument<[String]>("names")) { names in } ``` - Added support for optional arguments and options, for example: ```swift command(Argument<String?>("name")) { name in } command(Option<String?>("name", default: nil)) { name in } ``` - Added support for using `--` to signal that subsequent values should be treated as arguments instead of options. [Tamas Lustyik](https://github.com/lvsti) - Output of `--help` for group commands will now sort the commands in alphabetical order. [Cameron Mc Gorian](https://github.com/sbarow) ### Bug Fixes - Showing default values for custom `ArgumentConvertible` types are now supported in the `--help` output of commands. - Only print errors in red if the output terminal supports ANSI colour codes. [#58](https://github.com/kylef/Commander/pull/58) - `ArgumentParser.isEmpty` will now return empty for empty arguments.
6 years ago
### Enhancements - Consolidate the argument descriptors: - All Option-related types now have a validator. - All Option-related types now have a flag parameter. - All constructors have the same constructor arguments order. [#35](https://github.com/kylef/Commander/issues/35) ### Bug Fixes - Restores compatibility with Linux.
6 years ago
### Bug Fixes - The Swift Package now contains the Commander library product.
6 years ago
Switches to Swift 4.0. ### Bug Fixes - Better detection of ANSI support in output tty. [#43](https://github.com/kylef/Commander/issues/43)
7 years ago
### Enhancements - `VariadicArgument` now supports an optional validator. - Adds support for variadic options, allowing the user to repeat options to provide additional values. [#37](https://github.com/kylef/Commander/issues/37) - Argument descriptions are now printed in command help. [#33](https://github.com/kylef/Commander/issues/33) - Default option and flag default values will now be shown in help output. Only default option types of String and Int are currently supported in help output. [#34](https://github.com/kylef/Commander/issues/34) ### Bug Fixes - `VaradicArgument` has been renamed to `VariadicArgument`.
8 years ago
### Bug Fixes - Fix a potential crash when `UsageError` is thrown on Linux. - `--help` output now wraps arguments in diamonds `<>`.
8 years ago
##### Enhancements - Commander can now run on Linux.
8 years ago
##### Enhancements - Commander can now be installed with SPM (Swift Package Manager). ##### Bug Fixes - Fix an issue where shifting flags don't shift the flag itself. This caused one-charter options to become broken. [#16](https://github.com/kylef/Commander/issues/16)
8 years ago
##### Enhancements - Convenience commands can now throw - You can now supply a `falseName` and `falseFlag` when creating flags. ``` swift Flag("verbose", flag: "v", disabledName": "no-verbose", disabledFlag: "x") ``` - You can supply your own `unknownCommand`helper within a group. - Arguments can now have a description. - Support for variadic arguments. #### Bug Fixes - When invoking a command using a described argument, the argument will know throw an error when the argument is missing. - Errors are now thrown when a described command receives unknown flags or arguments.
kylef/PathKit 1.0.1
Effortless path operations in Swift
⭐️ 1,431
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
### Enhancements - Adds support for Xcode 13. - Path's can now be tested against a glob-like pattern using `Path(...).match(pattern)`.
5 years ago
### Breaking - Drop support for Swift < 4.2
5 years ago
### Enhancements - Adds support for Swift 4.2.
6 years ago
### Bug Fixes * Fix warning with Swift 4, support 4.1 [Keith Smiley](https://github.com/keith)
6 years ago
### Enhancements * Support for Swift 4. ### Bug Fixes * Appending to (.) slice started with (..) will return correct path. [Antondomashnev](https://github.com/Antondomashnev)
7 years ago
### Enhancements - New string (`path.string`) and URL (`path.url`) accessors on a path. [David Jennes](https://github.com/djbe) - Additional method for creating an iterator with options. [#25](https://github.com/kylef/PathKit/pull/23) [David Jennes](https://github.com/djbe) - Abbreviate is now supported on Linux. [Ben Snider](https://github.com/stupergenius) ### Bug Fixes - Enumerating a path will now return an `Optional.none` when a directory does not exist. [Leon Breedt](https://github.com/leonbreedt)
7 years ago
Adds support for Swift 3.0
8 years ago
Adds Linux support.
kylef/JSONWebToken.swift 2.2.0
Swift implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT).
⭐️ 764
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
6 years ago
## 2.2.0 ### Enhancements - On Apple platforms, JSONWebToken will use the system CommonCrypto where possible. - Allow passing additional headers when encoding a JWT. - Allow passing leeway parameter for date checks when verifying a JWT.
7 years ago
### Enhancements - Introduces a new `ClaimSet` structure. The structure can be returned from `decode` providing you convenience accessors. `encode` will now accept a `ClaimSet`. `ClaimSet` provides methods to manually validate individual claims. ``` swift try claims.validateAudience("example.com") try claims.validateIssuer("fuller.li") try claims.validateExpiary() try claims.validateNotBefore() try claims.validateIssuedAt() ```
7 years ago
### Enhancements - Adds support for Linux.
7 years ago
This release adds support for Swift 3.0. ### Breaking - Algorithms now take `Data` instead of a `String`. This improves the API allowing you to use keys that cannot be serialised as a String. You can easily convert a String to Data such as in the following example: ``` swift .hs256("secret".data(using: .utf8)!) ```
7 years ago
This release adds support for Swift 3.0.
7 years ago
This release updates the dependency on CryptoSwift to ~> 0.4.0 which adds support for Swift 2.2.
8 years ago
### Enhancements - Adds support for tvOS. - Adds support for Swift Package Manager.
8 years ago
Adds support for Swift 2.0.
9 years ago
Introduces a new builder pattern for creating payloads when creating a JWT. ``` swift JWT.encode(.HS256("secret")) { builder in builder.issuer = "fuller.li" builder.issuedAt = NSDate() builder["custom"] = "Hi" } ```
9 years ago
Enforces that the decode function now takes an algorithm or a set of algorithms which the JWT must match while decoding a JWT (unless verification is disabled). ``` swift JWT.decode("eyJhb..hSeJy5w", .HS256("secret")) JWT.decode("eyJh...5w", [.HS256("secret"), .HS256("secret2"), .HS512("secure")]) ```
kylef/Spectre 0.10.1
BDD Framework and test runner for Swift projects and playgrounds
⭐️ 402
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- Prevents compilation error when building Spectre on Xcode 13.
2 years ago
### Breaking Changes - Support for Swift < 4.2 has been dropped. ### Enhancements - Reporter type can be set via an environment variable. For example, to use dot reporter: ```shell $ env SPECTRE_REPORTER=dot swift test ``` - Additional arguments and options can be passed to Spectre using the `SPECTRE_ADDOPTS` environment variable, for example: ```shell $ SPECTRE_ADDOPTS=Tests/SpectreTests/FailureSpec.swift swift test ``` - Spectre can be passed a set of files to filter which tests will be executed. - Add support for Xcode 12.5.
3 years ago
### Enhancements - Added support for using the XCTest integration on non Apple platforms with [swift-corelibs-xctest](https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-xctest). ### Bug Fixes - Compatibility with some versions of Xcode greater than 12.0.1 where a build error with incompatibility between XCTIssue and XCTIssueReference may be presented with Swift 5.3.
3 years ago
### Enhancements - Added support for using the XcodeReporter with Xcode 12 beta.
5 years ago
### Breaking - Using Spectre in Xcode has be re-hauled, there are now `describe` and `it` methods on `XCTestCase` which can be used. When used, these tests will be ran directly and reported as XCTest failures and therefore shown in Xcode and Xcode sidebar as XCTest failures. Use of the global test context, i.e, global `describe` and `it` is no longer permitted when using Spectre with XCTest. ### Enhancements - Adds support for Swift 4.2. - Unhandled errors will now be reported from the invoked cases source map.
kylef/JSONSchema.swift 0.6.0
JSON Schema validator in Swift
⭐️ 271
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
### Breaking Changes - The validation API may now throw errors if the provided JSON Schema is invalid. - The structure of ValidationError has changed to include further information such as the location of the failing instance. ValidationError was previous a String. ### Enhancements - The failing required validation error message is now emitted for each individual required validation failure. The following JSON Schema would emit two validation failures, one for missing property name and the other for missing property price when when an empty object was validated. ```json { "required": ["name", "price"] } ``` - Support for the `minContains` and `maxContains` keywords in JSON Schema draft 2019-09. - Support for the `uuid` format in JSON Schema draft 2019-09. ### Bug Fixes - The failing required validation error message incorrectly specified other found keys were missing under the case where another missing key validation failed. [#61](https://github.com/kylef/JSONSchema.swift/issues/61) - Fixed `const` and `enum` comparisons where numbers inside collection types wouldn't be compared correctly (and thus `[true]` would have been treated as equal to `[1]`. - Fixed `uniqueItems` so that numbers and booleans are not treated equal when found within a collection type (for example unique arrays or objects). - The `ipv6` format will no longer allow IPv6 addresses containing a zone id. - Zero terminates floats such as `1.0` will now validate against the integer type.
4 years ago
### Breaking Changes - Support for Swift <= 4.2 was removed. - `ValidationResult.Valid` was renamed to `ValidationResult.valid`. ### Enhancements - Added support for JSON Schema Draft 6 and 7. - Support for Swift 4 and 5. - `uri` format is now validated. ### Bug Fixes - Fixes cases where schemas containing an `enum` with a boolean or number may be incorrectly matched against values which are boolean or numbers. For example, `{ "enum": [1] }` incorrectly validated with values of `true` and vice-versa. - Added support for referencing parts using escaped `~` and `/`.
7 years ago
### Enhancements - Adds support for Swift 2.2. - Adds support for Swift Package Manager.
kylef/URITemplate.swift 3.0.1
Swift implementation of URI Template (RFC6570)
⭐️ 198
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
### Breaking - Support for Swift < 4.2 has been removed. ### Enhancements - Adds support for Swift 5.0.
6 years ago
### Bug Fixes - Prevents using deprecated APIs when building on Swift 4.
6 years ago
### Enhancements - Adds support for Swift 4.0.
7 years ago
Internal refactoring to prevent use of deprecated system APIs
7 years ago
### Enhancements - Adds Swift 2.3 support.
7 years ago
Swift 3.0 is now supported.
8 years ago
This release adds support for SPM and tvOS. ### Bug Fixes - Fixes an issue when using `list*` explode variables.
8 years ago
Adds Swift 2.0 and watchOS support.
9 years ago
Various improvements with URI extraction.
9 years ago
Adds a public `template` variable to the URI Template to get it as a string.

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