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kwizzad/kwizzad-ios 2.4.3
kwizzad ios SDK for Swift and Objective-C
⭐️ 1
🕓 4 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/kwizzad/kwizzad-ios.git", from: "2.4.3")

Kwizzad SDK for iOS

Pod version Carthage compatible Github Release




  • You already have your own KWIZZAD API KEY and PLACEMENT ID. If not, please contact TVSMILES per E-Mail and we will register your APP.
  • Apps integrating KWIZZAD SDK require at least iOS 8.0.
  • A fully working examples (objective-c and swift) can be found at: Examples


Migration guide from versions < 2.x.x


How to integrate KwizzadSDK Kwizzad supports Swift and ObjectiveC, and provides packages for CocoaPods and Carthage.


Carthage is a dependency manager for Cocoa. To install Carthage, please consult the documentation.

To load the Kwizzad SDK over Carthage:

  • Put a Cartfile into your project. Contents:

    github "kwizzad/kwizzad-ios" "master"

    You can replace master by a specific version number you want to stick to, for example 2.0.0.

  • Run carthage checkout


CocoaPods is also a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To load the Kwizzad SDK over CocoaPods:

  • Integrate KwizzadSDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods by specifying this in your Podfile:
    source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
    target '<Your Target Name>' do
        pod 'KwizzadSDK'
        # Alternatively, if you want to stick to a specific Kwizzad SDK version:
        # pod 'KwizzadSDK', '<version number goes here>'
  • Run the following command in your terminal, in the root directory of your project:
    $ pod install


step 1 : Initializing the SDK

  • with swift
     KwizzadSDK.setup(apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE"")```
  • with objective-c
    [KwizzadSDK setupWithApiKey:@"YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE"];

step 2 : Assigning Kwizzad Delegate protocol

  • with swift

    import KwizzadSDK
    class ViewController: UIViewController, KwizzadSDKDelegate {
       override func viewDidLoad() {
          KwizzadSDK.instance.delegate = self
  • with objective-c

    @interface ViewController () <KwizzadSDKDelegate>
    @implementation ViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
     KwizzadSDK.instance.delegate = self;

step 3 : Requesting Ad

  • with swift

    KwizzadSDK.instance.requestAd(placementId: YOUR_PLACEMENT)
  • with objective-c

    [KwizzadSDK.instance requestAdWithPlacementId:YOUR_PLACEMENT onAdAvailable:nil];

step 4 : Implement the delegate functions

Please have a look at the KwizzadExample app project. There are two build schemes, one for Swift, one for objective-c, to implement the delegate functions.

 using the delegate pattern

    Mandatory callbacks :

    - kwizzadDidRequestAd:placementId
    - kwizzadOnAdAvailable:placementId:potentialRewards:adResponse
    - kwizzadOnAdReady:placementId
    - kwizzadDidShowAd:placementId
    - kwizzadGotOpenTransactions:openTransactions
    - kwizzadDidDismissAd:placementId
    - kwizzadOnNoFill:placementId

    Optionals Callbacks :

    - kwizzadOnErrorOccured:placementId:reason
    - kwizzadWillPresentAd:placementId
    - kwizzadOnGoalReached:placementId
    - kwizzadCallToActionClicked:placementId

For better targeting, please set your user data :

let userData = kwizzad.userDataModel;
userData.userId = "12345" 
userData.gender = Gender.Female
userData.userName = "Francesca Rossi" 
userData.facebookUserId = "1234abc"


Stars: 1
Last commit: 4 years ago
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Release Notes

6 years ago

[FIXED] crash happened sometimes when close dialog is shown

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