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Packages published by klassen-software-solutions

klassen-software-solutions/KSSDiff 3.0.1
Swift port of the python3 version of google/diff-match-patch
⭐️ 5
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 3.0.1
2 years ago
This includes a fix to bug #10 by adding a public constructor to the `DiffMatchPatch` struct.
Version 3.0.0
3 years ago
There are no API changes in this version. It merely updates the dependencies to the latest versions.
Version 2.0.0
3 years ago
This version has no API changes, but updates its `KSSCore` dependency to the latest version. Since that version is not binary compatible with the previous, neither is this library.
Version 1.0.3
3 years ago
This patch adds support for iOS.
Version 1.0.2
3 years ago
This version has no code changes. It is an update to use the latest KSSCore and BuildSystem packages.
Version 1.0.1
3 years ago
This version adds support for Ubuntu Linux.
Version 1.0.0
3 years ago
This is the initial port of the Python3 code.
iOS macOS
klassen-software-solutions/KSSCoreUI 2.0.0
Miscellaneous Swift UI utilities
⭐️ 2
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 2.0.0
3 years ago
There are no API changes in this version. But the dependencies have been updated and the minimum macOS version has been changed to 10.12.
Version 1.0.1
3 years ago
This fixes a minor typo in the readme that was messing with the visual formatting.
Version 1.0.0
3 years ago
This initial version is essentially the UI code from KSSCore V3 just before the end of its branch.
iOS macOS
klassen-software-solutions/KSSCore 5.1.1
Miscellaneous Swift utilities
⭐️ 0
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 5.1.1
1 year ago
This release fixes the following bug: - #58: Wrapper initializer is internal and needs to be public
Version 5.1.0
1 year ago
This version adds the following: - The test assertions are now throwable - Added a case insensitive dictionary subscript - Added an input stream reader - Added runtime platform identification - Added a wrapper for handling pass-by-value objects - Added random test data generation
Version 5.0.0
3 years ago
This version changed the minimum OSX version to be 10.12. This was done as the pre-10.12 support was becoming more and more cumbersome. In addition, we added some more items from HTTPMonitor: * #28 Added some internal `os_log` support for Linux * #48 Added a more accurate version of `duration` * #51 Added the ability to watch a file or directory * #52 Improved the `expect` tests and simplified the API
Version 4.0.0
3 years ago
The primary change from version 3 to 4 is that all the UI related items have been removed from this package into a separate package, KSSCoreUI. The primarily reason for this was to make it easier to deal with both Linux and Mac systems in the same library, without a lot of exceptions to our standard development tools. In particular this eliminates the need for manually maintaining the `Makefile` when new modules are added since we no longer need to distinguish between Linux supported and non-Linux supported modules.
Version 3.2.2
3 years ago
This version adds iOS support, primarily by not compiling the portions not appropriate to iOS.
Version 3.2.1
3 years ago
This is a non-code change that rebuilds the prereqs-licenses.json file using the latest version of the license scanner.
Version 3.2.0
3 years ago
This version adds a number of items that were written for the HTTPMonitor application of Ebed Technologies Ltd. It fixes the following bugs: - #33 NSApplication.buildNumber is failing a unit test And adds the following new features: - #4 Adds the ability to wait for a condition in the test infrastructure (motivated by the Java Awaitility, but using Swift expectations) - #32 Additional items added to the `Array` extension - #35 Added the ability for an `NSApplication` to detect light vs. dark appearance - #37 Added a SwiftUI search text field based on `NSSearchField` - #38 Added `View` modifiers to allow the font and font size to be set in `NSViewRepresentable` views - #39 Added `View` modifiers to allow common button attributes to be set in `NSButton` based `NSViewRepresentable` views - #41 Added an `errorHighlightColor` constant to `NSColor` to allow a consistent appearance in our error highlighting - #43 Allow an `NSImage` to be resized It also deprecates a number of items, which will be removed in the next major version change: - The common button attributes in `NSButton` based views should no longer be set in the constructor. Instead modifiers have been written to do the same thing in a more SwiftUI based manner.
Version 3.1.2
3 years ago
This version fixes (or rather works around) a bug in the Apple XML formatting. Fixes: * #30 The XML pretty printing is adding a "standalone" item when it should not.
Version 3.1.1
3 years ago
This version adds support for Linux, at least for KSSFoundation.
Version 3.1.0
3 years ago
This versions adds two utilities required by KSSDiff. Specifically it adds the following: * Ability to create a string directly from the contents of a stream. `String.init?(contentsOfStream:, encoding:)` * Ability to easily count members of an array given a lambda. `Array.countMatches(_ (Element) -> Bool) -> Int`
iOS macOS

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