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Packages published by kiwicom

kiwicom/orbit-swiftui 0.10.9
Kiwi.com Orbit design system library
⭐️ 108
🕓 1 week ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 week ago
Changes in this release: - chore(deps): update dependency pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing to from: "1.16.0" @renovate (#790) - chore(deps): update release-drafter/release-drafter action to v6 @renovate (#762) ### 🚀 Features - Replace `TagStyle` with `removeAction` @sjavora (#785) - Add localization support to Text component @PavelHolec (#781) - Add `Sendable` conformance to `AccessibilityID` @sjavora (#778) - Update `Card` description color and its customization @PavelHolec (#775) - Update `Card` to use environment value to drive the content layout @PavelHolec (#772) - Update `Switch` design @PavelHolec (#759) - Update `Card` component design and action API @PavelHolec (#747) - Add Switch indicator to ChoiceTile @PavelHolec (#744) ### 🐛 Bug Fixes - Fix `redacted` for `UIViewRepresentable` views @sjavora (#788) ### 🧰 Maintenance - Improve support for snapshot testing in UIWindow @sjavora (#793) - Decouple registration of icon font from text font @PavelHolec (#754) - Replace `none` enumeration cases with optional enumeration type @PavelHolec (#748) ### 📖 Documentation - Fix DocC warnings @PavelHolec (#771) ### 🎨 Tokens - Design Tokens Icons Update on 2024-02-26 @kiwiprbot (#767) - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2024-02-26 @kiwiprbot (#768) - Design Tokens Icons Update on 2024-01-29 @kiwiprbot (#755) - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2024-01-29 @kiwiprbot (#756) - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2024-01-15 @kiwiprbot (#750)
15 weeks ago
Changes in this release: ### 🐛 Bug Fixes - Fix SocialButton horizontal padding @PavelHolec (#741)
19 weeks ago
Changes in this release: - chore(deps): update dependency pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing to from: "1.15.1" @renovate (#727) - chore(deps): update jamesives/github-pages-deploy-action action to v4.5.0 @renovate (#728) ### 🚀 Features - Improve `textFieldShouldReturn` keyboard dismissal and docs @PavelHolec (#736) - Create ``Textarea`` component @PavelHolec (#724) ### 🐛 Bug Fixes - Remove basic Equatable conformance from Text @PavelHolec (#722) ### 🧰 Maintenance - Release cleanup and fixes @PavelHolec (#731) - Remove `OrbitCustomButtonStyle` @PavelHolec (#721) - Deprecate focus methods @PavelHolec (#718) ### 📖 Documentation - Improve `textFieldShouldReturn` keyboard dismissal and docs @PavelHolec (#736) - Update documentation comments @PavelHolec (#726) ### 🎨 Tokens - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2023-12-04 @kiwiprbot (#730) - Design Tokens Icons Update on 2023-11-20 @kiwiprbot (#720) - Design Tokens Colors Update on 2023-11-20 @kiwiprbot (#719)
23 weeks ago
Changes in this release: ### 🧰 Maintenance - Concurrency safe Color extensions @Parabak (#715) ### 🎨 Tokens - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2023-10-30 @kiwiprbot (#713)
27 weeks ago
Changes in this release: - chore(deps): update dependency pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing to from: "1.14.2" @renovate (#692) - Update actions/checkout action to v4 @renovate (#680) - Update tibdex/github-app-token action to v2 @renovate (#682) - Update dependency macos to v13 @renovate (#657) ### 🚀 Features - Extract illustrations to a separate target @sjavora (#693) - Unify background configuration components @PavelHolec (#695) - Switch and rename default `ButtonLink` size @PavelHolec (#675) - Make `screenLayout` content alignment configurable @PavelHolec (#679) - Update `EmptyState` design, add newly extracted button stack builder @PavelHolec (#678) ### 🐛 Bug Fixes - Fix `HorizontalScroll` behaviour when not idle @PavelHolec (#676) ### 🧰 Maintenance - Update Illustration and image resources and named bundles @PavelHolec (#701) - Rename `backgroundColor` to `backgroundStyle` @PavelHolec (#699) - Extract illustrations to a separate target @sjavora (#693) ### 🎨 Tokens - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2023-10-23 @kiwiprbot (#703) - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2023-09-25 @kiwiprbot (#687) - Design Tokens Colors Update on 2023-09-08 @kiwiprbot (#681)
36 weeks ago
Changes in this release: ### 🚀 Features - Add inputFieldReturnAction to InputField @PavelHolec (#656) - Concatenated Text should be sized the same as regular Text @PavelHolec (#655) - Update inline label design @PavelHolec (#653) - Update focus state for `InputField` @PavelHolec (#654) - Add focus modifier for inputfields @PavelHolec (#651) ### 🐛 Bug Fixes - Apply accessibility id to knob, not the whole track @Parabak (#642) ### 🧰 Maintenance - Update accessibility of InputContent labels @PavelHolec (#668) - Create `Dialog` button builder @PavelHolec (#641) - Update `ScreenLayoutModifier` alignment @PavelHolec (#640) - Make properties of TextRepresentableEnvironment public @bul-nick-al (#650) ### 🎨 Tokens - Design Tokens Icons Update on 2023-08-14 @kiwiprbot (#647) - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2023-07-31 @kiwiprbot (#639)
43 weeks ago
Changes in this release: ### 🚀 Features - Allow single `Alert` button to be styled as `secondary` @PavelHolec (#624) - Support custom content in `BadgeList` @PavelHolec (#622) - Add support for multiple options in SegmentedSwitch @michalraska (#619) - `Alert` updates @sjavora (#612) - Update `ButtonLink` design @PavelHolec (#610) - Extract `textSize` and `iconSize` from `Text` and `Icon` to modifiers @PavelHolec (#608) - Add inline label support to `Select` @PavelHolec (#603) - Move behavior/presentation of `Button` to `OrbitButtonStyle` @sjavora (#607) - Remove `Icon.Content` and replace it with ViewBuilder parameters @PavelHolec (#597) - Configurable haptics @sjavora (#571) - Added `Coupon` component @PavelHolec (#591) - Improve `EmptyView` detection @PavelHolec (#633) ### 🐛 Bug Fixes - Padding and sizing of buttons is incorrect @PavelHolec (#626) - Fix nil or false `idealSize` behaviour for some components. @PavelHolec (#620) ### 🧰 Maintenance - Fix `ListChoice` and `Tile` separator @PavelHolec (#629) - Extract `textSize` and `iconSize` from `Text` and `Icon` to modifiers @PavelHolec (#608) ### 🎨 Tokens - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2023-07-03 @kiwiprbot (#616) - Design Tokens Icons Update on 2023-07-03 @kiwiprbot (#615) - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2023-06-19 @kiwiprbot (#600) - Design Tokens Icons Update on 2023-06-19 @kiwiprbot (#598)
47 weeks ago
Changes in this release: ### 🚀 Features - `Tabs` updates @sjavora (#577) - Add `textFontWeight` modifier @sjavora (#581) - Simplify `SegmentedSwitch` implementation @sjavora (#576) ### 🐛 Bug Fixes - Workaround for `IDPreference` crash @sjavora (#586) - Keyboard autocomplete appends the suggestion at the end of InputField binding @PavelHolec (#582)
48 weeks ago
Changes in this release: ### 🚀 Features - Update `SegmentedSwitch` to take a `Hashable` binding @sjavora (#484) - Add isSelected trait to `Tag` @PavelHolec (#566) - `Slider` component @Parabak (#457) ### 🧰 Maintenance - Duplicate fonts registration fix @username0x0a (#563) ### 🎨 Tokens - Design Tokens Icons Update on 2023-05-22 @kiwiprbot (#572) - Design Tokens Icons Update on 2023-05-01 @kiwiprbot (#561) - Design Tokens Colors Update on 2023-05-01 @kiwiprbot (#559) - Design Tokens Illustrations Update on 2023-04-28 @kiwiprbot (#558)
1 year ago
Changes in this release: ### Features - Replace `foregroundColor` with a custom `textColor` and `iconColor` modifiers @PavelHolec (#549) - Add missing `UITextfield` properties and modifiers @PavelHolec (#545) - Support `foregroundColor` modifiers on `Icon` @PavelHolec (#540) - Design Tokens Colors Update on 2023-04-17 @kiwiprbot (#543) - Add Orbit colors definitions to `ShapeStyle` @PavelHolec (#536) - Replace `status` properties with `status()` environment key modifier @PavelHolec (#516) - Support native modifiers on `Text` @PavelHolec (#522) ### 🐛 Bug Fixes - Fix centered `ChoiceTile` top padding @PavelHolec (#526) - Fix `ChoiceTile` idealSize header layout issue @PavelHolec (#518) ### 🧰 Maintenance - Password `InputField` issues @PavelHolec (#537) - Remove `FlowLayout` component @PavelHolec (#521)

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