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Packages published by kean

kean/Nuke 12.5.0
Image loading system
⭐️ 7,822
πŸ•“ 3 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Nuke 12.5
3 weeks ago
## What's Changed - Fix Xcode 15.3 concurrency warnings when using `Screen.scale` by @jszumski in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/766 - Add `showPlaceholderOnFailure` parameter to show placeholder in case of image loading failure by @mlight3 in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/764 - Fix image loading test on iOS 17 by @woxtu in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/768 - Update thumbnail key value for `ImageRequest` by @woxtu in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/769 - Remove trailing whitespaces by @woxtu in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/767 - Apply `if let` shorthand syntax by @mlight3 in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/762 ## New Contributors - @AndrewSB made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/755 - @mlight3 made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/762 - @jszumski made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/766 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kean/Nuke/compare/12.4.0...12.5.0
Nuke 12.4
9 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Enable visionOS support for all APIs by @zachwaugh in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/752 * Update documentation by @tkersey in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/747 ## New Contributors * @tkersey made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/747 * @zachwaugh made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/752
Nuke 12.3
14 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add support for visionOS by @bobek-balinek in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/743 ## New Contributors * @bobek-balinek made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/743 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kean/Nuke/compare/12.2.0...12.3.0
Nuke 12.2
21 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add another file type signature for `.m4v` files by @leonid-shevtsov in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/735 * Added the `onStart` callback to` LazyImage` by @urbaneewe in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/736 ## New Contributors * @leonid-shevtsov made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/735 * @urbaneewe made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/736 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kean/Nuke/compare/12.1.6...12.2.0
Nuke 12.1.6
34 weeks ago
- Improve `ImageCache` (memory cache) performance by 20% - Improve `NukeExtensions` performance by 5% - Update the code to support future visionOS releases by switching to `canImport` where possible
Nuke 12.2 (Beta 2)
34 weeks ago
- Fix compilation visionOS errors on Xcode 15 Beta 6 > [!WARNING] > Swift Package Manager is not supported yet. There seem to be compilation errors when adding `.visionOS(.v1)` to the list of the supported versions. More updates coming soon.
Nuke 12.1.5
37 weeks ago
- Fix https://github.com/kean/Nuke/issues/717 by moving `DataCache` metadata to a hidden file - https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/718
Nuke 12.1.4
38 weeks ago
- Upgrade from `CommonCrypto` to [`CryptoKit`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/cryptokit) and slightly optimize how cryptographic hashes are converted to strings (used as filenames for `DataCache`) - Deprecate `DataCache/isCompressionEnabled`. It was initially added as a general-purpose feature used in [Pulse](https://github.com/kean/Pulse), but it's not recommended to be used with most image formats. - `DataCache` now performs sweeps less frequently - Minor docs correction – https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/715 by @tdkn ## New Contributors * @tdkn made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/715
Nuke 12.1.3
40 weeks ago
- Fix https://github.com/kean/Nuke/issues/709: `LazyImage` fails to perform memory cache lookup in some scenarios - (Internal) Replace some of the custom code with native extensions – https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/713 by @openmetrue - Increase the minimum required Xcode version to 14.1 (required by App Store) ## New Contributors * @openmetrue made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/713
Nuke 12.1.2
42 weeks ago
- Fix https://github.com/kean/Nuke/issues/710: build failure on watchOS in debug mode – https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/711 by @FieryFlames ## New Contributors * @FieryFlames made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Nuke/pull/711
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
kean/Pulse 4.0.5
Network Logger for Apple platforms
⭐️ 5,901
πŸ•“ 20 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Pulse 4.0.5
20 weeks ago
- Update documentation on custom views - Minor fixes and improvements in the UI
Pulse 4.0.4
23 weeks ago
- Fix [#217](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/issues/217): arithmetic overflow when the the number of deduplicated data links exceed the size limit > Note: the new precompiled frameworks were built using Xcode 15.0.1
Pulse 4.0.3
33 weeks ago
- Improve performance of recording network tasks significantly - Improve `NetworkLogger` performance - Fix an issue with requests from the previous app run being displayed as pending - Add a "Mock" badge for mocked requests when exporting the store using one of the text formats
Pulse 4.0.2
34 weeks ago
- Fix an issue with list not displaying older messages (iOS) - Update JSON color theme (watchOS) - The console now fully adopts your app's accent color (iOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS) - Move "Store Info" button to Settings (iOS) - Network inspector will now show a "current" request by default and remember your selection (see `UserSettings.shared.isShowingCurrentRequest`)
Pulse 4.0.1
36 weeks ago
- Fix [#211](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/issues/211): crash when opening network details on iOS - Fix [#208](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/issues/208): searching removes the backgroundColor of decoding error highlighted text – [#210](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/pull/210) by @Ahattalla ## New Contributors * @Ahattalla made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Pulse/pull/210
Pulse 4.0
36 weeks ago
### Requirements - Set the minimum platform requirements to iOS 14.0, tvOS 15.0, watchOS 8.0, macOS 12.0. `ConsoleView` is available on iOS 15, but you can still integrate the framework in apps that support earlier iOS versions. - Increase the minimum supported Xcode version to Xcode 14.1 - Add Xcode 15 support - Add iOS 17, tvOS 17, watchOS 10, macOS 14 support - Remove APIs deprecated in Pulse 3.x ### Remote Logging - Add support for the new Pulse for Mac app coming to App Store this month. You can try it now by [joining](https://testflight.apple.com/join/1jcanE3q) the public beta. More information on the app will be available soon. - [Redesign](https://github-production-user-asset-6210df.s3.amazonaws.com/1567433/244578507-99e03a6a-c830-4174-add5-9b68d3c96c47.png) the remote settings screen making it easier to connect to Pulse for Mac. The new screen has improved error handling and shows instructions on configuring the app to use it. It now also remembers all recently connected devices, so if you use more than one Mac for development, it will remember both. - Add support for password-protected and encrypted connections to Pulse for Mac - Add a way to "Forget the Device" without disabling the remote logger - Fix synchronization issues in the remote logger - Add "Show on Mac" feature that allows you to quickly open a log details page selected in the iOS app on a Mac without even starting the remote logging (iOS only) - Add missing NSBonjourServices plist setting to the demo project that was preventing the demo app from connecting on a local network ### Features - [iOS] The "network" tab is now the first item in the menu and is selected by default. The selection is now also sticky. - [iOS] Add a way to display custom HTTP headers directly in the Console - [#196](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/pull/196) by @tahirmt - [iOS] Add quick filters by `host`, and `url` to the network task context menus - [iOS] When you import store from watchOS, it now shows an "Open Store" button directly in the Console - Add a public `UserSettings` class that allows you to programmatically change some of the console settings or pass them using launch arguments - [watchOS] Update the design for watchOS 10 - [watchOS] Fix [#201](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/issues/201) by removing the code that sets WCSession delegate from the framework. It's now up to the user to forward the required delegate calls to the framework: only two are needed. Please see the included demo projects for an example. - [watchOS] Fix [#200](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/issues/200) by disabling the Remote Logging toggle when running on a physical watchOS device. - [watchOS] Add a "Share Store" button to the Settings screen that uses the new native [ShareLink](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/SwiftUI/ShareLink) API to add more ways to share logs from your logs: email, messages, and more. - [watchOS] Add demo with paired iOS and watchOS apps - [macOS] Move some network filters to Pulse for Mac - [macOS] Move inspectors to the navigation bar on macOS - [macOS] Add "Now" mode
Pulse 4.0.0 (Beta 4)
38 weeks ago
- Add support for new mocking features in Pulse for Mac
Pulse 4.0.0 (Beta 3)
43 weeks ago
The standalone Pulse app is now available on iOS:Β https://testflight.apple.com/join/1jcanE3q. It's a document-based app that allows you to browse logs shared from other devices and open .pulse files anywhere in the system. ## watchOS * Update the design for watchOS 10 * Fix [#201](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/issues/201) by removing the code that sets WCSession delegate from the framework. It's now up to the user to forward the required delegate calls to the framework: only two are needed. Please see the included demo projects for an example. * Fix [#200](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/issues/200) by disabling the Remote Logging toggle when running on a physical watchOS device. * Add "Share Store" button to the Settings screen that uses the new native [ShareLink](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/SwiftUI/ShareLink) API to add more ways to share logs from your logs: email, messages, and more. * Add demo with paired iOS and watchOS apps
Pulse 4.0.0 (Beta 2)
44 weeks ago
- Add initial support for iOS 17, tvOS 17, watchOS 10, macOS 14 - Add β€œShow on Mac” feature that allows you to quickly open a log details page selected in the iOS app on a Mac without even starting the remote logging - Add a way to display custom HTTP headers directly in the console - [#196](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/pull/196), thanks to @tahirmt - Add public `UserSettings` class that allows you to programmatically change some of the console settings or pass them using launch arguments - [Redesign](https://github.com/kean/Pulse/assets/1567433/99e03a6a-c830-4174-add5-9b68d3c96c47) remote logging settings - Add support for password-protected and encrypted connections to Pulse for Mac - Improve error handling when connecting to remote logger. Show β€œNo Auth” error message when .plist is missing the configuration. Show instructions for enabling Local Networking if it’s disabled. Show the error code for all other scenarios. - Remote logger will now remember all recently connected devices. If you have more than one Mac with Pulse for Mac, it will automatically connect depending on which one is available. It will prioritize the most recently connected device. - Fix synchronization issues in remote logger - Add a way to β€œForget the Device” without disabling the remote logger - Add missing NSBonjourServices plist setting to the demo project that was preventing the demo app from connecting on a local network
Pulse 3.7.3
45 weeks ago
- Pulse can now be installed using CocoaPods. The name of the pods are `PulseCore` and `PulseUI`.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
kean/Get 2.2.0
Web API client built using async/await
⭐️ 894
πŸ•“ 6 days ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Get 2.2
6 days ago
- Increase the minimum supported Xcode version to 14.3 - Fix warnings in unit tests
Get 2.1.6
1 year ago
- Fix downloads folder path – [#72](https://github.com/kean/Get/pull/72) by [@LePips](https://github.com/LePips) ## New Contributors * @LePips made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Get/pull/72
Get 2.1.5
1 year ago
- Fix warnings in Xcode 14.1
Get 2.1.4
1 year ago
- Fix xcodebuild & docc issue in Xcode 14.0
Get 2.1.3
1 year ago
- Fix [#53](https://github.com/kean/Get/issues/53), a concurrency warning with strict concurrency checking
Get 2.1.2
1 year ago
- Fix an issue with `withResponse` always setting method to `.get` - [#62](https://github.com/kean/Get/pull/62), thanks to @briancordanyoung
Get 2.1.1
1 year ago
**Important fix for iOS 16** - Fix concurrency issue in `DataLoader` with the new iOS 16 `didCreateTask` delegate method
Get 1.0.4
1 year ago
**Important fix for iOS 16** - Fix concurrency issue in `DataLoader` with the new iOS 16 `didCreateTask` delegate method
Get 2.1.0
1 year ago
- Add support for optional responses. If the response is optional and the response body is empty, the request will now succeed and return `nil` - [#58](https://github.com/kean/Get/pull/58), thanks to [@Pomanks](https://github.com/Pomanks) ## New Contributors * @Pomanks made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/Get/pull/58 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kean/Get/compare/2.0.1...2.1.0
Get 2.0.1
1 year ago
- Add support for Xcode 14 (fix build issue on macOS)
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS macCatalyst
kean/Preheat 4.0
Automates prefetching of content in UITableView and UICollectionView
⭐️ 630
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Preheat 0.4.1
3 years ago
- Update Swift Package description, [#11](https://github.com/kean/Preheat/pull/11) - Support UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout, [#12](https://github.com/kean/Preheat/pull/12)
Preheat 4.0
6 years ago
Swift 4
Preheat 3.0
7 years ago
- Swift 3 compatibility
Preheat 2.0
7 years ago
- Simplified impl
Preheat 1.0
8 years ago
Initial release
iOS tvOS
kean/Align 3.2.0
Intuitive and powerful Auto Layout library
⭐️ 352
πŸ•“ 6 days ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Align 3.2
6 days ago
- Remove deprecated `.base` property - Increase the minimum supported Xcode version to 14.3 - Increase the minimum supported platforms to iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, macOS 10.15
Align 3.1.0
38 weeks ago
- Use static linking by default - Fix warnings in Xcode 15
Align 3.0.0
1 year ago
- **Breaking Change**: The `Alignment` used in `pin()` method now works slightly differently by default for the pre-defined `.trailing`, `.leading`, `.bottom`, and `.top` alignments. Previously, `.leading` alignment would pin to the view to the `.leading` horizontal guide and `.fill` the view vertically. In Align 3.0, it centers the view vertically instead. - Add new [documentation](https://kean-docs.github.io/align/documentation/align/) created using DocC - Increase the minimum required Xcode version to 13.3 - Increase the minimum supported platforms to iOS 12.0 / tvOS 12.0 / macOS 10.14 - Rename `LayoutAnchors/base` to `LayoutAnchors/item` - Move `Alignment` to `AnchorCollectionEdges/Alignment ` - Fix typos
Align 2.4.1
3 years ago
- Fix typo in `Alignment`
Align 2.4.0
3 years ago
- Add [Cheat Sheet](https://github.com/kean/Align/files/4809887/align-cheat-sheet.pdf) - Remove `anchors.margins` and `anchors.safeArea` APIs - Documentation improvements
Align 2.3
3 years ago
This release focuses on filling the remaining gaps in the API. - `Constraints` type now conforms to `Collection` protocol (backed by `Array`) - Add `Constraints` `activate()` and `deactivate()` methods - Add `clamp(to limit: ClosedRange<CGFloat>)` API for dimension anchors - Add default `insets` argument for `AnchorCollectionEdges` `equal` method - Replace the target parameter of `AnchorCollectionEdges` `equal` method with `LayoutItem` - Add `AnchorCollectionEdges` variant that works with `CGFloat` - Add `AnchorCollectionEdges` `lessThatOrEqual()` method - Fix `AnchorCollectionCenter` `lessThatOrEqual()` method - Replace the target parameter of `AnchorCollectionCenter` method with `LayoutItem` - Performance optimizations
Align 2.2.1
3 years ago
- Add a missing version of `pin()` that works with `CGFloat` as insets
Align 2.2
3 years ago
- Add missing Core APIs for collections
Align 2.1
3 years ago
> Use [Migraiton Guide](https://github.com/kean/Align/blob/master/Docs/MigrationGuide2.md) included in the repo to ease migration. - Remove all deprecated APIs. If you are migrating from the previous version, consider migrating to version 2.0.0 first. It is going to guide you throught the migration.
Align 2.0
3 years ago
> Use [Migraiton Guide](https://github.com/kean/Align/blob/master/Docs/MigrationGuide2.md) included in the repo to ease migration. - Add `macOS support` - Add new low-level APIs: `equal`, `greaterThanOrEqual`, `lessThatOrEqual` - Add `spacing()` method for alignments - Rename uncler `.al` to `.anchors` - Remove `.al` version accepting closure - Add `constraints` property to `Constraints` type to allow access to all of the constraints created using it - Add `activate` parameter to `Constraints` initiliazer to optionally disable automatic activation of constraints - Deprecated `func edges(_ edges: LayoutEdge...)`, use `pin(axis:)` insteads - `pin()` methods now use `.leading` and `.trailing` anchors intead of absolute `.left` and `.right` anchors. To switch to absolute anchors, use `absolute()`: `view.anchors.edges.absolute()` - Remove `addSubview` family of APIs - Migrate to Swift 5.1 - Increase minimum required platform versions
iOS macOS tvOS
kean/Future 1.4.0
Streamlined Future<Value, Error> implementation
⭐️ 318
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Future 1.4.0
3 years ago
- Add Linux support - [#12](https://github.com/kean/Future/pull/12), by [Joseph Heck](https://github.com/heckj) - Increaes mininum supported platform requirements to iOS 11.0 / watchOS 4.0 / macOS 10.13 / tvOS 11.0 - Increase minimum supported Xcode version to Xcode 11
Future 1.3.0
4 years ago
- Remove `FutureCompatible.swift` from the framework
Future 1.2.0
4 years ago
- Fix Xcode warnings – [9](https://github.com/kean/FutureX/pull/9) - Add Installation Guide and [**API Reference**](https://kean-org.github.io/docs/future/reference/1.2.0/index.html) - Remove CocoaPods support - Drop the `X`
FutureX 1.1.1
4 years ago
- Add a version number compatible with Swift Package Manager
FutureX 1.1
4 years ago
- Replace custom `Future.Result` type with `Swift.Result`
FutureX 1.0
4 years ago
- Add Swift 5.0 support - Add SwiftPM 5.0 support - Remove Swift 4.0 and Swift 4.1 support - Remove iOS 9, tvOS 9, watchOS 2.0, macOS 10.10 and macOS 10.11 support
FutureX 0.17
5 years ago
Refined `on` method to attach callbacks. There are just two minor changes: - Completion closure signature is now `() -> Void` instead of `(Result) -> Void`. Completion is designed to be used in addition to `success` and `failure` to do things like hiding activity indicators. That's why the `Result` variant never really made sense. If you'd like to use `Result` instead, use `future.materialize().on { result in }`. - Add a `func on(success: (Value) -> Void)` method. Now `future.on { }` (with a trailing closure) is inferred by the compiler to add `success` closure. Previously, it used to attach `completion` closure. This change makes it a little bit nices to attach callbacks to futures that can't produce errors (`Future<_, Never>`). There is also a change in the project structure. We now use a single multi-platform target instead of four separate targets - one for each platform.
FutureX 0.16
5 years ago
- Add `Future` initializer which takes a throwing closure: `init(catching body: () throws -> Value)`. This feature was added in the first FutureX PR [#1](https://github.com/kean/FutureX/pull/1), thanks to [@moto0000](https://github.com/moto0000)! - Add `castError` variant which takes an error type as an argument - Add `Scheduler.default` which can be used to change the default scheduler which is `Scheduler.main`
FutureX 0.15
5 years ago
- `on` no longer returns `Future` to enable some wiggle room in the future - `CancellationToken.noOp` renamed to `CancellationToken.none`. - Add `FutureCompatible` and `FutureExtension`
FutureX 0.14
5 years ago
- Method `observe(on:)` is more flexible, it can now be used to runs transformations like `map`, `tryMap` on a specified queue (and actually any other transformations too, it composes really well with any of them). - Instead of a convenience `Future { succeed, fail in }` we now have `Future { promise in }` which is consistent with the regular way you create Promise/Future pair and also more flexible and performant. - Inline the first callback in `Promise`. It's very often when there is only one callback for each `Promise`. These operations are now up to 15% faster. - Implement `CustomDebugStringConvertible` for `Promise`
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
kean/RxNuke 5.0.0
RxSwift extensions for Nuke
⭐️ 149
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
RxNuke 5.0
1 year ago
- Update to [Nuke 12.0](https://github.com/kean/Nuke/releases/tag/12.0.0)
RxNuke 4.0.0
1 year ago
- Update to Nuke 11.0
RxNuke 3.0.0
2 years ago
- Update to Nuke 10 - Remove Carthage support - Remove CocoaPods support
RxNuke 2.0.1
3 years ago
- Fix the dependency version range – [#20](https://github.com/kean/RxNuke/pull/20)
RxNuke 2.0.0
3 years ago
- Update to RxSwift 6.0
RxNuke 1.0
3 years ago
- Update to Nuke 9 - Bump minimum platform version requirements. The minimum iOS version is now iOS 11 which is a 64-bit only system. This is great news if you are installing your dependencies using Carthage as Nuke is now going to compile twice as fast: no need to compile for `i386` and `armv7` anymore.
RxNuke 0.12
4 years ago
- Increase the minimum requirred RxSwift version to 5.1 - the version with hard-deprecated `UIWebView` APIs removed
RxNuke 0.11.0
4 years ago
- Add Swift Package Manager support
RxNuke 0.10
4 years ago
Update for Nuke 8
RxNuke 0.9
4 years ago
- Bump RxSwift dependency to version 5.0
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
kean/Nuke-FLAnimatedImage-Plugin 8.0.0
FLAnimatedImage plugin for Nuke
⭐️ 53
πŸ•“ 2 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
FLAnimatedImage Plugin 8.0
2 years ago
- Update to Nuke 10 - Add tvOS support - Add SPM support - Remove Carthage and CocoaPods support
FLAnimatedImage Plugin 7.0
3 years ago
- Update to Nuke 9
Nuke FLAnimatedImage Plugin 6.2
4 years ago
- Update to Nuke 8 – [Ruslan Timchenko](https://github.com/Semty) in [#17](https://github.com/kean/Nuke-FLAnimatedImage-Plugin/pull/17)
Nuke FLAnimatedImage Plugin 6.1
5 years ago
- Add Swift 5 support - Remove Swift 4.0 and Swift 4.1 support - Remove iOS 9.0 support
FLAnimatedImage Plugin 6.0
5 years ago
- Update to Swift 4.2 - Update to Nuke 7.5 - Remove Deprecated.swift
FLAnimatedImage Plugin 5.0
5 years ago
Updated for Nuke 7
FLAnimatedImage Plugin 5.0-rc1
5 years ago
- Update for Nuke 7.0-rc1
Nuke FLAnimatedImage Plugin 4.0
6 years ago
A primary focus of this release is to update the project to Swift 4.1. **Requires a few small migrations steps**. See the list of changes for more info: ## Updated to Swift 4.1 Removed `AnimatedImage` class which was `UIImage` subclass and caused [all sorts of problems](https://github.com/kean/Nuke-Gifu-Plugin/issues/7) while upgrading to new Swift versions. <hr/> Removed: ```swift public class AnimatedImage: UIImage { public let data: Data public init(data: Data, poster: CGImage) } ``` Added (please use instead): ```swift extension UIImage { // Animated image data. Only not `nil` when image data actually contains // an animated image. public var animatedImageData: Data? { get set } } ``` <hr/> Removed: ```swift extension AnimatedImage { /// Default `Nuke.Manager` with animated GIF support. public let manager: Nuke.Manager { get } } ``` Added (please use instead): ```swift extension Nuke.Manager { /// Default `Nuke.Manager` with animated GIF support. public let animatedImageManager: Nuke.Manager { get } } ``` ## Other Changes - Update demo to Swift 4.1 - Replace `Nuke.Cache` method `func preparedForAnimatedImages() -> Self` with `func prepareForAnimatedImages()` which makes it clear that the API doesn't return a new instance. - Add `Nuke.Loader.Options` method `func prepareForAnimatedImages()` symmetric to existing cache extension.
Nuke FLAnimatedImage Plugin 3.0
6 years ago
Updated for Nuke 6.
Nuke FLAnimatedImage Plugin 2.1
7 years ago
- AnimatedImageView now supports Storyboards
iOS tvOS
kean/Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin 8.0.0
Alamofire plugin for Nuke
⭐️ 39
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Alamofire Plugin 8.0
1 year ago
- Update to [Nuke 12.0](https://github.com/kean/Nuke/releases/tag/12.0.0)
Alamofire Plugin 7.0.0
1 year ago
- Update to [Nuke 11](https://github.com/kean/Nuke/releases/tag/11.0.0)
Alamofire Plugin 6.1.0
1 year ago
- Update to support Nuke 10.10 – [#17](https://github.com/kean/Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin/pull/17), thanks to [Maksim Gromov](https://github.com/maksimgromov)
Alamofire Plugin 6.0.0
2 years ago
- Update to Nuke 10 - Remove Carthage support - Remove CocoaPods support
Alamofire Plugin 5.0.1
3 years ago
Carthage-only update - Fix Carthage support
Alamofire Plugin 5.0
3 years ago
- Update to Nuke 9 and Alamofire 5 - Remove iOS 10, tvOS 10, watchOS 3.0, macOS 10.12 support
Alamofire Plugin 4.2
5 years ago
- Add Swift 5.0 support - Remove Swift 4.0 and Swift 4.1 support - Remove iOS 9, tvOS 9, watchOS 2.0, macOS 10.10 and macOS 10.11 support - Add a single `Nuke Alamofire Plugin` target which can build the framework for any platform
Alamofire Plugin 4.1
5 years ago
Updated to Swift 4.2
Alamofire Plugin 4.0
5 years ago
- Updated for Nuke 7
Alamofire Plugin 4.0-rc1
5 years ago
- Update for Nuke 7.0-rc1
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
kean/NukeUI 0.8.3
Lazy image loading for Apple platforms: SwiftUI, UIKit, AppKit
⭐️ 15
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
NukeUI 0.8.3
1 year ago
- Fix macOS build - [#49](https://github.com/kean/NukeUI/pull/49)
NukeUI 0.8.2
1 year ago
- Fix an issue with video playback not resuming when retruning from background - [#46](https://github.com/kean/NukeUI/pull/46), thanks to [Andy Meagher](https://github.com/AndyMeagher)
NukeUI 0.8.1
2 years ago
- Fix an issue with previous custom `contentView` not removed on reuse - [#40](https://github.com/kean/NukeUI/pull/40), thanks to [Jon Funkhouser](https://github.com/jonfunkhouser
NukeUI 0.8.0
2 years ago
- Add `DisappearBehavior.lowerPriority` - [#33](https://github.com/kean/NukeUI/pull/33), thanks to [Peter Kurzok](https://github.com/pkurzok) - Deprecate `DisappearBehavior.reset` (crashy) - Add more options to control video: loop, finish callback – [#32](https://github.com/kean/NukeUI/pull/32), thanks to [Son Changwoo](https://github.com/kor45cw) - Fix GIF playback when using customizing image view using `LazyImageState` - [#34](https://github.com/kean/NukeUI/issues/34)
NukeUI 0.7.0
2 years ago
- Update to Nuke 10.5 (video support moved to the core framework)
NukeUI 0.6.8
2 years ago
- Fix a compilation issue on Catalyst - [#16](https://github.com/kean/NukeUI/issues/16)
NukeUI 0.6.7
2 years ago
Update podspec to support the remaining platforms
NukeUI 0.6.6
2 years ago
- Add podspec (currently iOS-only)
NukeUI 0.6.5
2 years ago
- Fix an issue with incorrect `source` change handling - [#14](https://github.com/kean/NukeUI/issues/14)
NukeUI 0.6.4
2 years ago
- Fix an issue with video decoder not being registered automatically for `LazyImage` - [#495](https://github.com/kean/Nuke/issues/495)
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
kean/PulseLogHandler 4.0.1
SwiftLog Extension for Pulse
⭐️ 12
πŸ•“ 33 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
PulseLogHandler 4.0.1
33 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Remove tvOS 14 by @LePips in https://github.com/kean/PulseLogHandler/pull/8 ## New Contributors * @LePips made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/PulseLogHandler/pull/8
PulseLogHandler 4.0.0
36 weeks ago
- Add support for Pulse 4.x – https://github.com/kean/PulseLogHandler/pull/7 by @lukeredpath
PulseLogHandler 3.2.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Add support for MetadataProvider by @lukeredpath in https://github.com/kean/PulseLogHandler/pull/4 ## New Contributors * @lukeredpath made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/PulseLogHandler/pull/4 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kean/PulseLogHandler/compare/3.1.0...3.2.0
PulseLogHandler 3.1
1 year ago
## What's Changed * fix: Bump the platform minimum versions to match Pulse dependency by @vdka in https://github.com/kean/PulseLogHandler/pull/2 ## New Contributors * @vdka made their first contribution in https://github.com/kean/PulseLogHandler/pull/2 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kean/PulseLogHandler/compare/3.0.0...3.1.0
PulseLogHandler 3.0.0
1 year ago
Moved from the main repo
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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