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Packages published by kareman

kareman/SwiftShell v2.0b2
A Swift framework for shell scripting.
⭐️ 1,019
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
- Test with Swift 5.3 and Xcode 12 (#93) Use xcpretty-actions-formatter - Update Xcode project. (#94) As suggested by Xcode 12. Also update Swift version. - Release 5.1 (#95) * Update README.md * Update podspec.
3 years ago
- Compile on Swift 5.3 - Remove "support" for iOS. Running shell commands has never worked on iOS, it was just a hack to enable kareman/FileSmith (which _does_ work on iOS) and SwiftShell to use the same `*Stream` protocols. - Readme: Remove mentions of FileSmith. FileSmith and SwiftShell no longer cooperate specifically. - Add GitHub CI tests (#85) - Set Swift version to 5.2.4. - Remove custom nullDevice. Turns out my implementation of nullDevice in SwiftFoundation was merged four years ago and I forgot about it. - Remove Tests/LinuxMain.swift, use '--enable-test-discovery' on Linux instead. - Use built-in XCTest error testing. - Remove Process extensions for Linux. It seems they have been added to Swift Foundation. - Remove missing files from Xcode project. - Reformat code using swiftformat 0.40.14 Because it is the last version of swiftformat that does indentation and alignment correctly (tabs for indentation, spaces for alignment). - Test on Swift 5.1 too. (#86) - Readme: supports Swift 5.1 - 5.3 - Readme: remove Travis badge - Xcode project: set deployment target, remove unused iOS stuff. (#89) - CI: Separate out Xcode and cocapods tests (#88)
4 years ago
- fix framework build setting from corrupting xcode archive type. - support older macOS versions (10.11)
Swift 5
5 years ago
- Update to Swift 5 - Set minimum macOS version to 10.13, because of deprecated methods in Foundation.Process. - swiftshell-init uses Swift 5 in it's generated Package.swift. - The 'exit' functions now only print filename and line number in debug builds.
5 years ago
- set Swift version to 4.2. - fix multi threading issue raised by Xcode's tread sanitiser when using the 'run(...)' commands. (#69)
5 years ago
Remove swiftlint build phase, as it was inactive and led to [Carthage build errors on Xcode 10 beta 3](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51174105/xcode-10-beta-3-command-phasescriptexecution-failed-with-a-nonzero-exit-code).
6 years ago
- Update to Swift 4.1. - Add AsyncCommand.stop, interrupt, suspend and resume. Also for Linux (#59, #60). - Add runAsyncAndPrint command (#61). - Improve documentation and formatting. Use present tense in documentation. Add missing documentation. ### Bug fixes - Make main.stdout.encoding default to main.encoding. - run: do not read both standard output and standard error if they are the same. ### Miscellaneous - Mark stream's readData() with @discardableResult - Make testIntsLazySplit_NoEmptySlices actually do something. - Xcode 9.3: update to recommended project settings. - Readme: update with new functionality. Also fix some other stuff.
6 years ago
- Fix #52: 'run' hangs on large output. - Update Swift to version 4.0.3.
6 years ago
- Remove deprecated uses of .characters, and thereby get rid of all the warnings. - Get swiftshell-init to work with new Package.swift layout. - Add missing Linux unit test. - Fix bug in ReadableStream.onOutput where the callback would crash if the ReadableStream instance had ceased to exist (#45)
Swift 4
6 years ago
Update to Swift 4.
kareman/FileSmith 0.3.0
A strongly typed Swift library for working with local files and directories.
⭐️ 26
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Swift 4.2.
5 years ago
- Update to Swift 4.2. - Update to SwiftShell 4.1.2. - Use Carthage for dependency. - Add setup.sh.
5 years ago
- Add missing "products" section to Package.swift. - Update to SwiftShell 4.1.1. - Import FileSmith as "testable" in unit tests.
Swift 4.1
6 years ago
Update to Swift 4.1 and SwiftShell 4.1.0.
7 years ago
Should be usable now.
kareman/Patterns 0.1.2
A Swift PEG parser
⭐️ 26
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Optimise threads by @kareman in https://github.com/kareman/Patterns/pull/60 * Fix a build error in newer Swift compiler versions by using swift-se0270-range-set 1.0.1 by @kareman in https://github.com/kareman/Patterns/pull/61 * Remove playground and mentions of specific Swift versions by @kareman in https://github.com/kareman/Patterns/pull/62 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kareman/Patterns/compare/0.1.1...0.1.2
3 years ago
- Simplify .range(of:) and SearchCache. - Readme: add note about long build times. - Make Pattern Equatable. (#44) Make AnyPattern not use protocol type. - Set Swift version to 5.3. CI: use 5.3-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2020-08-08-a on Linux. Cannot use just 5.3 on linux, and when using 5.3-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2020-08-08-a on macOS it cannot find XCTest. - Merge pull request #45 from kareman/Generic-input Support generic input - Merge pull request #47 from kareman/Readme-require-Swift-5.3 Readme: require Swift 5.3. Add part about pattern input types. Split up readme unit test to avoid warning about it taking too long to type check. - GitHub-related stuff (#51) Update bug-report.md CI test: don’t run on non-code related changes. Update feature-request.md - Fix bug where not all .skip were replaced. `setupSkip(at: i)` adds 1 new instruction somewhere after `ì`, so we cant loop over self.indices directly. - Update dependency swift-argument-parser. (#54) - PatternsTests: Only warn when expressions take long to build. Not entire functions. - Improve and fix documentation for Skip. - Merge pull request #55 from kareman/documentation Add documentation - Restore all former String performance tests. - Make separate utf8 performance tests. - Make instructions @usableFromInline. - Merge pull request #56 from kareman/Optimise-after-adding-generic-Input Specifically specialize for String and UTF8View. It stopped happening automatically after making Pattern.Input generic. Makes a huge difference in performance. - Rename Word.boundary to Word.Boundary(). - Rename Line.start to Line.Start(). Likewise with Line.end. To make things more consistent, and to allow automatically returning a type with the correct Input type. Which is only possible with a function/initialiser. - Don't use Pattern.Instructions outside of its file. It sometimes causes compiler crashes, it doesn't in this case but we might as well be consistent and never use it. - Document Skip() even more.
3 years ago
- unicode_properties: Don't use string interpolation. - Readme: remove Cartage installation instructions. - Rename Instruction.split to .choice, remove first parameter. - More Instruction renaming. Added documentation. - Convert Capture from a struct to a function. - 'flatten' Capture to make it easier for `Skip` to see what comes after it. - Add Instruction.choiceEnd. - Move some instructions as far back as possible. - Add proper support for ‘Skip’ in preprocessing. - Undo "'flatten' Capture to make it easier for `Skip` to see what comes after it." - ‘.choice’ must always add to the stack. - All moved `.checkIndex` should be first. - Merge pull request #37 from kareman/ProperSkip - Replace instruction '.function' with '.search'. - Make VMBacktrackEngine a struct. - Remove ability to do `Skip(a)`, as it had no effect. - Playground: import dependency, add showParserView function. - Merge pull request #38 from kareman/cleanup - Improve playground example and screenshot. - Readme: add ‘OneOf(not: ...)’. - Add testPlaygroundExample. - Add mapPrefix. - Simplify, move optimisation methods to MutableCollection. - Set associativity for '•' operator to 'left'. - Add documentation and @inlineable. - Reinstate Capture as a struct. - Fix optimisations of `!OneOf • Oneof` and `&&OneOf • OneOf`. - Add documentation, remove unused code. - Add documentation, and @inlinable / @usableFromInline. - Rename Concat left/right to first/second. - Add documentation, and @inlinable / @usableFromInline. - Make Grammar.patterns an array. - Merge pull request #39 from kareman/simplify - Add testPEGGrammar. - PerformanceTests: only measure CPU metrics in current thread. - Recalibrate performance tests. - Move and add SkipTests. - Add tail call optimisation to Grammars. - Support 'g.a <- " " • Skip() • g.b'. Properly support inserting instructions. - Merge pull request #40 from kareman/addSkipTests - Add testBeforeGrammarCallInChoice. placeSkipCommit: .fail isn't fatal. - Add documentation, some small renaming. - Add Wiki generation workflow. - Remove support for CocoaPods. - Generate wiki (#42) Use kareman/swift-doc@support-kareman-Patterns - Add documentation to the top level common patterns.
kareman/Moderator v0.2
A simple, modular command line argument parser in Swift.
⭐️ 20
🕓 5 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Swift 5
5 years ago
Add support for Swift 5, and keep supporting Swift 3 and 4.
Support Swift 3 and 4
5 years ago
Enable Dual Compilation for Swift 3.1.1 and 4.1.2 (#5) This change enables it to build/test for both Swift 3 and 4 at the same time. The code remains mostly Swift 4, but uses wrappers around the Swift 3 versions of functions to allow most of the Swift 4 code to continue to operate.
Swift 4. Repeated arguments. Counted Arguments.
5 years ago
Improve error messages
6 years ago
- Improve error message when required argument is missing. - Have error messages from each parser only print its own usage text and not the usage texts of the entire application.
6 years ago
If only "--" remains after parsing, remove it.

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