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kaqu/Cuckoo 0.3.0
Swift scripting and task automation.
⭐️ 1
🕓 3 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/kaqu/Cuckoo.git", from: "0.3.0")


Swift scripting and automation.

Work in progress


Workflow(variables: ["pi": 3.14]) { // define workflow with custom variables available to Tasks inside
  Task.printWorkingDirectory() // we can use predefined Tasks
  Task { Command("ls") } // or create own Tasks if needed - here with external command
  Task { Command("ls", standardOutputBinding: consoleStandardOutputData) } // Task sets Command streams (in/out/err) if not set manually, but you can use those
  Task { Command("pwd", workingDirectory: "/usr/bin") } // override working directory for single command
  Task { // you can also create tasks that are constructed from more than one command
    Command("echo", arguments: ["Hello swift!"])
    Command("cat", standardInputBinding: { write in // you can set custom std in for commands and even bind those between commands
      write("Hello streams".data(using:. utf8)!)
      write(Data()) // you have to end it with empty data
  Task { variables in // Tasks does not need to use commands, those can be plain swift with access to workflow variables
    variables.answer = 42 // all variables are dynamic and casted to requested types if needed
    let unsafePi: Double = variables.pi // if types don't match script might crash
    let safePi: Double? = variables.pi // you can use optionals to avoid instant crash and handle missing variables
    consoleStandardOutput("\(safePi == unsafePi)")
    let missing: Double? = variables.missing // it won't crash if you ask for optional value
    assert(missing == nil) // just returns nil if there is no value or type does not match requested
    // let crashing: Double = variables.crashing // it would crash if executed
    _ = Command("echo", arguments: ["Super cool!"], standardOutputBinding: variables.stdOut).runSync() // you can even catch Command streams to variables, remmember to run and wait for completion before Task ends
    return .success
  Task { variables in // all variables are passed between tasks in same workflow
    consoleStandardOutput(variables.answer) // each variable can be automatically converted to String
    let missingButString: String = variables.undefined // convertion to String don't crash
    assert(missingButString == "") // you get description of value (from CustomStringConvertible if able) or empty string
    consoleStandardOutput(String(data: variables.stdOut, encoding: .utf8) ?? "N/A") // you can also get previously catched outputs but remmember that it will always be stored as Data
    variables.workingDirectory = "~/Documents" // there is a special variable `workingDirectory` which controls current working directory for executed Tasks and is used by wrapped Commands
    return .success
  Task { Command("pwd") } // prints "~/Documents"
  Task {
    Command("ls", standardOutputBinding: fileOutputData(filePath: "~/Downloads/Cuckoo.txt")) // you can easily use file output if needed
}.execute() // and at the end execute it waiting for result
// if you specify `workingDirectory` variable for Workflow it will run at specified path or in current one if not provided


Stars: 1
Last commit: 3 years ago
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Release Notes

3 years ago

Some extra stuff here:

  • file outputs
  • variables for workflow

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