Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by junxian428

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Packages published by junxian428

junxian428/Build_Win32App_ByUsing_Swift_Learning_Cmake_Ninja my_build
Source from: https://github.com/compnerd/swift-win32 and my repository is already built by cmake and ninja run as well as the documentation i have walkthrough following video: https://youtu.be/Vp_wULne7b4
⭐️ 1
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
My Build
1 year ago
My built (Date: 15/9/2022) [built_successfully.zip](https://github.com/junxian428/Build_Win32App_ByUsing_Swift_Learning_Cmake_Ninja/files/9572637/built_successfully.zip)

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