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Packages published by judoapp

judoapp/judo-ios v1.5.1
⛔️ DEPRECATED. Replaced with https://github.com/judoapp/judo-swiftui
⭐️ 49
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
## Release Notes - Resolve an issue with Xcode 14.3
1 year ago
## Release Notes - Resolve an issue where experiences would be incorrectly indefinitely cached.
1 year ago
## Release Notes - Resolve an issue where localizations in Judo experiences would only be available if the app itself included the same localization. - Remove Experience Syncing. While you can update to this version with no changes, you can simplify your Judo integration by removing the Sync-related integration points. While the various integration points remain as no-ops, at your convenience you can remove the sync-specific integration steps: - Remove any calls to `Judo.sharedInstance.performSync()`, such as in your Scene Delegate or App Delegate. - De-integrate push-driven sync by removing any calls to `Judo.sharedInstance.registeredForRemoteNotifications()` and `Judo.sharedInstance.handleDidReceiveRemoteNotification(userInfo:)` in your App Delegate. - Remove any calls to `Judo.sharedInstance.registerAppRefreshTask()` and remove the Judo entry from your list of “Permitted background task scheduler identifiers” (`BGTaskSchedulerPermittedIdentifiers`) in your Info.plist.
1 year ago
## Release Notes - Support for iOS 16. This resolves build errors experienced with Xcode 14.
1 year ago
## Release Notes - Resolve an issue with TTC font collections. - Resolve an issue with nav bar close action in certain embedding use cases.
2 years ago
## Release Notes - Resolve an issue where the SDK’s `openURL` method would match universal links that do not belong to Judo. This was a regression introduced in 1.8.0.
2 years ago
## Release Notes - Add new string interpolation helpers, such as (`dropLast`, `dropLast`, `prefix`, `suffix`, `numberFormat`), and support for nesting them - Add support for polling (auto-refreshing) data sources with a poll interval
2 years ago
## Release Notes - Add support for Custom Actions. See [Judo iOS SDK Documentation - Custom Actions](https://www.judo.app/developer/ios/custom-actions) for usage.
2 years ago
## Release Notes - Resolve an issue where image downloads were prioritized incorrectly causing images to resolve very slowly.
2 years ago
## Release Notes - Resolve multiple memory leaks, which should also assist with an issue where media playback may persist after an experience is closed. - Avoid leaking conformances to Codable for certain system types. - Resolve an issue with page indicators for carousels. - Silence a “Background task going to be terminated” warning. - Expose the SDK version to developers at runtime: `Judo.sharedInstance.sdkVersion`.
judoapp/judo-braze-ios v1.0.0
Library for integrating Judo with the Braze marketing automation platform on iOS.
⭐️ 0
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
## Changelog * Resolve an issue where Braze Impressions were not logged when the JudoBraze module handled a Braze IAM campaign.
2 years ago
## Changelog Initial release.

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