Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by jpsim

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Packages published by jpsim

jpsim/SourceKitten 0.34.1
An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.
⭐️ 2,275
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
0.34.1: Async Send
1 year ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * Add `Request.sendAsync()` function. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) [#759](https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten/issues/759) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
0.34.0: bzlcat
1 year ago
##### Breaking * SourceKitten now requires Swift 5.7 or higher to build. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Enhancements * Added support for bzlmod. [Keith Smiley](https://github.com/keith) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
1 year ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * Add a `File.clearCaches()` function to clear a file's cached data. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
0.33.0: Bastet
1 year ago
##### Breaking * SourceKitten now requires Swift 5.6 or higher to build, and macOS 12 or higher to run. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) * SourceKitten now always uses the in-process version of sourcekitd on macOS. The `IN_PROCESS_SOURCEKIT` environment variable is ignored and the `SourceKittenConfiguration.preferInProcessSourceKit` API has been completely removed. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Enhancements * Adds Bazel Build Support. [Maxwell Elliott](https://github.com/maxwellE) * Support docs generation with Xcode 14 projects. [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
0.32.0: Async Kitten
2 years ago
##### Breaking * SourceKitten now requires Swift 5.3 or higher to build. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Enhancements * Support docs generation on Swift 5.6. [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh) * Added `SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind` values introduced in Swift 5.6. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) * Add `IN_PROCESS_SOURCEKIT` environment variable, which causes to use the in-process version of sourcekitd on macOS. This avoids the use of XPC, which is prohibited in some sandboxed environments, such as in Swift Package Manager plugins. [Juozas Valancius](https://github.com/juozasvalancius) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
0.31.1: Async Fur Ball
2 years ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * Objective C Union support. [Brian Osborn](https://github.com/bosborn) [#705](https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten/issues/705) * Add `key.attributes` and `key.attribute` enum cases to `SwiftDocKey`. [Erick Sanchez](https://github.com/ErickESGoogle) * Add `--prettify` and `--sort-keys` flags to complete command, both of which default to false. Previously these options were hardcoded to be enabled, which slowed down the command when processing large inputs. [Paul Taykalo](https://github.com/PaulTaykalo) [#710](https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten/issues/710) * Add new `SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind` members available starting with Swift 5.4/5.5. [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
0.31.0: Time Feline Of The Year
3 years ago
##### Breaking * SourceKitten now requires Swift 5.2 or higher to build. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) * SourceKittenFramework can no longer be integrated as a Carthage depdendency. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) * `SourceKitten.xcworkspace` and `sourcekitten.xcproject` have been completely removed. You can still use Xcode to develop SourceKitten by opening it as a Swift Package by typing `xed .` or `xed Package.swift` from your shell. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) * The command line syntax has slightly changed due to migrating from the Commandant command line parsing library to swift-argument-parser. For the most part the breaking changes are all to make the syntax more unix compliant and intuitive to use. For example, commands such as `sourcekitten --help` or `sourcekitten -h` now work as expected. The help output from various commands has greatly improved as well. A few notable breaking changes: * `doc --spm-module` was removed (use `--spm --module-name` instead) * `sourcekitten module_info` is now `sourcekitten module-info` [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Enhancements * None. ##### Bug Fixes * Always bypass codesigning when building Xcode projects. [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh) [#1183](https://github.com/realm/jazzy/issues/1183)
0.30.1: Derivative Whiskers
3 years ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * Add `SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind` values introduced in Swift 5.3. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
0.30.0: Cats Don't Wear Masks
3 years ago
##### Breaking * SourceKitten now requires Swift 5.1 or higher to build. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Enhancements * Update Yams to 4.0.0. [Keith Smiley](https://github.com/keith) [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) * Add `SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind` values introduced in Swift 5.2. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Bug Fixes * Fix crashes when parsing .m files. [Joe Laws](https://github.com/jlaws) * Stop the program immediately if the `xcodebuild` command fails. [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh) [#643](https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten/issues/643)
0.29.0: Kitty Nibble
4 years ago
##### Breaking * Replace all uses of `Int`/`Int64`/`NSRange` representing byte offsets to use newly introduced `ByteCount` and `ByteRange` values instead. This will minimize the risk of accidentally using a byte-based offset in character-based contexts. [Paul Taykalo](https://github.com/PaulTaykalo) [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Enhancements * None. ##### Bug Fixes * Improve `key.parsed_declaration` in Swift 5.1+ for declarations on multiple lines without a body. [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh) [#633](https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten/issues/633)
jpsim/Yams 5.1.2
A Sweet and Swifty YAML parser.
⭐️ 1,067
🕓 2 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 weeks ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * None. ##### Bug Fixes * Fix support for Bazel 7.x. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)
2 weeks ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * Allow specifying a `newLineScalarStyle` for encoding string scalars with newlines when using `YAMLEncoder`. [Tejas Sharma](https://github.com/tejassharma96) [#405](https://github.com/jpsim/Yams/issues/405) * Improve support for Bazel 7.x. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
4 weeks ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * None. ##### Bug Fixes * Change how empty strings are decoded into nullable properties. `key: ""` previously decoded into `struct Value: Codable { let key: String? }` as `Value(key: nil)` whereas after this change it decodes as `Value(key: "")`. This could be a breaking change if you were relying on the previous semantics. [Liam Nichols](https://github.com/liamnichols) [#301](https://github.com/jpsim/Yams/issues/301) * Fix parsing of unquoted URLs into Strings. [Honza Dvorsky](https://github.com/czechboy0) [#337](https://github.com/jpsim/Yams/issues/337)
44 weeks ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * Allow decoding from an existing Node. [Rob Napier](https://github.com/rnapier) ##### Bug Fixes * Empty dictionaries can be now represented, regardless of its key or element type information. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) [#393](https://github.com/jpsim/Yams/issues/393)
1 year ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * None. ##### Bug Fixes * Fix using Yams from bazel without bzlmod. [Keith Smiley](https://github.com/keith)
1 year ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * Statically link `CYaml` when building with SwiftPM. [Saleem Abdulrasool](https://github.com/compnerd) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
1 year ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * Added support for bzlmod. [Keith Smiley](https://github.com/keith) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
1 year ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * Added support for bzlmod. [Keith Smiley](https://github.com/keith) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
1 year ago
##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * None. ##### Bug Fixes * Build CYaml as PIC (Position Independent Code) when building with CMake. [Yuta Saito](https://github.com/kateinoigakukun)
2 years ago
##### Breaking * Swift 5.4 or later is now required to build Yams. [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim) ##### Enhancements * Adding `sequenceStyle` and `mappingStyle` to `Emitter.Options` [Terence Grant](https://github.com/tatewake) ##### Bug Fixes * None. # Swift Package Manager ```swift .package(url: "https://github.com/jpsim/Yams.git", from: "5.0.0") ``` # Bazel ```starlark http_archive( name = "com_github_jpsim_yams", sha256 = "b31b6df500d6191368c93f605690ca9857fff7c6fd1c8897e9765fb624535c63", strip_prefix = "Yams-5.0.0", url = "https://github.com/jpsim/Yams/archive/refs/tags/5.0.0.tar.gz", ) ```

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