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Packages published by jonreid

jonreid/OCMockito v7.0.2
Mockito for Objective-C: creation, verification and stubbing of mock objects
⭐️ 991
🕓 29 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Fix Carthage
29 weeks ago
_01 Oct 2022_ **Fixes:** - Restores Carthage build. #169 _Thanks to: Christian Tietze_ **Other:** - Restores "year of first publication" in copyright notices
2 years ago
Version 7.0.1 ------------- _13 Mar 2022_ **Fixes:** - Keep stubs working while verifying. #165 _Thanks to: Damian Ferrai_
2 years ago
Version 7.0.0 ------------- _24 Nov 2021_ OCMockito now requires OCHamcrest v9.0.0 or higher. **Features:** - Add support for Swift Package Manager. _Thanks to: nrudnyk_ - Add Mac Catalyst to XCFramework-supported architectures in build script `makeXCFramework.sh` **Fixes:** - Prevent false positives from verifying while stubbing. _Thanks to: Damian Ferrai_
3 years ago
Version 6.0.0 ------------- _19 Feb 2021_ **Features:** - Packaged pre-built binary as single XCFramework containing 7 architectures: * macOS * iOS device * iOS simulator * tvOS device * tvOS simulator * watchOS device * watchOS simulator Note: - iOS projects that use the pre-built binary should now import OCMockito instead of OCMockitoIOS. - macOS projects should remove OCMockito from the Copy Files build phase. - For Carthage builds, specify --use-xcframeworks _Thanks to: Mateusz Szklarek_ - Mac binary now supports Apple Silicon. - Use latest OCHamcrest to report mismatches using XCTIssue if using Xcode 12 or higher. - Simplified project settings. In particular: * Removed iOS Static Library target. * Removed iOS-specific test target. * Simplified Product Bundle Identifiers.
4 years ago
Version 5.1.3 ------------- _01 Jan 2020_ **Fixes:** - Don't require clang module import.
4 years ago
Version 5.1.2 ------------- _24 Sep 2019_ **Improvements:** - For building, update OCHamcrest to v7.1.2 to quiet warnings.
5 years ago
Version 5.1.1 ------------- _11 Sep 2018_ **Improvements:** - Remove `.gitkeep` from Carthage folder.
6 years ago
Version 5.1.0 ------------- _29 Mar 2018_ **Features:** - Made OCMockito/OCMockitoIOS into modules, so you can `@import` them. CocoaPods users should specify `use_frameworks!`
6 years ago
Version 5.0.1 ------------- _22 Sep 2017_ **Fixes:** - Fixed new warnings from Xcode 9.
6 years ago
Version 5.0.0 ------------- _12 Aug 2017_ OCMockito now requires OCHamcrest v7.0.0 or higher. **Features:** - Added `isKindOfClass:` to class-and-protocol mocks. _Thanks to: Kylan McBride_ - Support protocol class methods. _Thanks to: Kylan McBride_ **Fixes:** - Avoid potential problem iterating over mutable array. _Thanks to: David Siebecker_ - Fixed nullability annotation mistakes.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
jonreid/ViewControllerPresentationSpy v7.0.0
Unit test presented and dismissed iOS view controllers, including alerts and action sheets
⭐️ 148
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Xcode 14 support
1 year ago
Version 7.0.0 ------------- _07 Jan 2023_ Adds `@MainActor` annotations to spies for Xcode 14 fix. You will need to add `@MainActor` to any test suites that use these spies.
Swift Package Manager Support
1 year ago
Version 6.1.0 ------------- _06 Aug 2022_ Now available from Swift Package Manager!
2 years ago
Version 6.0.0 ------------- _06 Nov 2021_ - Added tvOS support. - Packaged pre-built binary as single XCFramework containing 5 architectures: * Mac Catalyst * iOS device * iOS simulator * tvOS device * tvOS simulator - Fixed Xcode 12.5 build errors. _Thanks to: Felix Yuan_
3 years ago
Version 5.1.0 ------------- _07 Oct 2020_ - Bump project settings to Xcode 12. - Bump minimum deployment target to iOS 10.0.
3 years ago
Version 5.0.1 ------------- _21 Aug 2020_ Fixed to load on iOS 10.3.3 devices.
4 years ago
Version 5.0.0 ------------- _30 Jan 2020_ This release adds diagnostic test failures if verifiers clash. - Fail test if code creates multiple instances of any single verifier. This inadvertently undid its swizzling, leading to test failures that were tricky to diagnose. Now a failure message provides guidance. - Also fail if an AlertVerifier and a PresentationVerifier exist simultaneously, since they both swizzle UIAlertViewController. This has the potential to change test results, so this is marked as a major release.
4 years ago
Version 4.2.2 ------------- _13 Sep 2019_ Switch to Legacy Build System to try to improve flaky build errors around importing Swift-generated headers into Objective-C.
4 years ago
Version 4.2.1 ------------- _05 Sep 2019_ Reduced minimum deployment target to iOS 9.0.
4 years ago
Version 4.2.0 ------------- _30 Aug 2019_ Added `DismissalVerifier` to capture calls to dismiss view controller. The Swift version has a `verify` method which checks: * That the dismissed count is 1. * The animated flag. * The dismissed view controller, if provided. Like the other verifiers, it also has a `capturedCompletion` to capture any production code completion handler, and a `testCompletion` so that test code can supply its own completion handler.
4 years ago
Version 4.1.1 ------------- _24 Aug 2019_ - Fix alert `verify` to pass call site file/line for title and message errors.
iOS tvOS

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