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Packages published by johnpatrickmorgan

johnpatrickmorgan/NavigationBackport 0.9.3
Backported SwiftUI navigation APIs introduced in WWDC22
⭐️ 808
🕓 5 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 days ago
- Adds support for the `nbNavigationDestination(item: destination: )` method. (thanks @Yoichi-Yamanoi !)
3 weeks ago
- Removes unnecessary `AnyView`s and removes need for separate `PathAppender` (thanks @simba909!)
43 weeks ago
- Uses `NavigationStack` for managing state and building views when available. This means pushing multiple screens in one state update no longer requires delays on OSes that support `NavigationStack`.
50 weeks ago
- Allows `NavigationStack` to be used under the hood (if available) instead of `NavigationView` by adding a modifier, e,g. `.nbUseNavigationStack(.whenAvailable)`. - Removes the need to manually call `withDelaysIfUnsupported` - instead the library will automatically do so whenever needed. - Adds UI tests for example app.
1 year ago
- Adds support for class inheritance in navigation destinations (Thanks @ggrell!) #31
1 year ago
- Fixes issue #30, where the removal of a `NavigationLink` would inadvertently trigger the truncation callback.
1 year ago
- Adds support for local destinations with: `nbNavigationDestination(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, @ViewBuilder destination: () -> V)` (#17)
1 year ago
- Adds `NBNavigationStack.CodableRepresentation` support. Thanks @pointfreeco!
1 year ago
- Uses a fully qualified type identifier as key, to differentiate types such as A.Foo from B.Foo (#3). Thanks @zeusent!
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
johnpatrickmorgan/FlowStacks 0.4.1
FlowStacks allows you to hoist SwiftUI navigation and presentation state into a Coordinator
⭐️ 755
🕓 2 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
12 weeks ago
- Refactors `Node` to a struct and breaks out its functionality into separate modifiers (addresses #64).
15 weeks ago
- No longer wraps screen in a ZStack (#68). This was breaking the behaviour of `@Environment(\.dismiss)`. This means in some rare circumstances that the user should ensure the screen has a stable identity (e.g. wrapping a top-level if or switch in something like a ZStack).
46 weeks ago
- Adds a FlowNavigator environment object for easier navigation from deeply nested views.
49 weeks ago
- Fix dismiss completion for iOS 14.4 and below (Thanks @BohdanDatskiv!)
1 year ago
No longer asserts when calling `goBackToRoot()` when already at the root. (Thanks @Kondamon!)
1 year ago
- Ensures `Binding.withDelaysIfUnsupported` runs on the main thread. (Thanks @ConfusedVorlon)
1 year ago
- Checks count in `goBack`. (Thanks @DavidKmn) - Ensures `RouteSteps. withDelaysIfUnsupported` schedules all steps on main actor. (Thanks @DavidKmn)
2 years ago
- Presentation and navigation can now be combined into a single routes array, removing the need for separate `PStack` and `NStack`. The new `Router` can handle both. - Convenience methods are now extensions on Array, with no more need for `NFlow` or `PFlow`, simplifying state management. - Large-scale navigation updates can now be made within a `withDelaysIfUnsupported` call, and will be broken down into smaller updates that SwiftUI supports. This works around a limitation in SwiftUI that only allows one screen to be pushed, presented or dismissed at a time. - The view builder closure for creating screens can now provide a binding to the screen so that screens can mutate their state within the routes array. - A new showing function makes it easy to have a fixed root screen which shows zero or more routes.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
johnpatrickmorgan/TCACoordinators 0.8.0
Powerful navigation in the Composable Architecture via the coordinator pattern
⭐️ 401
🕓 20 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
20 weeks ago
- Adds support for TCA v1.5.0. (Thanks @mschonvogel!)
29 weeks ago
- Ensures that `TCARouter` does not over-observe state. Resolves an issue where pull-to-refresh would not work properly (#57), and improves performance. (Thanks @heoblitz!) - Ensures that `TCARouter` does not under-observe state. Resolves an issue where navigating back after a state change could reset the previous screen to its state before pushing.
37 weeks ago
- Makes the library compatible with the Composable Architecture version 1.0 (thanks @rhysm94!)
37 weeks ago
- Makes the library compatible with the latest pre-1.0 changes to Composable Architecture (thanks @rhysm94!) - Updates the example code to reflect latest best practices (thanks @rhysm94!)
1 year ago
- Fixes most deprecations (thanks @jshier)
1 year ago
- Updates library code and examples to use TCA's new ReducerProtocol. - Simplifies the API a little.
1 year ago
- Ensures latest version of a screen is cached for display during a dismiss animation (#27). Thanks @salqueng!
1 year ago
- Avoids unnecessary re-renders in TCARouter (#20) (Thanks to @dannyhertz) - Adds MIT licence (#15)
2 years ago
- Presentation and navigation can now be managed in a single routes array, removing the need for separate `PresentationStore` and `NavigationStore`. The new `TCARouter` can handle both in one. - Convenience methods are now extensions on `RoutableCollection`, so this library no longer needs to duplicate the convenience methods from `FlowStacks`. - Large-scale navigation updates can now be made within an `Effect.withDelaysIfUnsupported` call, and will be broken down into smaller updates that SwiftUI supports. This works around a limitation in SwiftUI that only allows one screen to be pushed, presented or dismissed at a time. - Cancellation of in-flight effects is now managed as part of `withRouteReducer` function, which ensures effects are tagged for cancellation before combining with the reducer that updates routes. This fixes a bug where long-lived effects initiated by the coordinator would be cancelled if they were triggered by a screen that has been dismissed.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
johnpatrickmorgan/Sparse 0.4.1
Sparse is a simple parser-combinator library written in Swift.
⭐️ 111
🕓 4 years ago
johnpatrickmorgan/LifecycleHooks 0.6.3
Inject custom code into views and view controllers in response to lifecycle events.
⭐️ 90
🕓 3 years ago
johnpatrickmorgan/URLPatterns 0.2.1
A small library to enable more idiomatic Swift pattern matching of URL path elements.
⭐️ 56
🕓 3 years ago
johnpatrickmorgan/KeyboardLayoutGuide 0.7.2
Enables you to set up Auto Layout constraints directly between your views and the iOS keyboard.
⭐️ 56
🕓 4 years ago

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