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Packages published by joe-scotto

joe-scotto/TextFieldStepper 3.2.1
A SwiftUI component to make inputting numbers easier than the native stepper component.
⭐️ 34
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
Remove error checking and just use default values if out of range for `minimumDecimalPlaces` or `maximumDecimalPlaces`.
1 year ago
This version updates the formatting of the text value shown to the user. You can now decide whether you always want to show decimal places and how many up to 8 to display. # New Parameters - `minimumDecimalPlaces` - How many decimals to show at the minimum. By default this is set to `0` which will only show a decimal if the value is not a whole number. - `maximumDecimalPlaces` - How many decimals to show at the maximum. By default this is set to `8` which will show up to 8 decimal places depending on what the user inputs. # Bug Fixes The underlying text value is now rounded to 9 places instead of 8 and formatted using [`NumberFormatter()`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/numberformatter) to show up to 8 or `maximumDecimalPlaces`. Before this was rounded to just 8 meaning that a user would see a rounded value instead of truncated when entering 8 or more decimal points.
1 year ago
Added [`monospacedDigit()`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/font/monospaceddigit()) to make numbers look less weird when changing
1 year ago
Version **3.1.0** adds a modifier to handle hiding the keyboard on tap or swipe down. - `.closeKeyboard(on: )` - **.All** - Both tap and swipe gestures. This is the default option and you do not need to specify the `on` param if you want this. - **.Tap** - Only on tap. - **.Swipe** - Only on tap.
1 year ago
Version 3.0.0 updates `TextFieldStepper` to support iOS 16 but because of this, iOS 14 will no longer be supported making the minimum version iOS 15. # Features - If a field throws an error it will be set to the default value but only if the error is thrown without the confirm button. - Will default to `config.maximum`, `config.minimum`, or the initial value the `TextFieldStepper` was setup with. - `shouldShowAlert` config parameter will determine if an error alert will be shown or not when the default value is used. This is on by default.
1 year ago
Added two new optional config properties - `labelColor` - The color for the label under value, default is still `.primary`. - `valueColor` - The color for the main value, default is still `.primary`.
1 year ago
Added a new parameter called `labelOpacity` for making the label stand out slightly less if desired. The default value is still `1.0` but you can now override that. # With `labelOpacity: 0.66` ![IMG_3100](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8194147/179634101-8f1702bc-6b5f-4c77-93fe-0718b73f1e8a.jpg) # Without `labelOpacity` ![IMG_D08093391996-1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8194147/179634225-24523058-f237-4e1a-ae7c-889236216812.jpeg)
2 years ago
Fix an issue where if the doubleValue is unchanged via keyboard input, the TextField value would remain unformatted.
2 years ago
Fixes issue #6 where buttons were glitchy when hiding the keyboard.
2 years ago
Set spacing to 0 on VStack for label and value.
joe-scotto/EmailLink 1.0.3
A SwiftUI component to make the handling of email links better.
⭐️ 22
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
Add license.
1 year ago
Fixes issue #3 where if there are other url schemes for other apps a fatal error would be thrown.
1 year ago
Removes a leftover `print()` for error checking.
1 year ago
**EmailLink is released!** ### Features - Opens email links in correct app if only one client is installed - Displays an ActionSheet if multiple clients are found.
joe-scotto/ArrayStepper 2.0.0
A simple SwiftUI component for stepping through the contents of an array.
⭐️ 0
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
1 year ago
Added a new `findClosestMatch` parameter. This will allow `ArrayStepper` to attempt to find the closest match to your `selected` parameter. If a match cannot be found, the first index of your `values` array will be used. By default this is set to false and the component will `fatalError()` if a `selected` that's not contained in your `values` array is passed.
1 year ago
Downgrade Swift tools from `5.7` to `5.6`.
1 year ago
ArrayStepper is released! **Basic Features** - Increment and decrement buttons. - Long press actions for both buttons

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