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jkirsteins/ServerFramework 0.1.0
Swift serverside API framework
⭐️ 0
🕓 2 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/jkirsteins/ServerFramework.git", from: "0.1.0")


A Swift framework for writing APIs.

Getting Started

Specify the dependency in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/jkirsteins/ServerFramework.git", from: "0.1.0")

And add the required dependencies to your app target:

// Main dependency
.product(name: "ServerFramework", package: "ServerFramework"),

// Include this if you want to run a standalone server...
.product(name: "ServerFrameworkNIO", package: "ServerFramework"),

// ... or include this if you want to run inside a Lambda environment.
.product(name: "ServerFrameworkLambda", package: "ServerFramework"),

Now initialize your application

import ServerFramework
import ServerFrameworkNIO

// Create the base dependency container
let appDependencies = Dependencies()

// You can register your initial dependencies on startup for use later
appDependencies.register(instance: "Hello World")

SwiftNioLauncher().run(dependencyProvider: appDependencies) { realDeps in
    let api = App(dependencies: realDeps)
    api.get("/") { (req, res, deps, next) in
        // - req contains request data (body, headers or query params)
        // - res allows sending a response
        // - deps allow looking up a dependency
        // - next is used to pass execution to the next middleware (not
        //     needed in get/post request handlers)
        // Retrieve dependency from `realDeps`
        // The difference between `appDependencies` and `realDeps` is that
        // the latter contains dependencies registered by the launcher.
        // So if you e.g. need access to the launcher's EventLoopGroup, 
        // you need to use the dependency container received from the launcher.
        let message: String = realDeps.resolveRequired()
        res.json(message, status: 200)
    return api

## Different launchers

SwiftNioLauncher in the previous example conforms to ServerFramework.Launcher protocol.

Other launchers include:

  • ServerFrameworkLambda.LambdaLauncher for running a Lambda
  • ServerFrameworkXCTest.TestLauncher for use in tests (it will process requests, and provide access to the response, without instantiating an actual server)


There is a Dependencies class. It is a simple wrapper around Swinject currently.

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