Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by infinum

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Packages published by infinum

infinum/Japx 4.0.1
Lightweight parser for the complex JSON:API (http://jsonapi.org/) structure.
⭐️ 149
πŸ•“ 2 years ago
iOS macOS
infinum/Locker 3.0.3
Securely lock your secrets under the watch of TouchID or FaceID keeper πŸ”’
⭐️ 51
πŸ•“ 25 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
25 weeks ago
* Update devices list with new iPhone 15 devices
1 year ago
- Update devices list with new iPhone 14 devices
2 years ago
* Minor bug fixes
2 years ago
* `setSecret` method now has another parameter `completed:` * `deviceSupportsAuthenticationWithBiometrics` renamed to `supportedBiometricsAuthentication` * `canUseAuthenticationWithBiometrics` renamed to `configuredBiometricsAuthentication` * `enableDeviceListSync` added that lets you update the device list without updating the library
infinum/ios-prince-of-versions 4.0.5
Library used for easier versioning of your applications, allowing you to prompt your users to update the app to the newest version
⭐️ 43
πŸ•“ 2 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 weeks ago
* "User defaults" key name fixed in PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy manifest
Add support for privacy manifest
12 weeks ago
- Adds privacy manifest file - swift tools version was increased to 5.3 (required to define resource in SPM package file)
32 weeks ago
* Increased min deployment target from iOS 8 to iOS 11, and macOS 10.10 to macOS 10.13.
2 years ago
2 years ago
**Fixed** * Requirement check closure is called only once * `requiredOSVersion` is optional
3 years ago
iOS macOS
infinum/ios-loggie 2.4.3
Simplify debugging by showing network requests of your app as they happen.
⭐️ 31
πŸ•“ 31 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
31 weeks ago
This release contains the following changes: * Fixed dispatch to the main queue when updating logs list (#39) Also, we migrated from Bitrise to GitHub Actions for easier maintenance and build transparency.
1 year ago
This release contains the following changes: * Fixed issue with archiving in release mode in older Xcode versions (#33) * Fixed issue with double logging (#38) Note: From this release, the minimum iOS version is set to **iOS 11**.
1 year ago
This release improves Loggie installation via Cocoapods. For network logging via `URLSession`, use ```ruby pod 'Loggie' ``` and `URLSession` will be supported by default. If `Alamofire` logging is needed, use; ```ruby pod 'Loggie/Alamofire' ``` In this case, `URLSession` network logging won't be included.
1 year ago
This release introduces a new library structure with various fixes and improvements. From this release onwards, subspecs for Cocoapods install have been introduced; * to use Loggie with `URLSession`, install Loggie as `Loggie/URLSession` * to use Loggie with `Alamofire`, install Loggie as `Loggie/LoggieAlamofire`
1 year ago
In this release we've added SwiftUI support.
1 year ago
- Added iPad support.
1 year ago
Update Bundle handling for SPM to use `.module`
1 year ago
- Added SPM support
2 years ago
Adds iOS15 nav bar fixes. See #23
2 years ago
* Xcode 12.5 support - set deployment target to iOS 9.0 * Add search bar and clear logs button
infinum/ios-collar 1.0.4
In-app analytics debugging tool
⭐️ 5
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
## What's Changed * feature/custom-timestamp by @arasmarko in https://github.com/infinum/ios-collar/pull/8
1 year ago
Update SPM bundle module for Assets loading
infinum/ios-sentinel 1.2.0
Developer’s toolbox for debugging applications
⭐️ 3
πŸ•“ 11 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
11 weeks ago
## Release information Released on: 07 Feb 2024 Detailed changelog: [1.1.2...1.2.0](../../compare/1.1.2...1.2.0) ## Changes ### Added * The `EmailSenderTool` used for sending emails has been added to the Sentinel. * Added by @Antonijo2307 in the pull request #28
1 year ago
This release fixes the following issues: * Multiple presentation windows when a device is shaken
1 year ago
- Add SPM Support
1 year ago
* Podspec fixes (removed unused tools, added Collar, removed Loggie version lock) * Added automatic selection of Tools tab * Fixed issue with deselecting tool cell when tool is presented modally
2 years ago
Visual updates with a new tab bar.
3 years ago
Initial alpha release of the Sentinel for iOS.

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