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Packages published by inbrainai

inbrainai/inBrainSurveys_SDK v1.3.5
Using the inBrain SDK, you get access to premium rewarded surveys to power your in-app monetization. This SDK includes Native Surveys and the inBrain Survey Wall.
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🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
ver 2.4.0
13 weeks ago
InBrainSurveys SDK 2.4.0: - Support of Panelist (Dynamic) Currency Sales - the SDK return the active sale with the higher multiplier across active Publisher and Panelist sales; - arm64 arch for simulators (podspec won't exclude arm64 for iPhone simulators anymore).
ver 2.3.0
28 weeks ago
### Added - `isProilerSurvey` property to `InBrainNativeSurvey`. ### Changed - `start` and `end` properties of `InBrainCurrencySale` renamed to `startOn` and `endOn`.
ver 2.2.3
51 weeks ago
InBrainSurveys SDK 2.2.3: - removed `checkForAvailableSurveys` country check from SDK, now all the logic handled by back-end.
ver 2.2.2
1 year ago
InBrainSurveys SDK 2.2.2: - Apple Silicon build error fixed
ver 2.2.1
1 year ago
InBrainSurveys SDK 2.2.1: Performance and stability improvements and fixes.
ver 2.2.0:
1 year ago
InBrainSurveys SDK 2.2.0: handle surveyOutcome event from WebView; surveysClosed(byWebView:completedSurvey:) function deprecated; surveysClosed(byWebView:completedSurvey:rewards) function added
ver 2.1.0
1 year ago
InBrainSurveys SDK 2.1.0: - Added `conversionLevel` property to `InBrainNativeSurvey` and corresponding `SurveyConversionLevel` enum; - `setLanguage(_:)` function deprecated; - `setInBrainValuesFor(sessionID:, dataOptions:)` function deprecated in in favour of `setSessionID(_:)` and `setDataOptions(_:)` functions; - `profileMatch` property of `InBrainNativeSurvey` and corresponding `SurveyProfileMatch` enum deprecated.
ver 2.0.1
1 year ago
InBrainSurveys 2.0.1 release: - Added Swift Package Manager (SPM) support; - Made a small improvements - Removed Bitcode.
ver 1.8.7
1 year ago
### Fixed - Resume loading indicator when app goes foreground. ### Changed - `SurveyProfileMatch` values updated; - Survey interruption flow updated.
ver 2.0.0
1 year ago
InBrainSurveys SDK 2.0.0 New name of the SDK is **InBrainSurveys**, as a result or renaming - build will be failed with errors. Possible errors using CocoaPods and manual installation: - **No such module 'InBrainSurveys_SDK_Swift'** error \ Solution - is to replace `import InBrainSurveys_SDK_Swift` with `import InBrainSurveys` - **InBrainSurveys_SDK_Swift/InBrainSurveys_SDK_Swift.h' file not found** error \ Solution - is to replace `#import <InBrainSurveys_SDK_Swift/InBrainSurveys_SDK_Swift.h>` with `#import <InBrainSurveys/InBrainSurveys.h>`. Possible errors using Manual installation: - **There is no XCFramework found at '.../InBrainSurveys_SDK_Swift.xcframework'** error \ Solution - it ro remove reference to **InBrainSurveys_SDK_Swift.xcframework** from your project and add **InBrainSurveys.xcframework** instead and to check that "Embed" option is "Embed & Sing".\ Highly recommended to clean the build folde (cmd+shift+k) and Derived data after those updates. ### Added - `InBrainSurveyCategory` - enum, represents all the supported categories; - `categories` (`categoryIds` for Obj-C) property to `NativeSurvey`; - `InBrainSurveyFilter` - filter for fetching Native Surveys; - Ability to fetch Native Surveys, filtered by categories. ### Changed - `NativeSurvey`'s `placementId` property replaced with `searchId`; - Fetching Native Surveys with `filter` instead of `placementId`; - Show Native Survey with `searchId` instead of `placementId`; - Survey interruption flow updated. ### Fixed - Resume loading indicator when app goes foreground. ### Removed - iOS 11 support.
iOS macCatalyst

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