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Packages published by igooor-bb

igooor-bb/GreedyKit 0.2.0
Components written in Swift for preventing sensitive media data to be captured
⭐️ 19
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Release 0.2.0
1 year ago
Version 0.2.0 ### Commits - [9db22a25] Merge pull request #21 from igooor-bb/feature/1-cocoapods-support - [3b520911] Remove extra spaces - [816e4314] Update README.md - [836d25ef] Add CocoaPods support - [a78dd8e5] Merge pull request #20 from igooor-bb/feature/inline-danger - [2020a2b4] Revert "Dummy change in Tests" - [fbef6178] Dummy change in Tests - [f41a2cc8] Make Danger to run in inline mode - [6cc0262b] [norelease] Update README.md - [6f5442b0] Merge pull request #17 from igooor-bb/feature/2-swiftui-support - [0ee3b973] Fix a build with an old version of Swift - [17f3f6f4] Add tests to check that deinit is called - [30b90798] Finally fix the memory link due to CADisplayLink - [b7d64995] Add a SwiftUI wrapper for the GreedyPlayerView - [a9dffd67] Merge branch 'main' into feature/2-swiftui-support - [eb6c0e6e] Improve the GreedyImage initializers - [b2ff6c50] Merge branch 'main' into feature/2-swiftui-support
Release 0.1.2
1 year ago
Version 0.1.2 ### Commits - [34297049] Merge pull request #15 from igooor-bb/bug/5-error-in-setimage - [662c2fb3] Remove the`try` expression in the example - [538e2096] Remove error throwing in the setImage method
Release 0.1.1
1 year ago
Version 0.1.1 ### Commits - [be340888] Change the version scheme to bump - [debf93ed] Merge pull request #14 from igooor-bb/feature/13-tag-and-release - [cc84a654] Add workflow to automatically tag and release the main branch - [0c25a750] Merge pull request #11 from igooor-bb/bug/10-display-link - [0527d100] Merge branch 'main' into bug/10-display-link - [73c88bbc] Merge pull request #12 from igooor-bb/feature/9-build-on-pullrequest - [ccd4f687] Remove outdated xcode version from build - [6ffdab9f] Fix the version of swift tools one more time - [71ddbd15] Attempt to fix swift tools version - [a3e40c47] Fix macOS runner version - [3b436b5c] Attempt to fix build - [16560024] Improve build workflow - [1eb937f7] Fix swift tools version - [9e51a848] Change the branch name - [40c5d4d8] Add workflow to build the swift package - [ce471df9] Fix CADisplayLink initialization - [3268526d] Merge pull request #8 from igooor-bb/bug/7-fix-linter-warnings - [93b93846] Fix all swiftlint warnings - [528e5095] Update .swiftlint.yml - [8f5e2eff] Merge pull request #6 from igooor-bb/feature/3-add-danger - [22bec595] Revert "Limit the maximum number of Danger violations" - [dcd7b4fb] Limit the maximum number of Danger violations - [aa79e2ad] Disable inline mode in Dangerfile - [a4d720f2] Dummy change in Package.swift file - [9ec26710] Fix included sources in .swiftlint.yml - [ab751407] Change the workflow runner to macOS - [bab648c3] Add a Danger workflow - [c162cb7c] Add Danger to the project
Initial release
1 year ago
Let the show begin 🥳
igooor-bb/JustPhotoPicker 1.3.0
Simple and minimalistic photo picker for iOS written in Swift
⭐️ 10
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
SwiftUI support 🥳
1 year ago
After a long time, I got up the strength to make a release. - This version adds the ability to use JustPhotoPicker in your SwiftUI code. The `JustPhotoPickerView` structure, which can take a configuration as a parameter, is used for this purpose. - Also in this release added support for some Slavic languages (Czech, Polish, Ukrainian). They have been waiting a long time for its release, as I had forgotten that I committed them to the branch, to be honest 😬
Add localization support 🌎
2 years ago
This version adds localization support to JustPhotoPicker. The package is already translated into German, French and Russian. Localization files are located in `Source/JustPhotoPicker/Resources/` directory. I will gradually add new localizations, but if you want to help with this, you are welcome to [contribute](https://github.com/igooor-bb/JustPhotoPicker#contribution).
Add closure for retrieving result of images selection
2 years ago
This version adds a public parameter `didFinishPicking` of the `PhotoPicker` class, which is a closure through which you can get the result of selecting images from the gallery: ```swift let photoPicker = JustPhotoPicker(configuration: config) photoPicker.didFinishPicking = { images, canceled in if canceled { print("Did not select any images") return } print("Selected \(images.count) images") } present(photoPicker, animated: true) ``` The `JustPhotoPickerDelegate` protocol used for the same purpose still continues to exist.

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