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Packages published by hypertrack

hypertrack/sdk-ios 5.5.2
HyperTrack iOS SDK Integration Guide
⭐️ 4
🕓 2 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 days ago
### Fixed - Fixed an edge case when a battery update would be skipped
1 week ago
### Added - Bundle the Apple Privacy Manifest file as part of the SDK xcframework - This change is required for all apps that depend on our SDK to pass AppStore review. - More info in [the announcement](https://developer.apple.com/support/third-party-SDK-requirements/) and Apple docs about [Privacy manifest files](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files) ### Changed - Background Location Indicator (Blue Pill) - Default behaviour has been changed to hidden on devices with "Always" location permission - Previously the indicator would always show, now only for devices with "While Using" permission - As part of this change we had to lower the location distance filter
1 week ago
### Added - iOS: Bundle the Apple Privacy Manifest file as part of the SDK xcframework - This change is required for all apps that depend on our SDK to pass AppStore review. - More info in [the announcement](https://developer.apple.com/support/third-party-SDK-requirements/) and Apple docs about [Privacy manifest files](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files)
2 weeks ago
### Added - Support for tracking orders with geotags. - New [`addGeotag(orderHandle, orderStatus, metadata)`](<https://hypertrack.github.io/mobile/sdk-ios/latest/documentation/hypertrack/hypertrack/addgeotag(orderhandle:orderstatus:metadata:)>) function - [`OrderStatus`](https://hypertrack.github.io/mobile/sdk-ios/latest/documentation/hypertrack/hypertrack/orderstatus) can be `.clockIn` | `.clockOut` | `.custom("your_status")` - Use this when users clock in/out of work in your app to honor their work time (see [Clock in/out Tagging](https://hypertrack.com/docs/clock-inout-tracking#add-clock-inout-events-to-a-shift-timeline) guide for more info) - New `HyperTrackAllowMockLocation` Info.plist flag to support mock locations in development testing. ### Changed - Better data batching to optimize battery usage
10 weeks ago
### Fixed - Reduced instances where memory and network spikes could cause crashes or excessive battery drain.
13 weeks ago
### Added - Improved reporting of battery status and percentage changes. ### Fixed - Fixed over-reporting of location_unavailable outage.
13 weeks ago
Battery instrumentation pre-release
13 weeks ago
### Added - Uses own time source to report tracking data independent of device time and reports deviations of device time and actual time to the platform. ### Fixed - Prevents data corruption by forcing OS to write the data to disk on every write.
14 weeks ago
### Added - Uses NTP servers to synchronize time independantly from the OS. Avoids sending data with wrong time information for users who override phone's settings with incorrect values. ### Fixed - Optimized querying the Location Manager to reduce impact on battery life and main thread performance. - Mitigates SDK cache file corruption that led to some Android devices loading to device_id values with all zeroes. - Reduced network traffic.
17 weeks ago
### Added - New dynamicPublishableKey API allows to set the publishable key later in the app lifecycle. Should only be used when there is no other way around it and it's impossible to know the publishable key in advance. Please contact us if this matches your use case. ### Fixed - Improved the speed of tracking intent synchronization.

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