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Packages published by hummingbird-project

hummingbird-project/hummingbird 2.0.0-beta.2
Lightweight, flexible HTTP server framework written in Swift
⭐️ 742
πŸ•“ 2 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
## Patch release changes - Require hummingbird-core v1.6.1
v2.0.0 Beta 2
2 weeks ago
## Major release changes - Add `FileProvider` protocol to abstract file loading in `FileMiddleware`. Default to loading from the local file system, this could be used to load from S3, or using a cache. #405 ## Minor release changes - Make `RequestID` public #407 ## Patch release changes - Reinstate "hb_" prefix to logger metadata. #406 - Fix crash in percentDecoding in HBParser. PR #404 from @tannerdsilva - Add support for running tests on macOS CI without access to the KeyChain. #409 - Fix metrics timers to record length of request once all of the response has been written #412
3 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Ensure we are running on EventLoop after AsyncMiddleware. PR #351 - Replace `LegacyTracer` with `Tracer` from swift-distributed-tracing now we aren't supporting Swift 5.6. PR #327 - Fix crash in `percentDecoding` in `HBParser`. PR #411 from @tannerdsilva
v2.0.0 Beta 1
5 weeks ago
This is the first beta release of Hummingbird v2. Below is a list of the changes since the last alpha ## Major release changes - The "HB" prefix on symbols has been removed. To help transition from previous symbols with the "HB" prefix we have added deprecated typealiases for the old symbols. eg `typealias HBRequest = Request`. These will be removed in the final release. - At the same time we have renamed - `HBMiddlewareProtocol` to `RouterMiddleware`. - `HBChildChannel` to `ServerChildChannel` - `HBResponder` to `HTTPResponder` - `HBURL` to `URI` - `Client` to `ClientConnection` - HummingbirdXCT test framework has been renamed to `HummingbirdTesting` with symbol changes - `HBXCTClientProtocol` to `TestClientProtocol` - `HBXCTClientProtocol.XCTExecute()` to `HBXCTClientProtocol.execute()` - HummingbirdJobs has been reworked to allow for easier referencing of services from inside job execution code. Check https://hummingbird-project.github.io/hummingbird-docs/2.0/documentation/hummingbirdjobs for details. - `GracefulShutdownWaiter` has been removed. Use `try await gracefulShutdown()` from ServiceLifecycle instead. - `HBParser` scope is now `package` ## Other changes - 2.0 code has now been merged into `main` branch.
v2.0.0 Alpha 3
8 weeks ago
## Breaking changes - Removed `HBRequestContext.init(allocator:logger:)` as a protocol requirement, removed default implementation of `HBRequestContext.init(channel:logger:)` requirement. - JobQueue protocol has associated type `JobID` for identifying a job. - Removed `GracefulShutdownWaiter`. Instead use `try await gracefulShutdown()` which is already provided by ServiceLifecycle. ## Minor release changes - Added `HBParameter.get/require` function for types that conform to `RawRepresentable`. - Added `HBRouterOptions`. Options include - `caseInsensitive`: Route path matching is case insensitive - `autoGenerateHeadEndpoints`: Automatically generate HEAD endpoints for all GET endpoints. - Add primary associated type for `HBRouterMethods`. Thanks to @sidepelican ## Patch release changes - Fixed HTTP2 channel cleanup - Replaced atomic in `HTTPChannelHandler.handleHTTP` with value wrapped in `NIOLockedValueBox` - Tag retroactive protocol conformances.
v2.0.0 Alpha 2
10 weeks ago
## Breaking changes - `HBRequestBody` has been converted from an `enum` to a `struct`. - `HBBindAddress` renamed to `HBAddress` and has been converted from an `enum` to a `struct`. - `HBHTTPChannelBuilder.http2` renamed to `HBHTTPChannelBuilder.http2Upgrade`. - `HBServerConfiguration` is no longer passed to `HBChildChannel.setup`. - Removed `HBRouterMethodOptions` as they are no longer needed. - Removed `loggerWithRequestId` global function. - Removed `HBApplicationConfiguration.noHTTPServer` as we don't use it. - `HBServer.makeServer` is no longer public. - `.env` file loading is now async. ## Minor release changes - Added `HBRequestBody.makeStream` to construct a new back pressured stream of buffers for a request body. - Added generalized client type to setup client connection without defining the protocol being used (being used by WebSocket client). - `HBApplicationConfiguration` members are all `var` instead of `let`. ## Patch release changes - Fix issue with `HBApplication.runBeforeServerStart` and testing using `.router` framework. - Set StrictConcurrency=complete and fixed related warnings ## Other changes - Updated README for v2. **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/hummingbird-project/hummingbird/compare/2.0.0-alpha.1...2.0.0-alpha.2
v2.0.0 Alpha 1
12 weeks ago
This is the first alpha release of Hummingbird v2. Below is a list of the major changes - Complete rewrite of internals to be Swift structured concurrency based instead of NIO EventLoop - All EventLoopFuture based APIs have been removed - Integration with v2 of [Swift Service Lifecycle](https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle). - Removed ability to extend `HBApplication` and `HBRequest`. These are replaced with direct dependency injection and a generic request context which is passed along with the request in route handlers and middleware. - In addition to the trie based router we have a new result builder based [router](https://hummingbird-project.github.io/hummingbird-docs/2.0/documentation/hummingbirdrouter). - Uses new [HTTPTypes](https://github.com/apple/swift-http-types) from Apple. - HummingbirdCore module is now in the same repository as Hummingbird - Merged HummingbirdFoundation into Hummingbird - Rewrite of [Jobs](https://hummingbird-project.github.io/hummingbird-docs/2.0/documentation/hummingbirdjobs) system to use structured concurrency. API Documentation can be found [here](https://hummingbird-project.github.io/hummingbird-docs/2.0/documentation/hummingbird) and more details about differences between Hummingbird v1 and v2 can be found in the [migration guide](https://hummingbird-project.github.io/hummingbird-docs/2.0/documentation/hummingbird/migratingtov2) Alongside the Hummingbird v2 alpha release, there will be alpha releases of HummingbirdAuth, HummingbirdRedis and HummingbirdFluent. WebSocket and Compression are not ready for release yet and will come later.
15 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Add `RequestID` to generate unique ids for each request. The request id is no longer just an incrementing counter. It now includes an extra random element to identify the hummingbird process generating the request. It is also output as hex instead of decimal. PR #326 ## Other changes - Removed unused documentation. Documentation is generated from https://github.com/hummingbird-project/hummingbird-docs. - Documentation link now includes hummingbird version, in preparation for future major releases. - Set documentation visibility to internal for `@_exported` symbols from other libraries.
17 weeks ago
### Minor release changes - Make `HBMethods.constructResponder` public. PR #316 ### Other changes - Update CONTRIBUTORS.md - Fix small code mistake in Encoding and Decoding.md. PR #304 from @sidepelican
19 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Return correct content-type for `index.html` file. PR #299 from @sidepelican
iOS macOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
hummingbird-project/hummingbird-core 1.6.1
HTTP server for Hummingbird the lightweight, flexible web application framework written in Swift
⭐️ 38
πŸ•“ 22 hours ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
## Patch release changes - Fix issue where connection was being closed before HTTP payload had been sent. PR #68
19 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Fix quiesce of HTTP2 channels on shutdown - Add idle timeout for HTTP2 channels - Deprecate `HBHTTPServer.addHTTP2Upgrade(tlsConfiguration:)`and recommend `HBHTTPServer.addHTTP2Upgrade(tlsConfiguration:idleReadTimeout:)` instead
27 weeks ago
## Minor version updates - Update swift-nio-http2 version to include fix for [CVE-2023-44487](https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-qppj-fm5r-hxr3).
28 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Add new `HBBindAddress` case `.custom` with closure that performs the bind and returns a `EventLoopFuture<Channel>`.
30 weeks ago
## Patch Release Changes - Flush all streamed response body writes.
46 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Improve robustness of `HBByteBufferStreamer` - Allow for multiple consumers - Fix crash when `consume` is called after an `.end` or `.error` has already been consumed
50 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Update minimum required Swift version to 5.6. - Remove all `#if compiler` checks for Swift concurrency and Sendable conformance
1 year ago
## Minor version changes - Added async version of `HBRequestBody.consumeBody(maxSize:)`
1 year ago
##Β Minor release changes - Add versions of `HBRequestBody.consumeBody` and `HBByteBufferStreamer.consumeAll` that include a `maxSize` parameter and will throw an error if amount of memory streamed is greater than `maxSize`. - Deprecate version of `HBRequestBody.consumeBody` without `maxSize` parameter. ## Patch release changes - Use channel.pipeline.syncOperations when building HTTP1 child channel - Avoid using `flatSubmit` in `HBByteBufferStreamer` where possible.
1 year ago
## Patch release changes - Add public `init` to `HTTP2ChannelInitializer`
iOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
hummingbird-project/hummingbird-websocket 2.0.0-alpha.3
Websocket upgrade support for Hummingbird
⭐️ 21
πŸ•“ 23 hours ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v2.0.0 Alpha 3
## Major release changes - Add missing ServiceLifecycle dependency to HummingbirdWSClient. PR #56 from @tkrajacic - Return close code and reason from `WebSocketClient.connect`. PR #58 ## Minor changes - Require CompressNIO v1.2 with decompression fix - Add minimum size of frame before running per message-deflate compression configuration. PR #57 - Add `WebSocketOutboundWriter.close(_:reason:)` to close WebSocket connection with custom close code and reason ## Patch changes - Improve trace output of frames. - Fix bug where exiting a handler because you received a close frame would hang. PR #57
v2.0.0 Alpha 2
1 week ago
## Major release changes - WebSocketClient has been split into a separate library `HumingbirdWSClient` which is not dependent on the `Hummingbird` library. - Common WebSocket code used by both server and client is in `HummingbirdWSCore`. - The WebSocketHandler inbound stream no longer collates WebSocket frames into full messages. If you want messages you can use `WebSocketInboundStream.messages(maxSize:)` to get a stream of collated WebSocketMessages. ## Minor release changes - Added `WebSocketOutboundWriter.withTextMessageWriter(_:)` and `WebSocketOutboundWriter.withBinaryMessageWriter(_:)` to write WebSocket messages over a series of WebSocket frames. - Update compress-nio to [v1.2.0](https://github.com/adam-fowler/compress-nio/releases/tag/1.2.0) to get bug fix in decompression code. ## Patch release changes - Set `host` header in initial HTTP request. - Don't drop left over bytes after WebSocket upgrade. - Fail connection on receiving a reserved opcode - Verify inbound close code is correct - Add mask to outbound close code for client - add SNI hostname for TLS in client ## Other changes - Added scripts to test WebSocket code against [autobahn-testsuite](https://github.com/crossbario/autobahn-testsuite)
v2.0.0 Alpha 1
1 week ago
## Major release changes - Structured concurrency based rewrite of WebSocket server and client support to work with Hummingbird v2.0 - Client and Server support both available from HummingbirdWebsocket - `permessage-deflate` compression available from HummingbirdWSCompression
27 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Add support for WebSocket extensions and implement permessage-deflate extension as described in https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7692. PR #27 - Make `HBWebSocket` conform to Sendable. Split auto ping code off into a separate internally managed type. PR #30 - Minimum supported version of Swift is now 5.7
40 weeks ago
### Minor version changes - Add support to supply additional headers during initial HTTP connection when using client. PR #20 - Add support for editing `maxFrameSize`. PR #23 - Add read callback in `HBWebSocketClient`. If you add a `readCallback` after the client has been created it is possible to miss packets. This ensures you don't miss any packets. PR #25 - Require Hummingbird 1.4.0 - Add public API to send an unsolicited pong message. PR #28 from @tkrajacic ### Patch version changes - Fix the masking key generation not generating 0x0. PR #16 from @Joannis
1 year ago
## Patch release changes - When adding websocket upgrade use new `HBChannelInitializer.addProtocolUpgrade` - Cancel auto ping task when websocket channel is closed - Ensure websocket channel is fully closed when other side closes input. - `InitiateAutoPing` schedules the first ping instead of sending it immediately - `HBWebSocketClient` sets up `HTTPDecoder` with `leftOverBytesStrategy` to `.forwardBytes` to ensure any remaining data in channel is passed onto websocket channel handler.
1 year ago
First Stable release of the WebSocket library for Hummingbird - Includes setting up your `HBApplication` to accept WebSocket requests. - A WebSocket client. ## Breaking change from v1.0.0-rc.2 Renamed `HBApplication.WebSocket` to `HBWebSocketBuilder`
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 2
1 year ago
## Breaking Change - `HBWebSocket(_:promise)` does not have a default value for `promise` anymore. ## Minor Release Changes - Add versions of `HBWebSocket.write/close/sendPing` that return an `EventLoopFuture` as an alternative to the ones that you pass an optional `EventLoopPromise` into. - Add async/await version of `HBWebSocket.write/close/sendPing`. - Add `HBWebSocket.readStream` that returns an `AsyncStream<WebSocketData>`. The AsyncStream will finish when the web socket is closed.
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 1
1 year ago
## Minor changes - Use hummingbird 1.0.0-rc.1 and fix up errors generated by breaking changes in hummingbird release. - Use a separate router for web socket requests
v1.0.0 Alpha 2
1 year ago
### Minor release changes - Requires Swift 5.5 (inline with SwiftNIO)
iOS macOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
hummingbird-project/hummingbird-lambda 2.0.0-beta.2
Hummingbird running inside an AWS Lambda
⭐️ 19
πŸ•“ 5 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 2.0.0 Beta 2
5 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Include `HummingbirdLambdaTesting` in list of Package products
Version 2.0.0 Beta 1
5 weeks ago
This is the first beta release of HummingbirdLambda v2. Below is a list of the changes since the last alpha ## Major release changes - The "HB" prefix on symbols has been removed. To help transition from previous symbols with the "HB" prefix we have added deprecated typealiases for the old symbols. eg `typealias HBRequest = Request`. - At the same time we have renamed - `HBLambda` to `LambdaFunction` - `HBAPIGatewayLambda` to `APIGatewayLambdaFunction` - `HBAPIGatewayV2Lambda` to `APIGatewayV2LambdaFunction` - Added lambda test framework `HummingbirdLambdaTesting` ## Patch release changes - Fixed extracting of multi-value query and header values from APIGatewayV2 events. ## Other changes - 2.0 code has now been merged into `main` branch.
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 6
6 weeks ago
## Patch fixes - Use rawStringQuery from APIGatewayV2 event to build query values
Version 2.0.0 Alpha 3
10 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Update lambda to compile with Hummingbird alpha 2
Version 2.0.0 Alpha 2
11 weeks ago
## Breaking changes - `HBLambda.init()` -> `HBLambda.init(context:)`, now includes `LambdaInitializationContext` as parameter. ## Patch changes - APIGateway headers are copied into `HBRequest`
v2.0.0 Alpha 1
12 weeks ago
Changes to coincide with [Hummingbird v2 alpha](https://github.com/hummingbird-project/hummingbird/releases) release. - Rewritten to use structured concurrency. - EventLoop APIs no longer exist API Documentation can be found [here](https://hummingbird-project.github.io/hummingbird-docs/2.0/documentation/hummingbirdlambda)
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 5
13 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Fix the percent encoding of query parameters when re-constructing URI for Hummingbird. PR #11 ## Other changes - Use SAM and package plugin archive to build and publish demonstration lambda
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 4
40 weeks ago
### Patch release changes - APIGatewayV2 extract path uri from `context.http.path`. Fixes issue where path was not set on catchall routes. PR #6 from @nicktrienensfuzz
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 3
1 year ago
- Use v0.1.0 of swift-as-lambda-events
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 2
1 year ago
## Major release changes - Updated to using swift-aws-lambda-runtime v1.0.0 alpha - `HBLambda.In` renamed to `HBLambda.Event` - `HBLambda.Out` renamed to `HBLambda.Output`
hummingbird-project/hummingbird-auth 2.0.0-beta.1
Authentication framework and extensions for Hummingbird
⭐️ 9
πŸ•“ 5 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v2.0.0 Beta 1
5 weeks ago
This is the first beta release of HummingbirdAuth v2. Below is a list of the changes since the last alpha ## Major release changes - The "HB" prefix on symbols has been removed. To help transition from previous symbols with the "HB" prefix we have added deprecated typealiases for the old symbols. eg `typealias HBRequest = Request`. - At the same time we have renamed - `HBAuthenticator` to `AuthenticatorMiddleware` - `HBSessionAuthenticator` to `SessionMiddleware` ## Other changes - 2.0 code has now been merged into `main` branch.
v2.0.0 Alpha 3
8 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Update `HBBasicAuthContext` to compile with changes from Hummingbird `2.0.0-alpha.3`
v2.0.0 Alpha 2
10 weeks ago
## Breaking changes - Renamed `HBAuthRequestContextProtocol` to `HBAuthRequestContext` - Renamed `HBAuthRequestContext` to `HBBasicAuthRequestContext`
v2.0.0 Alpha 1
12 weeks ago
Changes to coincide with [Hummingbird v2 alpha](https://github.com/hummingbird-project/hummingbird/releases) release. - Rewritten to use structured concurrency. - EventLoop APIs no longer exist - Login cache is no longer attached to request, but is now available from the context. If you want to use authentication framework your request context needs to conform to `HBAuthRequestContextProtocol`. API Documentation can be found [here](https://hummingbird-project.github.io/hummingbird-docs/2.0/documentation/hummingbirdauth)
16 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Add support for swift-crypto 3.0
35 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Added `HBSessionStorage` for storing session IDs separate from `HBRequest` - Added `getSession` protocol requirement, with default that extracts it from the request, to `HBSessionAuthenticator`
1 year ago
## Minor release changes - Added `SessionManager.update` that uses current session id. As it does not edit the session id it does not need to update the response. PR #20. - Added generic version of `XCTExecute` that returns a generic value. PR #21. ## Patch release changes - `SessionManager.save` will use current session id if available.
1 year ago
Various authentication helpers for Hummingbird - `HBAuthenticator` middleware protocol. - Augmenting `HBRequest` with authentication data. - Session authenticator middleware. - Bcrypt support. - One time passwords. ## Breaking Change from v1.0.0-rc.1 - `HBApplication.XCTExecute` now throws errors.
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 1
1 year ago
## Breaking changes - Remove public access to `getId`, `setId` and `createSessionId` from `SessionManager` ## Patch changes - Fix up errors generated by breaking changes in hummingbird 1.0.0-rc.1 release
v1.0.0 Alpha 2
1 year ago
### Minor release changes - Requires Swift 5.5 (inline with SwiftNIO) - Add functions to run Bcrypt on a separate thread
iOS macOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
hummingbird-project/hummingbird-fluent 2.0.0-beta.1
Hummingbird integration with Fluent database ORM
⭐️ 6
πŸ•“ 5 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v2.0.0 Beta 1
5 weeks ago
This is the first beta release of Hummingbird v2. Below is a list of the changes since the last alpha ## Major release changes - The "HB" prefix on symbols has been removed. To help transition from previous symbols with the "HB" prefix we have added deprecated typealiases for the old symbols. eg `typealias HBFluent = Fluent`. - Migrations are now wrapped in `FluentMigrations` actor, instead of attaching them to the `@MainActor`. ## Other changes - 2.0 code has now been merged into `main` branch.
v2.0.0 Alpha 1
12 weeks ago
Changes to coincide with [Hummingbird v2 alpha](https://github.com/hummingbird-project/hummingbird/releases) release. - Rewritten to use structured concurrency. - EventLoop APIs no longer exist - Fluent is no longer attached to `HBApplication`, accessed via `HBFluent` type. - `HBFluent` conforms to `Service` from swift service lifecycle. API Documentation can be found [here](https://hummingbird-project.github.io/hummingbird-docs/2.0/documentation/hummingbirdfluent)
35 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Setup `HBFluent` and `HBFluentPersistDriver` so they can be used separate from `HBApplication`
1 year ago
First stable release of Fluent interface for Hummingbird - Manages Fluent databases and migrations
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 1
1 year ago
## Patch changes - Fix up errors generated by breaking changes in hummingbird 1.0.0-rc.1 release
v1.0.0 Alpha 2
1 year ago
### Minor release changes - Requires Swift 5.5 (inline with SwiftNIO)
v1.0.0 Alpha 1
1 year ago
Use 1.0.0-alpha of Hummingbird
1 year ago
- Add `import NIOCore` because Hummingbird doesn't export the whole of NIOCore anymore
2 years ago
- Add async/await versions of `HBApplication.Fluent.migrate` and `HBApplication.Fluent.revert`
2 years ago
- Conform to expectations of persist framework. Where create throws a duplicate error if the key already exists.
iOS macOS tvOS
hummingbird-project/hummingbird-compression 1.3.0
Compression support for Hummingbird server framework
⭐️ 5
πŸ•“ 40 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
40 weeks ago
### Minor release changes - Update to using compress-nio v1.0.0
44 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Updated to work with v0.6.0 CompressNIO changes
47 weeks ago
- Update to compress-nio v0.5.0
1 year ago
Compression library for decompressing request payloads and compressing response payloads. - Requests are decompressed if `content-encoding` is set to `gzip` or `deflate`. - Responses are compressed if `accept-encoding` is set to `gzip` or `deflate`. - Compression/Decompression can be run on either the EventLoop or on a separate thread from the application thread pool.
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 1
1 year ago
## Patch changes - Fix up errors generated by breaking changes in hummingbird 1.0.0-rc.1 release
v1.0.0 Alpha 2
1 year ago
### Minor release changes - Requires Swift 5.5 (inline with SwiftNIO)
v1.0.0 Alpha 1
1 year ago
Use 1.0.0-alpha of Hummingbird
1 year ago
Add HummingbirdCore import as symbols are no longer automatically exported by Hummingbird
2 years ago
Update to hummingbird v0.13.0 Fix up after changes to hummingbird symbol exports
2 years ago
- Add option to run compression/decompression on either thread pool or `EventLoop`. - Fix setting of state in channel handlers so state is set before passing data onto next handler.
iOS tvOS
hummingbird-project/swift-mustache 2.0.0-beta.1
Mustache templating engine
⭐️ 4
πŸ•“ 5 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v2.0.0 Beta 1
5 weeks ago
## Major release changes - Renamed package to swift-mustache and library has been renamed to `Mustache` - Removed "HB" prefix from all symbols ## Other changes - Merged 2.0 branch into `main`
v2.0.0 Alpha 1
11 weeks ago
## Breaking changes Requires swift 5.7 - `HBMustacheTemplate` is a struct - `HBMustacheLibrary` is a struct - `HBMustacheLibrary.loadTemplates` is async - Templates no longer store the library they belong to, so to render templates that use partials you need to supply the library at render either via `HBMustacheLibrary.render` or `HBMustacheTemplate.render(_:library:). ## Minor release changes - `HBMustacheTemplate` and `HBMustacheLibrary`conform to `Sendable`.
1 year ago
## Patch Release Changes - Fix issues with indented partials that generate an empty section at the end - Add empty transform for String
1 year ago
- Improve parsing of partial filenames
2 years ago
- Make `HBMustacheParent` public so users can setup custom methods for accessing children.
2 years ago
Full release
2 years ago
- Make `HBMustacheCustomRenderable` public - Add tests for `HBMustacheCustomRenderable`
2 years ago
- Add support for custom rendering of swift types via `HBMustacheCustomRenderable` protocol - Extend `NSNull` to conform to `HBMustacheCustomRenderable` - Use newly merged [inheritance spec](https://github.com/mustache/spec/blob/master/specs/%7Einheritance.json) in tests
3 years ago
- When running a transform on an object if the object does not recognise the transform return nil
3 years ago
- Allow for space after value in {{%var:value}} config variable setting - Add transforms, `empty(array)` and `equalzero(integer)` - If variable name is prefixed with "." then don't search for variable further up context stack
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
hummingbird-project/hummingbird-redis 2.0.0-beta.1
Hummingbird integration with Redis driver RediStack
⭐️ 3
πŸ•“ 5 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v2.0.0 Beta 1
5 weeks ago
This is the first beta release of HummingbirdRedis v2. Below is a list of the changes since the last alpha ## Major release changes - The "HB" prefix on symbols has been removed. To help transition from previous symbols with the "HB" prefix we have added deprecated typealiases for the old symbols. eg `typealias HBRequest = Request`. - Refactor `RedisQueue` driver for changes in `HummingbirdJobs` module. ## Other changes - 2.0 code has now been merged into `main` branch.
v2.0.0 Alpha 2
8 weeks ago
## Minor update changes - Update `HBRedisJobQueue` to set `JobID` associated type from Hummingbird v2.0.0-alpha.3.
v2.0.0 Alpha 1
12 weeks ago
Changes to coincide with [Hummingbird v2 alpha](https://github.com/hummingbird-project/hummingbird/releases) release. - Rewritten to use structured concurrency. - EventLoop APIs no longer exist - Added `HBRedisConnectionPoolService` a Redis connection pool that conforms to `Service` - Redis is no longer available from `HBApplication` API Documentation can be found [here](https://hummingbird-project.github.io/hummingbird-docs/2.0/documentation/hummingbirdredis)
38 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Add support for multiple Redis databases - `RedisConnectionPoolGroup` can be used separately from `HBApplication`
43 weeks ago
- Use swift-server version of RediStack
1 year ago
Hummingbird interface to [RediStack](https://gitlab.com/swift-server-community/RediStack) the Swift client for Redis. Also includes implementations of the persist storage and jobs frameworks from Hummingbird.
v1.0.0 Release Candidate 1
1 year ago
## Patch changes - Fix up errors generated by breaking changes in hummingbird 1.0.0-rc.1 release
v1.0.0 Alpha 2
1 year ago
### Minor release changes - Requires Swift 5.5 (inline with SwiftNIO) - Add `RedisConnectionPoolGroup` for managing multiple redis pools across EventLoops
v1.0.0 Alpha 1
1 year ago
Use 1.0.0-alpha of Hummingbird
2 years ago
- Update for changes in HummingbirdJobs
iOS macOS tvOS linux macOS iOS

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