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hsoysal/Layouter 1.1.0
Layouter is a 100% Swift framework to apply auto-layout constraint rules to the views created by programmatically.
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🕓 2 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/hsoysal/Layouter.git", from: "1.1.0")


Layouter is a 100% Swift framework to apply auto-layout constraint rules to the views created by programmatically.

It is an extension of UIView in order to make UI autolayout constraints easily.


  • Easy to create autolayout rules


Layouter only supports Swift Package Manager at the moment.

.package(url: "https://github.com/hsoysal/Layouter.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")) To install Layouter using Swift Package Manager look for https://github.com/hsoysal/Layouter.git in Xcode (File/Swift Packages/Add Package Dependency...).


Native autolayout constraints:

viewContainer.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topAnchor, constant: 10).isActive = true
viewContainer.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leftAnchor, constant: 10).isActive = true
viewContainer.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: rightAnchor, constant: 10).isActive = true
viewContainer.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomAnchor, constant: 10).isActive = true

Layouter autolayout constraints:

viewContainer.fillDimension(offset: 10)

Native autolayout constraints:

let safearea = view.safeAreaLayoutGuide
    container.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.superview!.leadingAnchor, constant: 30),
    container.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.superview!.topAnchor, constant: 30),
    container.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.superview!.trailingAnchor, constant: -30),
    container.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.superview!.bottomAnchor, constant: -30),
    topleft.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.leadingAnchor),
    topleft.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.topAnchor),
    topleft.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topright.widthAnchor),
    topleft.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topright.heightAnchor),
    topright.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topleft.trailingAnchor),
    topright.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topleft.topAnchor),
    topright.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.trailingAnchor),
    bottomleft.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.leadingAnchor),
    bottomleft.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topleft.bottomAnchor),
    bottomleft.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomright.widthAnchor),
    bottomleft.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topleft.heightAnchor),
    bottomleft.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomright.heightAnchor),
    bottomleft.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.bottomAnchor),
    bottomright.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomleft.trailingAnchor),
    bottomright.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomleft.topAnchor),
    bottomright.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.trailingAnchor)

Layouter autolayout constraints:

container.fillDimension(offset: 30)
topleft.top(offset: 0)
    .left(offset: 0)
    .equalWidths(with: topright)
    .equalHeights(with: topright)
    .alignTops(with: topright)
    .arrangeHorizontally(with: topright)
    .arrangeVertically(with: bottomleft)
    .equalHeights(with: bottomleft)
bottomleft.left(offset: 0)
    .bottom(offset: 0)
    .equalWidths(with: bottomright)
    .equalHeights(with: bottomright)
    .alignBottoms(with: bottomright)
    .arrangeHorizontally(with: bottomright)
topright.right(offset: 0)
bottomright.right(offset: 0)


  • Alignments to superview
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.top = other.top + constant
/// - Parameters:
///   - offset: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
///   - location: location for the constraint. It can be `superview` or `safearea`.
///   The default is `superview`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func top(offset constant: CGFloat, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000), location: Where = .superview) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.left = other.left + constant
/// - Parameters:
///   - offset: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func left(offset constant: CGFloat, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.right + constant = other.right
/// - Parameters:
///   - offset: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func right(offset constant: CGFloat, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.bottom + constant = other.bottom
/// - Parameters:
///   - offset: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
///   - location: location for the constraint. It can be `superview` or `safearea`.
///   The default is `superview`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func bottom(offset constant: CGFloat, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000), location: Where = .superview) -> UIView
  • Alignments to other views
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.top + constant = others.top
/// - Parameters:
///   - views: other views whose tops will be aligned with this view
///   - constant: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func alignTops(with views: UIView..., constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.bottom = others.bottom + constant
/// - Parameters:
///   - views: other views whose bottoms will be aligned with this view
///   - constant: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func alignBottoms(with views: UIView..., constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.left + constant = others.left
/// - Parameters:
///   - views: other views whose lefts will be aligned with this view
///   - constant: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func alignLefts(with views: UIView..., constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.right = others.right + constant
/// - Parameters:
///   - views: other views whose rights will be aligned with this view
///   - constant: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func alignRights(with views: UIView..., constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.trailing + constant = others.leading
/// - Parameters:
///   - views: other views who will be in the horizontal sequence starting with this view
///   - constant: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func arrangeHorizontally(with views: UIView..., constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.bottom + constant= others.top
/// - Parameters:
///   - views: other views who will be in the vertical sequence starting with this view
///   - constant: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func arrangeVertically(with views: UIView..., constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView
  • Sizing
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.width = constant
/// - Parameters:
///   - constant: constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func width(equals constant: CGFloat, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.height = constant
/// - Parameters:
///   - constant: constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func height(equals constant: CGFloat, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.width = constant
///     self.height = constant
/// - Parameters:
///   - constant: constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func size(equals constant: CGFloat, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView  
  • Equalities
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.width * multiplier + constant = others.width
/// - Parameters:
///   - views: other views whose width will be equal to this view
///   - multiplier: multiplier constant for the constraint.
///   - constant: constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func equalWidths(with views: UIView..., multiplier: CGFloat = 1, constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.height * multiplier + constant = others.height
/// - Parameters:
///   - views: other views whose width will be equal to this view
///   - multiplier: multiplier constant for the constraint.
///   - constant: constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func equalHeights(with views: UIView..., multiplier: CGFloat = 1, constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
  • Filling
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.left = other.left + constant
///     self.right + constant = other.right
/// It calls the methods:
///     left(offset: constant, option: option)
///     right(offset: constant, option: option)
/// - Parameters:
///   - offset: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func fillHorizontal(offset constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.top = other.top + constant
///     self.bottom + constant = other.bottom
/// It calls the methods:
///     top(offset: constant, option: option, location: location)
///     bottom(offset: constant, option: option, to: location)
/// - Parameters:
///   - offset: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
///   - location: location for the constraint. It can be `superview` or `safearea`.
///   The default is `superview`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func fillVertical(offset constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000), location: Where = .superview) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.left = other.left + constant
///     self.right + constant = other.right
///     self.top = other.top + constant
///     self.bottom + constant = other.bottom
/// It calls the methods:
///     fillHorizontal(offset: constant, option: option)
///     fillVertical(offset: constant, option: option, location: location)
/// - Parameters:
///   - offset: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
///   - location: location for the constraint. It can be `superview` or `safearea`.
///   The default is `superview`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func fillDimension(offset constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000), location: Where = .superview) -> UIView 
  • Center
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.center = superview.center + constant
/// - Parameters:
///   - offset: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func centerHorizontally(offset constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.center = other.center + constant
/// - Parameters:
///   - offset: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
///   - location: location for the constraint. It can be `superview` or `safearea`.
///   The default is `superview`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func centerVertically(offset constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000), location: Where = .superview) -> UIView  
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.centerX + constant = others.centerX
/// - Parameters:
///   - views: other views who will be in the horizontal sequence starting with this view
///   - constant: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func centerHorizontally(with views: UIView..., constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 
/// Returns self
/// Produces an active constraint of the form:
///     self.centerY + constant= others.centerY
/// - Parameters:
///   - views: other views who will be in the vertical sequence starting with this view
///   - constant: offset constant for the constraint.
///   - option: size option for the constraint. It can be `equal`, `equalOrGrater`, or `equalOrless`.
///   The default is `equal(1000)`.
/// - Returns: `self`
func centerVertically(with views: UIView..., constant: CGFloat = 0, option: SizeOption = .equal(1000)) -> UIView 


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Last commit: 2 years ago
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