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Packages published by highmobility

highmobility/hmkit-swift 3.2.5
HMKit.framework – the main iOS library for using the HIGH MOBILITY car data platform
⭐️ 5
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Add `sbox` telematics issuer and fix it's loading
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Handle new `sbox` issuer by @doofyus in https://github.com/highmobility/hmkit-swift/pull/2 ## New Contributors * @doofyus made their first contribution in https://github.com/highmobility/hmkit-swift/pull/2 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/highmobility/hmkit-swift/compare/3.2.4...3.2.5
2 years ago
update dependencies; update package to use tools 5.5; add macOS platform Add `macOS` platform target option. Update swift package tools version to `5.5`. Update dependencies.
3 years ago
Help Swift-compiler deal with a bigger expression.
3 years ago
Changed `HMLocalDevice .links` from `[HMLink]` to `Set<HMLink>`. Fixed _mutable characteristic value updated_ bug. Fixed `HMLocalDevice -disconnect()` setting the state to `.idle` even when BT isn't available.
4 years ago
Minor enhancement to *Telematics* logs. HMKit is now **open-sourced**! Please find more information in the [README.md](https://github.com/highmobility/hmkit-swift/blob/master/README.md)
4 years ago
Updated *secure containers* to work with new versions. Added the option to choose what versions of *secure containers* to use (to work with older systems). Updated `HMLink` and `-Delegate` methods to work with updated protocol. Added more logging options for *Telematics* along with more logs. Updated *XCFrameworkBuilder* script. Updated dependencies.
4 years ago
Renamed *HMKit* to *HMLocalDevice* (just to reiterate) and all related types to reference *localDevice*. Proper *Xcode 11* release.
4 years ago
Updated for *Xcode 11 GM2*. Added **XCFramework** building script (and removed the "old" universal scripts). Renamed *HMKit* type to *HMLocalDevice* to be able to use XCFrameworks (for now).
4 years ago
Updated for *Xcode 11 GM* and *Swift 5.1*
4 years ago
Updated for _Xcode 11b6_ to use with it's integrated **SPM** and _Swift 5.1_ Other libs should be added by going to _Xcode-beta > File > Swift Packages > Add..._ and adding the following dependencies: [AutoAPI](https://github.com/highmobility/hm-auto-api-swift) and [HMCryptoKit](https://github.com/highmobility/hm-crypto-kit-swift) (_HMUtilities_ is added automatically by others)
iOS macOS
highmobility/hmutilities-swift 1.4.7
Common extensions and other utilities
⭐️ 1
🕓 4 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
*New LICENCE!* Added back scripts to deal with _fat-binaries_. Updated README.
4 years ago
Fixed *HMDebugTree* and *XCFrameworkBuilder* script.
4 years ago
Lowercased hex-output from byte-collection (helps with readability). Proper *Xcode 11* release.
4 years ago
Updated for _Xcode 11 GM2_. Added **XCFramework** building script (and removed the "old" universal scripts).
4 years ago
Updated for *Xcode 11 GM* and *Swift 5.1*
4 years ago
Updated for _Xcode 11b6_ to use with it's integrated **SPM** and _Swift 5.1_
4 years ago
Reintroduced `.bytes` and `.data` in `UInt8-Collection`.
4 years ago
Added `-compactMapConcurrently` to `Collection` Improved `HMBytesConvertable`'s `-init`-s Removed `.bytes` and `.data` from `UInt8 Collection`
5 years ago
Fixed `Int8`'s `HMBytesConvertable` `.bytes` value. Improved `HMBytesConvertable` code.
5 years ago
Updated to **Swift 5**
iOS macOS tvOS
highmobility/auto-api-swift 13.2.0
📱 AutoAPI Swift lib - the parsing library for the Auto API vehicle data model
⭐️ 1
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Level 13.2 minor update
1 year ago
This update adds additional datapoints to the existing Level 13 - only an additive update. More info and the changelog can be seen [here](https://github.com/highmobility/auto-api/blob/master/changelogs/L13.2_changelog.md).
Level 13.1 minor update
1 year ago
This update adds some more datapoints to the existing Level 13 - mainly an additive update. More info and the changelog can be seen [here](https://github.com/highmobility/auto-api/blob/master/changelogs/L13.1_changelog.md).
2 years ago
Change `AAError` to public (thrown from `AAAutoAPI.parseBytes`).
2 years ago
This is a minor _additive update_, to upgrade _YearTime_ slightly. - Add `.date: Date?` property to `YearTime` - Make `YearTime` conform to `Comparable`
2 years ago
New **AutoAPI level 13** binary-to-swift, and back, parser. This release is mostly additive, with only minor API changes: - AutoAPI enums (starting with `AA`) are changed to have a `RawValue == String`. - To still access the _byte_-value, one should use the `.byteValue` property (instead of the previous `.rawValue`, which now returns a `String` value). - Additions to the spec (new capabilities, properties and types) can be found [here](https://github.com/highmobility/auto-api/blob/master/changelogs/L13_changelog.md). - Changes to the spec (deprecations and modifications to existing types, properties and capabilities) can be seen [here](https://github.com/highmobility/auto-api/blob/master/changelogs/L13_changelog.md#misc). The _AutoAPI_ spec can always be inspected for more details [here](https://github.com/highmobility/auto-api).
3 years ago
New **AutoAPI level 12** binary-to-swift and back parser. * This library is now only distributed as a *Swift Package* which is also the main recommended way of using/integrating it. * Most notable change from previous L11 is the AutoAPI being able to convey unit-information for different values * properties (and sub-values), that express a measurement, output <code>Measurement<_UnitType_></code> now instead of just a decimal number, i.e. <code>engine_power</code> or <code>odometer</code>. * Some properties have been *deprecated* (with a reference to the new property) and a boatload of new ones is added (including new capabilities). * Each property now has an *availability* component that can be fetched with the corresponding getter in a capability. For more details regarding new datapoints and other changes, please see the [source](https://github.com/highmobility/auto-api-swift). The protocol changes from L11 to L12 can be seen [here](https://github.com/highmobility/auto-api/blob/master/changelogs/L12_changelog.md).
3 years ago
Helps Swift compiler with some "difficult" calculations.
4 years ago
_New LICENCE_! Added back scripts to deal with _fat-binaries_. Updated _README_.
4 years ago
_New LICENCE!_ Added back scripts to deal with _fat-binaries_. Updated _README_.
4 years ago
New AutoAPI L11 binary parser and generator. Most of the lib is generated based on the AutoAPI [spec](https://github.com/highmobility/auto-api) and will have different names, i.e. `Door Locks` is replaced by `Doors`. For API change log, please see the [releases](https://high-mobility.com/downloads/releases) page at [high-mobility.com](high-mobility.com). For more information regarding names of *capabilities* and others, please check the AutoAPI [guide](https://high-mobility.com/learn/tutorials/getting-started/auto-api-guide/).
iOS macOS
highmobility/vss-graphql-client-swift 0.10.0
VSS GraphQL client in Swift
⭐️ 0
🕓 3 years ago
iOS macOS
highmobility/hmcryptokit-swift 1.2.17
HMCryptoKit.framework – securing all communications in the HMKit SDK
⭐️ 0
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
Add the option to build on `macOS`.
4 years ago
_New LICENCE!_ Added back scripts to deal with _fat-binaries_. Updated _README_.
4 years ago
Updated *dependencies*.
4 years ago
Found a workaround for iOS 13 shared key generation. Fixes a crash on pre-13 devices.
4 years ago
Fixed *shared key* generation on *iOS 13.0+*
4 years ago
Fix for *signature* creation (Collection's mutation error). Proper *Xcode 11* release.
4 years ago
Updated for *Xcode 11 GM2*. Added **XCFramework** building script (and removed the "old" universal scripts). Removed the *HMECKey* typealias (use *SecKey* now) to make the XCFramework usable.
4 years ago
Updated for *Xcode 11 GM* and *Swift 5.1*
4 years ago
Updated for _Xcode 11b6_ to use with it's integrated **SPM** and _Swift 5.1_ Removed the _CLT_ target for now.
4 years ago
Fixed signature's *out of bounds* error (`ArraySlice` kept its old *indices* with a new Swift version / compiler).
iOS macOS

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