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highcharts/highcharts-ios v11.4.1
iOS wrapper for Highcharts.
⭐️ 124
🕓 2 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 weeks ago
# Version 11.4.1 ## iOS: 1. Fixed Privacy Manifest File, #434 ## Framework bug fixes: 1. Fixed #20784, a regression in v11.4.0 causing wrong min and max extremes for the selection event in column charts. 2. Fixed #20710, bubble legend with color-axis moved after redraw. 3. Fixed #20792, plot lines' HTML labels rendered incorrectly. 4. Fixed #18980, the `highcharts.d.ts` type definition file was too large and caused issues in editors. Moved majority of series options into separate definition files. 5. Fixed #20871, a regression with resetting zoom across synchronized charts. 6. Fixed #20586, plot line CSS classes were not concatenated with spaces, causing the `className` option to fail. 7. Fixed #20548, chart not resizing after closing fullscreen.
5 weeks ago
# Version 11.4.0 ## iOS: 1. Removed `.woff2` fonts from the framework, #432 2. Added a privacy manifest file to the framework, #433 ## Framework: 1. Added new option `sankey.nodeDistance` and the possibility of setting `sankey.nodeWidth` to `auto`. The same option pair is also supported by organization chart and treegraph series. 2. Enhanced the pinch zoom behavior to redraw the axes and series continuously. Previously it created a preview by scaling the graphs, then did a full review at the end. Also a deeper refactor and unification of the whole zoom, pan and mousewheel logic. 3. Added new option `organization.hangingSide` which allows nodes to hang from the right side in inverted organization charts. See #17240. ## Framework bug fixes: 1. Fixed #20334, chart width exceeded container width on Windows when the chart itself caused page scrollbars. 2. Fixed #20572, destroying a chart after point hover sometimes produced an error. 3. Fixed #15921 by applying `fillColor` to series from `highContrastTheme.colors` if set. 4. Fixed #20166, ticks and gridlines were visible outside the axis in some corner cases. 5. Fixed code scan issues 56, incomplete string escaping or encoding in SVGRenderer, and 72, incomplete multi-character sanitization in SVGRenderer. 6. Fixed code scan issue 73, incomplete multi-character sanitization in SVGElement node title. 7. Fixed code scan issue 90, permissive regex in `mapcharts.js`. 8. Fixed code scan issue 111, potential prototype pollution in `Utilities.ts`. 9. Fixed code scan issue 112, potential prototype pollution in `NavigationBinding.ts`. 10. Fixed #20329, detached elements and events in the Accessibility module produced a memory leak. 11. Fixed #20394, `series.color` only initially impacted the color of x-range points. 12. Fixed #20435, point events update didn't work. 13. Fixed #20516, `this` was not bound to plot line or plot band object in event callbacks. 14. Fixed #20429, toggling bellcurve visibility threw error. 15. Fixed #20440 and #20569, multiple series zones broke graph. 16. Fixed regression since v11.3, column range series had area-style legend marker. 17. Fixed #20433, boosted scatter chart did not work without axis min/max-options. 18. Fixed #20307 and #20301, alignment and overlap detection for rotated data labels didn't work correctly. 19. Fixed #19730, centerInCategory on inverted column chart had incorrect series order. 20. Fixed #20264, the packed bubble series was not rendered correctly in an inverted chart.
11 weeks ago
# Version 11.3.0 ## iOS: 1. Added methods for updating the chart options with JSON to `HIChartView`, #429 ## Framework: 1. Implemented native handling of the `time.timezone` option, making the dependency on moment.js redundant. 2. Added new options `colorAxis.width` and `colorAxis.height`, allowing absolute or relative size. See #17870. 3. Added new option `chart.axisLayoutRuns`. It allows opting in for more predictable axis tick and label layout, at the cost of performance. See #19794. 4. Added new default `legendSymbol` for area series and its derivatives. ## Framework upgrade notes: 1. The `exporting.formAttributes` no longer works because the internal `post` function was replaced by the `fetch` API. The `formAttributes` option can for some purposes be replaced with `exporting.fetchOptions`. See `the fetch article on MDN` for more information about possible options. ## Framework bug fixes: 1. Fixed #19169, the `focusBorder` was not removed from `SVGElement` after the element had been unfocused. 2. Fixed #20319, funnel point path not rendered properly when the point's top coordinates were within top boundaries of the funnel neck. 3. Fixed #20291, y-axis crosshair was missing for 3d column. 4. Fixed #20340, histogram bins `x2` value was wrongly calculated. 5. Fixed #20191, exporting a chart using the export module caused `beforeunload` event to fire. 6. Fixed #20142, pie selected point was semi-transparent on legend hover in styled mode. 7. Fixed #18744, a point covered by an area series should be fully clickable if the tooltip shows. 8. Fixed #20129, the lack of root and window in the NX environment was causing an error on load. 9. Fixed #20097, script errors and invisible series in error bar with certain extremes. 10. Fixed #19857, short x-axis labels disappeared in some edge cases when `labels.autoRotation` was set. 11. Fixed #18804, zooming in below `boostThreshold` didn't disable boost on scatter series. 12. Fixed #20120, data labels in packed bubble series were misaligned after updating the series position. 13. Fixed #16920, formalized and fixed the `data.columnTypes` option. 14. Fixed #17545, misplaced funnel and pyramid data labels after legend item click when `dataLabels.inside` set to false. 15. Fixed #19497, some points disappeared when changing extremes of the category axes in boost. 16. Fixed #20098, multiple data labels were not rendered when enabled in `plotOptions`. 17. Fixed #19895, removing a series while rendering in boost mode could cause a TypeError. 18. Fixed #20002, stroke wasn't applied to annotations during offline PDF export. 19. Fixed #19976, columns threw off center when using mouse wheel zoom. 20. Fixed #19621, errors instead of expected behavior when using arrow-keys to navigate first and last items in legend. 21. Fixed #19130, `negativeColor` was applied to positive graphs for the part of the line that extended below the threshold. 22. Fixed #19604, ticks were sometimes differently calculated after a series update. 23. Fixed #20007, contrast color setting for data labels did not respect their background colors. 24. Fixed #19946, nodes in the organization chart weren’t centered while using node width or height options. 25. Fixed #19917, setting options in a series without `series.data` would add default aria-label.
18 weeks ago
# Version 11.2.0 ## Framework: 1. Upgraded the build pipeline to benefit from new language features. Bundles are now compiled to ES2020 by the TypeScript compiler (`*.src.js` files), and minified by swc (`*.js` files). 2. Added support for multiple data labels on pie slices. 3. Added new option, `sankey.nodeAlignment` for the Sankey series to specify which side of the chart nodes should align. 4. Added new option, `sankey.linkColorMode`. 5. Added feature to allow different symbols for upper/lower markers in area range and dumbbell charts. See #14024. 6. Set the default `series.lineWidth` of line graphs to to 2px for better accessibility. ## Framework bug fixes: 1. Fixed #19552, treegraph was losing node parent during export. 2. Fixed #19885, `axis.breaks` didn't work with zooming. 3. Fixed #13240, using default data labels alignment for bubble series. 4. Fixed #19826, Lollipop grouping didn't work correctly. 5. Fixed #19934, CSV export was broken in Safari. 6. Fixed #19480, added missing TypeScript definitions for `PlotLineOrBand` properties. 7. Fixed #17820, clip rect did not take into account boosted navigator. 8. Fixed #17014, `boostTreshold` with null point threw an error. 9. Fixed #19762, offline export PDF documents didn't scale. 10. Fixed #19671, treegraph was throwing an error when setting `legendSymbol` to `lineMarker`. 11. Fixed #14108, start and end dates in exported CSV data for X-range series. 12. Fixed #19744, series' `clip` option was not working in polar charts. 13. Fixed #19725, drilling between cartesian and non-cartesian series didn’t work properly. 14. Fixed #19692, mouse wheel zoom was enabled even when general zoom was not. 15. Fixed #19253, Offline Export did not work for boosted series. 16. Fixed #18062, pinch to zoom didn't work on Android Mobile devices after any click on the chart. 17. Fixed #19314, tooltip chevron was cut off when `outside` was enabled. 18. Fixed #19616, breadcrumbs disappeared when invoking `chart.update` in sunburst and treemap. 19. Fixed #19362, x-range series tooltip lost its correct default date and time formatting. 20. Fixed #19148, NaN x value disabled area chart graphic elements. 21. Fixed #19457, multiple `dataLabels` enabled/disabled threw render (console) error. 22. Fixed #19524, treegraph links weren't dissappearing after calling `setData`. 23. Fixed #19343, tooltip positioning on xrange points lying on shifted axes. 24. Fixed #19368, `TreeGraph` chart displayed extra node expander for hidden child when levels collapsed. Also fixed `collapseButton` visibility. 25. Fixed #19341, null points could be hovered in the boost module. 26. Fixed issue with missing points in boosted heatmap with interpolation set to true. 27. Fixed #18988 and #17594, vertical and horizontal offsets for inverted Sankey and Organization charts didn't work correctly. 28. Fixed #19516, read-only CSS properties weren't excluded during the export of the chart. 29. Fixed #19217, mobile pinch on inverted charts flipped the chart. 30. Fixed #19203, `plotOptions.series.pointStart` couldn't be updated more than once. 31. Fixed #18815, `boostThreshold` set for one series boosted all series. 32. Fixed #19374, disabled `keyboardNavigation` didn't remove the exit anchor. 33. Fixed #19465, wrong property in `numberFormatter` API demo. 34. Fixed #19412, `chart.zooming.resetZoom` position settings were overwritten by the deprecated parameter. 35. Fixed #19110, chart's height, and `minLinkWidth` misaligned sankey links. 36. Fixed #19178, some `yAxis` options were dissappearing after mouse wheel zoom. 37. Fixed #19200, styles were not applied to the annotation label when `useHTML` was enabled. 38. Fixed #19202, excluded `events.legendItemClick` from item series API. 39. Fixed #19179, changing the crop property on annotations through `annotationOptions` in the chart config did not work. 40. Fixed #15441, auto-scroll did not follow tooltip when navigating with keyboard while zoomed in. 41. Fixed #17170, data labels with outline or shadow were misplaced in PDF files exported using the offline exporting module. 42. Fixed #19002, with `a11y` enabled `<` sign was stripped, causing issues with screen readers. 43. Fixed #19027, a regression in v11 causing the chart to redraw twice on updates that triggered a resize of the container. 44. Fixed #19078, proximate legend did not work after updating the `legend.enabled` property. 45. Fixed #19093, SVG `<filter>` issue with shadow enabled on line series when points had the same `x` or `y` value. 46. Fixed #19134, color and symbol changed constantly for the same series after every drill-up. 47. Fixed #19127, `centerInCategory` was not working for column pyramid. 48. Fixed #19035, tooltip tap or click stopped working after pinch zoom in iOS. 49. Fixed #19143, a regression causing incorrect series name from CSV for packed bubble series.
45 weeks ago
# Version 11.1.0 ## Framework: 1. Added support for mouse wheel zooming through chart.zooming.mouseWheel. This feature is embedded in the Highcharts Stock bundle, but requires an additional module file for the Highcharts bundle. 2. Added the heatmap.interpolation option for creating smooth heatmaps. 3. Added new function, Chart.getOptions(), to get the current active configuration options for the chart. 4. Added the treegraph.fillSpace option for treegraphs to fill the whole plot area even when some points are collaped. 5. Added `borderRadius` option support for funnel and pyramid series. See #18839. 6. Added new option, xAxis.crossing and yAxis.crossing, making it easier to create axis layout for mathematical plots. 7. Added new option, series.legendSymbol. See #18753. 8. Design facelift with clearer, more vivid palette, added contrast for text labels and many minor visual changes. 9. Added new series type, treegraph. Read more in the docs. 10. Added new series type, pictorial. 11. Removed support for IE 8 and older. 12. Changed the default builds to ECMAScript version ES2016. 13. Replaced SASS files for styledMode with updated CSS files. Highcharts theming is now easier by supporting CSS variables as well as `prefers-color-scheme`. See style by CSS. 14. Sonification module v2 with many new features for audio charts, now part of the official API. 15. Changed default rotationMode to `circular` for sunburst data labels. 16. Added minorTicksPerMajor option for axes, see #13338. 17. Added the `point.percentage` property for gauge charts, see #18433. 18. Added `ResizeObserver` to the chart so it could adjust reflow on container size change, closes #17924. ## Framework upgrade notes: 1. To revert to the old design, use the theme defined in the v10 theme sample. 2. Font sizes of the chart are now using rem by default. This may cause too small or too big fonts if your web page is using non-default root element font size. To avoid that, set chart.style.fontSize to 16px or any other values you see fit. 3. The top-level labels option has been deprecated for a long time and is now removed. Use Annotations instead. 4. Time-related settings on the global options structure are removed. Use the time options instead. 5. The new version of the sonification module is not backwards compatible with the old, experimental module. 6. The default builds were changed to ECMAScript version ES2016. See the system requirements on how to support IE11 and other legacy browsers. 7. If you're using chart.styledMode, and your end users have prefers-color-scheme set to dark in their browsers, they may now be presented with dark-themed charts. The exception is if your CSS overrides the default coloring. 8. Changed default rotationMode to circular for sunburst data labels. ## Framework bug fixes: 1. Fixed #18869, redundant chart redraws on changing title, subtitle or caption font size, or top level chart font size. 2. Fixed #19017, failure in parsing negative numbers with spaces in the data module. 3. Fixed #19053, a regression since 10.3 causing item series update not to work correctly. 4. Fixed #19051, axis crossing was not always correct. 5. Fixed #18985, updating enableMouseTracking from `true` to `false` didn't work. 6. Fixed #17589, update of multiple data labels didn't work in specific conditions. 7. Fixed #17791, `pointRange` wasn't calculated for multiple series with single points. 8. Fixed #19028, border radius was wrongly applied for negative column points when the zoneAxis option was `x`. 9. Fixed #12063, packed bubble parent nodes had a bad position after width update. 10. Fixed #18891, invisible data labels in treegraph series reacted to hover. 11. Fixed #18960, a regression in v11, wrong placement for data labels in dumbbell series. 12. Fixed #18110, `yAxis.maxPadding` was ignored when yAxis.softMin was set. 13. Fixed #18956, a regression causing small sankey nodes rendering as circles. 14. Fixed #18876, updating the `tooltip` didn't work when wasn't declared in the chart configuration. 15. Fixed #18884, sunburst circular labels did not work when the difference in value was small. 16. Fixed #18928, a regression in v11 causing the tooltip to not display in subsequent charts when the first chart in the web page was hidden. 17. Fixed #18821, hidden overlapped data labels with `useHTML` on were still active for the mouseover event. 18. Fixed sonification issue where resuming after pause ignored the original onEnd argument. 19. Fixed too low contrast for credits in High Contrast theme. 20. Fixed #14602, arearange series.label.onArea was not implemented. 21. Fixed #18856, the last point wasn't displayed while hovering in the boost module. 22. Fixed #18790, custom symbols were incorrectly positioned in some cases. 23. Fixed #18103, Y zoom while panning on top of the plot when chart inverted was not working. 24. Fixed #18066, after updating the series data to one point with category xAxis there were unwanted labels. 25. Fixed #17720, the tooltip with enabled outside and split properties was badly positioned for some series. 26. Fixed #18693, tooltip.stickOnContact threw errors on hover between one series with `followPointer` set to true and the second series `followPointer` set to false. 27. Fixed #18741, incorrect guide box behaviour while dragging stacked bars. 28. Fixed #14080, bubble legend didn't work correctly if the `legendItemClick` event for one series was prevented. 29. Fixed #18635, bad tooltip position in an inverted chart inside a scrollable container when tooltip.outside was true. 30. Fixed #17614, timeline styled mode default colors. 31. Fixed #18617, stack labels in inverted charts were mispositioned in the y axis. 32. Fixed #18636, waterfall lines missing when there was a `null` point. 33. Fixed #17168, the Sunburst series didn’t work properly when the chart was inverted. 34. Fixed #17257, item chart points color wasn't updating. 35. Fixed #17280, bubbles with `z: 0` caused points to disappear. 36. Fixed #16516, legend symbol height didn't accept 0 as a value. 37. Fixed #18501, vertical alignment of stack labels didn't work with logarithmic axes. 38. Fixed #18502, `pointPadding` for heatmap series wasn't working with reversed axes. 39. Fixed #18444, a polar chart with type "bar" and data labels caused JavaScript error. 40. Fixed #17912, column range points were not aligned with column points. 41. Fixed #18443, the `className` property in guideBox didn't work for drag & drop. 42. Fixed #10005, wrong series name and legend item by using data.seriesMapping property. 43. Fixed #18422, stacked polar column chart with zero value rendered a wedge across the whole y axis. 44. Fixed #16675, adding annotation from a custom button was not possible if the button had a custom SVG symbol. 45. Fixed #18305, updating series marker size was not working if the initial size was not set.
1 year ago
# Version 10.3.3 ## Framework: 1. Added `/es5` path for legacy script files on `code.highcharts.com` and in the npm package, see #18070. 2. Added new option, `exporting.allowTableSorting`, to allow turning off sorting of the data table. See #18007. ## Framework upgrade notes: 1. In Highcharts version 11, released at the earliest March 1 2023, the main script files at `code.highcharts.com` and npm will be compiled for evergreen browsers. This includes files like `highcharts.js`, `modules/exporting.js`, `accessibility.js` etc. Should you need to continue supporting browsers more than three years old, like IE11, we will provide legacy script files in the `/es5` folder. These files are now available, and we recommend you do the switch before the release of version 11. See a `live example`, or read the details at #18070. 2. Lollipop series data values should now be given as `y`, not as `low`. See `live demo`. ## Framework bug fixes: 1. Inheritance refactor of Lollipop series, #14103. 2. Fixed #17888, plot line labels with `align: 'right'` and `textAlign: 'left'` weren't displayed. Added clip option for labels to allow displaying outside the plot area. 3. Refactored how the position of stack labels is calculated. Closed #16764, #12133, #15129 and #17116. 4. Fixed #17998, setting linecap wasn't reflected in legend items. 5. Fixed #14114, color axis marker color did not get applied to most series in styled mode. 6. Fixed #16274, custom marker symbol size was not being updated. 7. Fixed #18212, long treemap data labels with `useHTML` set to `true` were wrongly positioned. 8. Fixes #18147, some data labels weren't rendered correctly in polar charts. 9. Fixed issue with series label overlapping data labels. 10. Fixed #16944, wrong tooltip position when using the `positioner` callback and `outside: true`. 11. Fixed #18168, legend item was mispositioned if the related series was located at the top of the chart and proximate layout was enabled. 12. Fixed #17948, the tooltip position was bad when yAxis.reversedStacks was set to `false`. 13. Fixed #17314, chart.alignThresholds and stacking were not working correctly together. 14. Fixed #18116, the central data label in sunburst series was too short. 15. Fixed #18080, hovering over area range points after zoom reset was throwing errors. 16. Fixed #18145, boost module couldn't render series with colour set to grey. 17. Fixed #18127, a regression causing an unintended border on data labels when setting `backgroundColor` and `borderColor` but no explicit `borderWidth`. 18. Fixed #17856, line color in hover state did not work as expected in heatmap. 19. Fixed #17933, x axis labels had incorrect styling after drilling down. 20. Fixed #17963, breadcrumbs' position and display were incorrect when scrollablePlotArea was enabled. 21. Fixed #17970, wrong color on heatmap point when updating from `null` to a valid number.
1 year ago
# Version 10.3.2 ## Framework: 1. Refactored and simplified series group inversion logic. It is now simpler and more lightweight, and allows animating the transition between a non-inverted and inverted chart. ## Framework bug fixes: 1. Fixed #17815, the tooltip didn't receive styling from `series.options.className` in `styledMode`. 2. Fixed #17957, data labels disappeared on point hover when `marker.enabled` was set to false. 3. Fixed #17991, adding an invisible series caused error upon attempted exiting of fullscreen, when pattern-fill was set. 4. Fixed regressions with missing tooltip on organization chart and sankey chart nodes after v10.3.0. 5. Fixed #17753, removed not allowed `<` symbol from attributes. 6. Fixed #17902, in stacked waterfalls, the `x` value was not available for the context of `stackLabels.formatter`. 7. Fixed #12133, stack labels alignment was wrong when scrollablePlotArea was enabled. 8. Fixed #17878, column series cursor was incorrect after `plotOptions` update. 9. Fixed #12416, tooltip did not update when scrolling scrollable plot area. 10. Fixed #17952, added TypeScript support to package files in `es-module/masters`. 11. Removed stroke/stroke-width workaround for older browser bug.
1 year ago
# Version 10.3.1 ## Framework: 1. Added new feature, `zooming on polar charts`. See #16992. 2. Added new feature, `series.label.useHTML` to support HTML formatting in series labels. See #17282. 3. Made the legend items of venn diagrams list the names of points instead of the names of series, see #17113. 4. Changed the `default values` for dependency wheel data label vertical positioning. 5. Files of v10.3.0 were missing from npm. ## Framework bug fixes: 1. Fixed #17839, spacebar would not toggle items in the legend when using the accessibility module. 2. Fixed #17538, export failed in Firefox using styled mode and CSS variables. 3. Fixed #17315, item series custom marker was stretched after redrawing. 4. Fixed #14226, auto rotation of tick labels didn't work when step set to 1. 5. Fixed #17685, the tooltip sometimes got stuck when combining the `useHTML` and `stickOnContact` options. 6. Fixed #17177, updating `tooltip.followTouchMove` didn't work. 7. Fixed #17785, a regression causing drag and drop of bubbles between packed bubble groups to fail. 8. Fixed #17630, making it possible to display percentage values when hovering over a boosted stacked point. 9. Fixed #17288, pie chart shadows were not applied on update. 10. Fixed #17639, exporting feature was removing duplicated points. 11. Fixed #17677, a regression causing text and outline out of alignment for sunburst data labels. 12. Fixed #17610, `centerInCategory` did not consider columns with the same x-value when centering them.
1 year ago
# Version 10.2.1 ## iOS: 1. Added SwiftUI demo project and how to use Highcharts with SwiftUI into the readme. ## Framework: 1. Refactored zoom options, introduced new object structure as `chart.zooming`. 2. Added `Highcharts.Series.types` and `Series.registerType(type, class)` for custom series, see #17551. ## Framework bug fixes: 1. Fixed #17413, data labels contrast color omitted the chart background. 2. Fixed #17547; if `chart.zoomType` option is set, boosted rendering will not be forced as long as threshold is not reached. 3. Fixed #17627, single quoted attributes were not recognized and caused color style not to apply in tooltips. 4. Fixed #15752, arearange didn’t work in parallel coordinates. 5. Fixed #17442, color axis data classes were not keyboard navigable. 6. Fixed #17438, updating points with the category axis gave the wrong x position. 7. Fixed #17486, `bubbleZExtremes` was not removed when the bubble series was removed. 8. Fixed #17481, zones clip was incorrectly calculated and the line was partially missing when `scrollablePlotArea` was enabled. 9. Fixed #17484, changed the link opacity on hover in organization series. 10. Fixed #17472, shared tooltip did not work in polar charts. 11. Fixed #17359, `stickyTracking` was not respected correctly for polar charts. 12. Fixed #17401, console error from accessibility module when using numeric point id.
1 year ago
# Version 10.2.0 ## iOS: 1. Added Mac Catalyst support to the main framework, #398 ## Framework: 1. Added option to sort the chart data table by clicking the column headers. See #16972. 2. Added RTL support for breadcrumbs, see #17340. 3. Added new feature, `series.onPoint`, allowing to display some series types (e.g. pie) over a point with a given id. See #12526. ## Framework bug fixes: 1. Fixed #17273, data labels did not always have enough contrast. Ensured maximum contrast according to W3C's relative luminance. 2. Fixed #12206, `xAxis.labels.y` did not adapt to multiline labels when `xAxis.opposite` was true. 3. Fixed #17281, an error in console when bubble with custom marker exceeded the `zThreshold`. 4. Fixed #17285, made the `opacity` property work for different states in the `sankey` series. 5. Fixed #17167, legend title didn't hide when chart data was empty. 6. Fixed #17336, hover state was only applied once to buttons. 7. Fixed #11816, in gauge series, added dial `path` into API documentation. 8. Fixed #17352, the tooltip was not visible after updating `scrollablePlotArea`. 9. Fixed #17381, generic class names in data table conflicted with commonly used classes in CSS. 10. Fixed #17186, CSV rows were missing delimiters when data was missing at the end of a row. 11. Fixed #17236, timeout for accessibility module warning caused test issues.

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