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Packages published by hfutrell

hfutrell/BezierKit v0.15.0
Bezier curves and paths in Swift for building vector applications
⭐️ 255
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- improves WASM support with inclusion of `Path.data` / `Path.init(_ data:)` - fixes WASM-specific stack overflow issue in intersection routines - exposes `.data` method to Objective-C whose visibility had been accidentally removed
2 years ago
- Initial support for WASM - move to using GitHub actions for CI (no more Travis) - Obj-C code that uses `BezierKitPath` and `BezierKitPathComponent` should now use `Path` and `PathComponent` or provide their own typedefs.
2 years ago
-- fixes issue #47 by implementing hash function which provides implementation of Swift Hashable protocol
2 years ago
* adds low overhead `Path` and `PathComponent` implementation of `CGPath` method `apply(info:, function:)` * adds low overhead `Path` and `PathComponent` implementation of `CGPath` method `boundingBoxOfPath`
2 years ago
-- uses much faster analytical method for `curve.selfIntersections`. Removed accuracy parameter since it is no longer needed there (self intersections will always be found with very high accuracy). -- improves curve-curve intersection performance (`curve.intersections(with:)`) in certain cases such as when requesting very precise accuracy or when curves intersect tangentially.
3 years ago
- adds APIs to `Path` and `PathComponent` for derivatives and normals (`derivative(at:)` and `normal(at:)`) - moderate reduction of memory footprint of paths created with `Path.init(cgPath:)` - reduces Swift runtime overhead of `point(at:)` for `Path` and `PathComponent`
3 years ago
* new API for getting x and y coordinates of Bezier Curves as individual polynomials * improved accuracy of `Path.contains(_:)` in some circumstances
3 years ago
* speeds up implementation of `CubicCurve.project(_:)` by a factor of 2 * provides implementation of `Path.project(_:)` and `PathComponent.project(_:)` to help common task of finding closest point on path * additional performance tests
3 years ago
Makes PathComponentRange properties mutable and exposes constructor publicly
3 years ago
- adds support for installation via Swift Package Manager (SPM) - adds support for `NSSecureCoding` in `Path` - adds support for Linux (excluding interoperability with unavailable `CoreGraphics` APIs such as `CGPath`)
iOS macOS

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