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Packages published by hbang

hbang/Alderis 1.2.3
A fresh new color picker, with a gentle, fun, and dead simple user interface.
⭐️ 233
🕓 48 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


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48 weeks ago
* Fixes settings not being saved for tweaks using libcolorpicker compatibility on rootless devices. For the SDK, refer to Assets under [1.2](https://github.com/hbang/Alderis/releases/tag/1.2.0). The rootful package is identical to 1.2.
48 weeks ago
* Fixes Alderis not working on rootless A12 and newer devices. For the SDK, refer to Assets under [1.2](https://github.com/hbang/Alderis/releases/tag/1.2.0). The rootful package is identical to 1.2. The rootless build was recompiled using the latest Xcode.
48 weeks ago
* Adds support for [rootless](https://theapplewiki.com/wiki/Rootless) jailbreaks. For the SDK, refer to Assets under [1.2](https://github.com/hbang/Alderis/releases/tag/1.2.0). No binary changes in this release - this is simply a repackaging for rootless. The rootful package is identical to 1.2.
1 year ago
* Adds a **Contrast Checker** tab, where you can try your selected color in various configurations, and test its contrast against an algorithm. ![Alderis’s Contrast Checker tab displaying pink text with 4.81 (23%) contrast on a white background.](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/773309/169775682-c6aa9311-5906-46c8-9fa5-fcb6f5be4dcb.png) * Adds a context menu on color wells, allowing copying a color in a variety of formats. (Requires iOS 14.) ![Alderis’s color context menu, allowing copying a color in hex, RGB, HSL, Objective-C, and Swift formats, or pasting a color.](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/773309/169775746-c1630663-c71d-4917-be9d-23bcdea16f31.png) * Adds **HSL** (Hue, Saturation, and Lightness) to the color sliders tab. As compared to the existing HSB (Hue, Saturation, and Brightness) sliders, HSL uses a slightly different formula that is considered more realistic to how we perceive color. HSL is also used by CSS. ![Alderis’s HSL sliders being displayed with a lime green color.](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/773309/169775796-7ff0f333-307d-411d-a705-a9d44b410f72.png) * Adds a gradient background to color sliders, so you can see how your color will change if you tweak each slider. * UI has been tweaked all around to look great in Catalyst apps configured for Mac UI mode. ![An Alderis color picker being presented as a popup from a button labelled “Present” in a Mac app.](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/773309/169784215-6fcb6b26-1d1e-4390-a27b-de084add1bb5.png) * Hopefully fixes an issue with the jailbreak package sometimes not working on iOS 12. * Reduces jailbreak package size by 70%.
3 years ago
* Fixes a crash on iOS 14.0 - 14.1 in the jailbreak package. For the SDK, refer to Assets under [1.1.1](https://github.com/hbang/Alderis/releases/1.1.1). No binary changes in this release.
3 years ago
* Fixes missing `@objc` on `ColorPickerViewController.init(configuration:)`. * Fixes mysteriously missing parser for alpha values in `UIColor.init(propertyListValue:)`, and cleans up the scanner logic a bit. * Adds support for the new breaking iOS 14 arm64e format for the jailbreak package.
3 years ago
* Major code improvement and cleanup. * Adds full [documentation](https://hbang.github.io/Alderis/). * Now published on CocoaPods, and can be integrated via Carthage and Swift Package Manager. Refer to [the readme](https://hbang.github.io/Alderis/) for more info. * Some UI refinements. * Selection changes in the color picker are now passed to the delegate “live”, so that you can update your UI instantly to provide a more integrated experience. * Adds a new [`ColorPickerConfiguration`](https://hbang.github.io/Alderis/Classes/ColorPickerConfiguration.html) class, with a variety of behavior and visual options. * `ColorPickerCircleView` has been renamed to [`ColorWell`](https://hbang.github.io/Alderis/Classes/ColorWell.html), and now acts like a `UIControl`. It supports drag and drop, and you can set up a tap action to present a color picker from it. * Adds drag and drop support on the color picker popup itself. * Color picker now appears as a popover in regular size classes (i.e., iPad and Mac Catalyst), and remains a bottom popup sheet in compact size classes (i.e. iPhone and iPad slideover). * Adds alpha/opacity slider (which can be disabled via the configuration if not relevant). * Adds greyscale slider. * Fixes the hex text field not accepting input. If you were already using Alderis 1.0, refer to [Migrating to 1.1](https://hbang.github.io/Alderis/migrating-to-11.html) for discussion on API changes. Thanks to @kabiroberai and @ryannair05 for contributing pull requests to this release!

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