Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by hamcrest

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Packages published by hamcrest

hamcrest/OCHamcrest v9.0.3
Hamcrest for Objective-C: Powerful, combinable, extensible matchers for verification
⭐️ 713
🕓 27 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Fix OCMockito Cocoapods for Xcode 15
27 weeks ago
Version 9.0.3 ------------- _07 Oct 2022_ **Project changes:** - Increased deployment targets to macOS 11.0, watchOS 4.0.
Fix Carthage
28 weeks ago
Version 9.0.2 ------------- _01 Oct 2022_ **Fixes:** - Fixes Carthage build to work with OCMockito. **Other:** - Restores "year of first publication" in copyright notices
2 years ago
Version 9.0.1 ------------- _13 Mar 2022_ **Fixes:** - Fix M1-only crash for SenTestingKit failures.
2 years ago
Version 9.0.0 ------------- _09 Oct 2021_ **Features:** - Add support for Swift Package Manager. _Thanks to: nrudnyk_ - Add Mac Catalyst to XCFramework-supported architectures in build script `makeXCFramework.sh` **Fixes:** - Fix HCArgumentCaptor issue capturing objects that don't implement -copy. _Thanks to: kmcbride_
3 years ago
Version 8.0.0 ------------- _19 Feb 2021_ - Packaged pre-built binary as single XCFramework containing 7 architectures: * macOS * iOS device * iOS simulator * tvOS device * tvOS simulator * watchOS device * watchOS simulator Note: - iOS projects that use the pre-built binary should now import OCHamcrest instead of OCHamcrestIOS. - macOS projects should remove OCHamcrest from the Copy Files build phase. - For Carthage builds, specify --use-xcframeworks _Thanks to: Mateusz Szklarek_ - Simplified project settings. In particular: * Removed iOS Static Library target. * Removed iOS-specific test target. * Simplified Product Bundle Identifiers.
3 years ago
Version 7.2.0 ------------- _31 Jan 2021_ **Features:** - Mac binary now supports Apple Silicon. - Report mismatches using XCTIssue if using Xcode 12 or higher. - Added Cartfile.project for Carthage caching. _Thanks to: René Pirringer_
4 years ago
Version 7.1.2 ------------- _23 Sep 2019_ **Fixes:** - Fix warning about double-quoted includes in public headers.
5 years ago
Version 7.1.1 ------------- _15 Jun 2018_ **Fixes:** - Fixed crash with HCArgumentCaptor capturing objects that don't conform to NSCopyable.
6 years ago
Version 7.1.0 ------------- _21 Mar 2018_ **Features:** - Made OCHamcrest/OCHamcrestIOS into modules, so you can `@import` them. CocoaPods users should specify `use_frameworks!` **Fixes:** - Fixed crash with HCArgumentCaptor capturing blocks.
6 years ago
Version 7.0.2 ------------- _19 Sep 2017_ **Fixes:** - Fixed new warnings from Xcode 9.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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